
Fix current questline + Add UI Healthbar into Game play scene

uChema 4 年前
共有 14 个文件被更改,包括 282 次插入187 次删除
  1. 18
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_en.asset
  2. 24
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_fr.asset
  3. 64
      UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_it.asset
  4. 2
  5. 119
  6. 8
  7. 218
  8. 2
      UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 2/Step2/S2-Q2-QL1.asset
  9. 2
      UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 2/Step3/S3-Q2-QL1.asset
  10. 2
      UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 3/Step2/S2-Q3-QL1.asset
  11. 2
      UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline2/Quest 1/Step2/S2-Q1-QL2.asset
  12. 2
      UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline2/Quest 1/Step3/S3-Q1-QL2.asset
  13. 2
  14. 4

UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_en.asset

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002471034883
m_Localized: 'Can you look for some tomatoes please? '
m_Localized: 'Can you look for some lobsters please? '
m_Localized: Did you find the tomatoes?
m_Localized: Did you find the lobster?
m_Localized: 'Here''s a Tomato soup recipe for you '
m_Localized: 'Here''s a lobster soup recipe for you '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229184

- m_Id: 238002475229185
m_Localized: 'Do you want a mixer? '
m_Localized: 'Do you want a hammer? '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229186

- m_Id: 238002475229187
m_Localized: 'Do you know how to cook a tomato soup ? '
m_Localized: 'Do you know how to cook a lobster soup ? '
m_Localized: 'Do you have the tomato soup ? '
m_Localized: 'Do you have the lobster soup ? '
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229189

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229191
m_Localized: Here you go
m_Localized: Here you go !
m_Localized: Okey come back when you want it
m_Localized: Okay, come back when you want it
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229193

- m_Id: 238002475229194
m_Localized: Okey come back when you know how to do it.
m_Localized: Okay, come back when you know how to do it.
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229195

UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_fr.asset

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103809
m_Localized: Bienvenue au village
m_Localized: Bienvenue au village !
m_Localized: Bienvenue au village
m_Localized: Bienvenue au village !
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 104386781184

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002471034882
m_Localized: Bonjour toi !
m_Localized: Bonjour!
m_Localized: Est ce que tu peux me trouver quelques tomates?
m_Localized: "Pouvez-vous me trouver un homard s'il vous pla\xEEt ?"
m_Localized: "As tu trouv\xE9 les tomates?"
m_Localized: Avez-vous trouvez le homard ?
m_Localized: Voici une recette pour de la soupe de tomates
m_Localized: Voici une recette pour de la soupe de homard
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229184

- m_Id: 238002475229185
m_Localized: 'Est ce que tu as un mixeur? '
m_Localized: Voulez-vous un marteau ?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229186

- m_Id: 238002475229187
m_Localized: "Est ce que tu sais pr\xE9parer de la soupe de tomate"
m_Localized: "Savez-vous comment pr\xE9parer une soupe de homard ?"
m_Localized: Est ce que tu as la soupe de tomate?
m_Localized: Avez-vous la soupe de homard ?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229189

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229193
m_Localized: 'Est ce que tu peux m''en ramener? '
m_Localized: Pouvez-vous m'en ramener ?
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 238002475229194

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 20323438161682432
m_Localized: Parfait ! On se voit labas
m_Localized: "Parfait ! On se voit l\xE0-bas"
m_Localized: 'Ok ! Vas y quand tu veux ! '
m_Localized: Ok ! Allez-y quand vous voulez !
m_Items: []
- m_Id: 21415600320274432

UOP1_Project/Assets/LocalizationFiles/AssetTables/QuestSystem/Questline Dialogue_it.asset

m_Items: []
- m_Id: 9306103808
m_Localized: Ciao
m_Localized: Hey!
m_Localized: Ben arrivato alla spiaggia
m_Localized: "Benvenuto in citt\xE1!"
m_Localized: Eccoti un coltello!
m_Localized: "Benvenuto in citt\xE1!"
m_Localized: Hey!
m_Localized: "Ora dirigiti in centro, dove c'\xE9 il leggendario chef che ti
m_Localized: Eccoci. Mi puoi cercare dei pomodori, per favore?
m_Localized: Di niente!
m_Localized: Hai trovato i pomodori?
m_Localized: Ciao
m_Localized: Eccoti una ricetta per una zuppa di pomodori.
m_Localized: Ben arrivato alla spiaggia
m_Localized: Di niente!
m_Localized: Eccoti un coltello!
m_Localized: Ciao, mi chiamo Earl
m_Localized: Hey!
m_Localized: Vuoi un frullatore?
m_Localized: Eccoci. Mi puoi cercare un'aragosta, per favore?
m_Localized: "Ciao, benvenuto in citt\xE1"
m_Localized: Hai trovato l'aragosta?
m_Localized: Vuoi sapere come cucinare una zuppa di pomodori?
m_Localized: Eccoti una ricetta per la zuppa d'aragosta.
m_Localized: Hai con te una zuppa di pomodori?
m_Localized: Ciao, mi chiamo Earl
m_Localized: Perfetto!
m_Localized: Vuoi un martello?
m_Localized: "Non c'\xE9 problema, torna quando ne hai trovati."
m_Localized: "Ciao, benvenuto in citt\xE1"
m_Localized: Ecco qua.
m_Localized: Sai come fare la zuppa d'aragosta?
m_Localized: Ok, torna quando l'hai trovati.
m_Localized: Hai un po' di zuppa d'aragosta?
m_Localized: Me ne puoi portare un po'?
m_Localized: Perfetto!
m_Localized: Ok, torna quando sai come farla.
m_Localized: "Non c'\xE9 problema, torna quando ce l'hai."
m_Localized: "Perfetto! \xC9 buonissima!"
m_Localized: Ecco qua.
m_Localized: "Non c'\xE9 problema, torna quando ne hai trovati."
m_Localized: Ok, torna quando lo vuoi.
m_Localized: "Benvenuto in citt\xE1!"
m_Localized: Me ne puoi portare un po'?
m_Localized: "Ora dirigiti in centro, dove c'\xE9 il leggendario chef che ti
m_Localized: Ok, torna quando sai come farla.
m_Localized: "S\xED"
m_Localized: "Perfetto! \xC9 buonissima!"
m_Localized: No
m_Localized: "Non c'\xE9 problema, torna quando ce l'hai."
m_Localized: "Perfetto! Ci vediamo l\xED!"
m_Localized: "S\xED"
m_Localized: Ok, vai quando vuoi!
m_Localized: No
m_Localized: Grazie!
m_Localized: "Perfetto! Ci vediamo l\xED!"
m_Localized: Di niente!
m_Localized: Ok, vai quando vuoi!
m_Localized: "Benvenuto in citt\xE1!"
m_Localized: Grazie!
m_Localized: Hey!
m_Localized: Di niente!
m_Items: []


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UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 2/Step2/S2-Q2-QL1.asset

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_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: c84b817cf081e72428c1793089e8d450, type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 735a41d8af06c466eb2776c3fff38307, type: 2}
_type: 2
_isDone: 0

UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 2/Step3/S3-Q2-QL1.asset

type: 2}
_completeDialogue: {fileID: 0}
_incompleteDialogue: {fileID: 0}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 06274ccd0edc3d54e9ddc0ae69cd3053, type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 4e4f02d17d76e4c94b68971951eaa717, type: 2}
_type: 3
_isDone: 0

UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline1/Quest 3/Step2/S2-Q3-QL1.asset

_completeDialogue: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 87bf1229407ff76429eb332084f2d279, type: 2}
_incompleteDialogue: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 84d1acc813d850f4f9d3ed5abbe4b8f6,
type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 7b870b4146bd349bb856ccc38dd7e528, type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 8b1e94c4f92884d8091fd1396cd68e3a, type: 2}
_type: 3
_isDone: 0

UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline2/Quest 1/Step2/S2-Q1-QL2.asset

_completeDialogue: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 97ec5f73cd128164a9de09eca5c7f6b1, type: 2}
_incompleteDialogue: {fileID: 11400000, guid: d4f21ffd4e75a31459226af2338531f1,
type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: c84b817cf081e72428c1793089e8d450, type: 2}
_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 46e53fbab0dda4af3aefacf845effa7f, type: 2}
_type: 2
_isDone: 0

UOP1_Project/Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline2/Quest 1/Step3/S3-Q1-QL2.asset

_completeDialogue: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 19469bb2595280d48a3e1e25357b5491, type: 2}
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_item: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 46e53fbab0dda4af3aefacf845effa7f, type: 2}
_type: 1
_isDone: 0


foreach (var itemStack in _playerInventory.Items)
saveData._itemStacks.Add(new SerializedItemStack(itemStack.Item.Guid, itemStack.Amount));
// saveData._itemStacks.Add(new SerializedItemStack(itemStack.Item.Guid, itemStack.Amount));
if (FileManager.MoveFile(saveFilename, backupSaveFilename))


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