m_Items: []
- m_Id: 42717273712459776
m_Key: L1-Default-FryKind
m_Key: L1-Default-FryKing
_actor: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 2f14ee79b2fa2574480372fff57ec101, type: 2}
- m_TableReference:
m_TableCollectionName: GUID:f81a49615d56c1a4fbbd14b4569b06f3
m_TableCollectionName: Questline Dialogue
m_KeyId: 42717273712459776
m_KeyId: 0
m_FallbackState: 0
_choices: []
_dialogueType: 0
// Each line would also have an event associated, or another Dialogue
private void OnEnable()
//Only enabled when the dialogue table is changed
//Make sure the name of the SO is the same as the one used in the string table
void SetDialogueLines()