public static void ShowWindow() |
{ |
QuestEditorWindow wnd = GetWindow<QuestEditorWindow>(); |
wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("QuestEditorWindow"); |
// Sets a minimum size to the window.
wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("QuestEditorWindow"); |
// Sets a minimum size to the window.
{ |
// Opens the window, otherwise focuses it if it’s already open.
QuestEditorWindow window = GetWindow<QuestEditorWindow>(); |
// Adds a title to the window.
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("QuestEditorWindow"); |
// Sets a minimum size to the window.
window.minSize = new Vector2(250, 250); |
{ |
// Opens the window, otherwise focuses it if it’s already open.
QuestEditorWindow window = GetWindow<QuestEditorWindow>(); |
// Adds a title to the window.
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("QuestEditorWindow"); |
// Sets a minimum size to the window.
window.minSize = new Vector2(250, 250); |
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement; |
// Import UXML
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement; |
// Import UXML
root.Add(visualTree.CloneTree()); |
//Import USS
root.Add(visualTree.CloneTree()); |
//Import USS
root.styleSheets.Add(styleSheet); |
//Register button event
root.styleSheets.Add(styleSheet); |
//Register button event
Button refreshQuestPreviewBtn = root.Q<Button>("refresh-preview-btn"); |
refreshQuestPreviewBtn.RegisterCallback<ClickEvent>((evt) => SetUpQuestPreview(_currentSeletedQuest)); |
private void LoadAllQuestsData() |
{ |
//Load all questlines
{ |
//Load all questlines
FindAllSOByType(out QuestlineSO[] questLineSOs); |
RefreshListView(out ListView allQuestlinesListView, "questlines-list", questLineSOs); |
ClearElements(selectionType.Questline); |
_idStepSelected = allStepsListView.selectedIndex; |
_currentSelectedStep = GetDataFromListViewItem<StepSO>(stepEnumerable); |
DisplayAllProperties(_currentSelectedStep, "step-info-scroll"); |
ClearElements(selectionType.Step); |
//Find all DialogueDataSOs in the same folder of the StepSO
ClearElements(selectionType.Step); |
//Find all DialogueDataSOs in the same folder of the StepSO
FindAllDialogueInStep(_currentSelectedStep, out DialogueDataSO[] dialogueDataSOs); |
if (dialogueDataSOs != null) |
{ |
}; |
} |
VisualElement DialogueList = rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("dialogues-list"); |
SetAddDialogueButtonsForStep(out VisualElement ButtonsPanel); |
SetAddDialogueButtonsForStep(out VisualElement ButtonsPanel); |
DialogueList.Add(ButtonsPanel); |
}; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(_currentSeletedQuest); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
_currentSelectedStep.DialogueBeforeStep = asset; |
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.StartDialogue; |
// asset.CreateLine();
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.StartDialogue; |
// asset.CreateLine();
rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("steps-list").Q<ListView>().SetSelection(_idStepSelected); |
} |
private void AddCompletionDialogue() |
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline" + questlineId + "/Quest" + questId + "/Step" + stepId + "/CD-S" + stepId + "-Q" + questId + "-QL" + questlineId + ".asset"); |
_currentSelectedStep.CompleteDialogue = asset; |
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.CompletionDialogue; |
// asset.CreateLine();
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.CompletionDialogue; |
// asset.CreateLine();
EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(_currentSeletedQuest); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
stepId = _currentSeletedQuest.Steps.FindIndex(o => o == _currentSelectedStep) + 1; |
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline" + questlineId + "/Quest" + questId + "/Step" + stepId + "/ID-S" + stepId + "-Q" + questId + "-QL" + questlineId + ".asset"); |
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.IncompletionDialogue; |
asset.DialogueType = DialogueType.IncompletionDialogue; |
_currentSelectedStep.IncompleteDialogue = asset; |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(_currentSeletedQuest); |
} |
private void LoadAndInitStepUXML(StepSO step) |
{ |
//Clear actor conversations area
ScrollView actorConversationsVE = rootVisualElement.Q<ScrollView>("actor-conversations"); |
// Import UXML
{ |
//Clear actor conversations area
ScrollView actorConversationsVE = rootVisualElement.Q<ScrollView>("actor-conversations"); |
// Import UXML
VisualElement dialogueAreaVE = stepVE.Q<VisualElement>("dialogue-area"); |
VisualElement dialogueAreaVE = stepVE.Q<VisualElement>("dialogue-area"); |
stepVE.Q<Label>("step-title-label").text = "Step" + step.name[1]; |
stepVE.Q<Label>("step-title-label").text = "Step" + step.name[1]; |
Toggle isDoneToggle = stepVE.Q<Toggle>("step-done-toggle"); |
isDoneToggle.value = step.IsDone; |
isDoneToggle.SetEnabled(false); |
if (dialogueToPreview != null) |
{ |
//setPreview Actor for each step
{ |
//setPreview Actor for each step
Image actorPreview = LoadActorImage(step.Actor.name); |
//Add Image
Image actorPreview = LoadActorImage(step.Actor.name); |
//Add Image
} |
//Type (Check Item etc)
} |
//Type (Check Item etc)
if (step.Type == StepType.Dialogue) |
{ |
VisualElement itemValidateVE = stepVE.Q<VisualElement>("item-validate"); |
} |
private void LoadAndInitOptionsDialogueLineUXML(DialogueDataSO completeDialogue, DialogueDataSO incompleteDialogue, VisualElement parent) |
{ |
// Import UXML
{ |
// Import UXML
VisualElement dialogueVE = dialogueVisualTree.CloneTree(); |
// Set line
VisualElement dialogueVE = dialogueVisualTree.CloneTree(); |
// Set line
Label rightLineLabel = dialogueVE.Q<Label>("right-line-label"); |
// leftLineLabel.text = completeDialogue.DialogueLines[0].GetLocalizedStringImmediateSafe();
// if (incompleteDialogue != null)
//rightLineLabel.text = incompleteDialogue.DialogueLines[0].GetLocalizedStringImmediateSafe();
// hide options
Label rightLineLabel = dialogueVE.Q<Label>("right-line-label"); |
// leftLineLabel.text = completeDialogue.DialogueLines[0].GetLocalizedStringImmediateSafe();
// if (incompleteDialogue != null)
//rightLineLabel.text = incompleteDialogue.DialogueLines[0].GetLocalizedStringImmediateSafe();
// hide options
VisualElement buttonArea = dialogueVE.Q<VisualElement>("buttons"); |
buttonArea.style.display = DisplayStyle.None; |
} |
private void DisplayAllProperties(Object data, string visualElementName) |
{ |
//Clear panel
{ |
//Clear panel
parentVE.Clear(); |
//Add new scrollview
parentVE.Clear(); |
//Add new scrollview
ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView(); |
SerializedObject dataObject = new SerializedObject(data); |
parentVE.Add(scrollView); |
} |
void AddQuestline() |
{ |
//get questline id
{ |
//get questline id
FindAllSOByType(out QuestlineSO[] questLineSOs); |
int id = questLineSOs.Length; |
id++; |
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests", "Questline" + id); |
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(asset, "Assets/ScriptableObjects/Quests/Questline" + id + "/QL" + id + ".asset"); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
LoadAllQuestsData(); |
} |
void RemoveQuestline() |
RemoveQuest(quest); |
_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.RemoveAt(0); |
} |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(_currentSelectedQuestLine.GetPath()); |
//refresh List
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(_currentSelectedQuestLine.GetPath()); |
//refresh List
LoadAllQuestsData(); |
_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.Add(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(_currentSelectedQuestLine); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("questlines-list").Q<ListView>().SetSelection(_idQuestlineSelected); |
} |
return; |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
return; |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.Remove(_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.Find(o => o == _currentSeletedQuest)); |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.Remove(_currentSelectedQuestLine.Quests.Find(o => o == _currentSeletedQuest)); |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
while (_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Count > 0) |
{ |
StepSO step = _currentSeletedQuest.Steps[0]; |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(_currentSeletedQuest.GetPath()); |
_idQuestSelected = -1; |
//refresh List
_idQuestSelected = -1; |
//refresh List
rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("questlines-list").Q<ListView>().SetSelection(_idQuestlineSelected); |
} |
return; |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
return; |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
{ |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
{ |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
RemoveStep(step); |
} |
_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Add(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(asset); |
EditorUtility.SetDirty(_currentSeletedQuest); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); |
rootVisualElement.Q<VisualElement>("quests-list").Q<ListView>().SetSelection(_idQuestSelected); |
if (_currentSelectedStep == null) |
return; |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
return; |
//When removing a step, remove its references in the parent quest
_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Remove(_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Find(o => o == _currentSelectedStep)); |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Remove(_currentSeletedQuest.Steps.Find(o => o == _currentSelectedStep)); |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
if (_currentSelectedStep.DialogueBeforeStep != null) |
{ |
RemoveDialogue(_currentSelectedStep.DialogueBeforeStep); |
RemoveDialogue(_currentSelectedStep.IncompleteDialogue); |
} |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(_currentSelectedStep.GetPath()); |
_idStepSelected = -1; |
//refresh List
_idStepSelected = -1; |
//refresh List
return; |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
return; |
//when removing a step remove its dialogues
if (stepToRemove.DialogueBeforeStep != null) |
{ |
RemoveDialogue(stepToRemove.DialogueBeforeStep); |
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(stepToRemove.GetPath()); |
} |
void RemoveDialogue(DialogueDataSO dialogueToRemove) |
{ |
// dialogueToRemove.RemoveLineFromSharedTable();
{ |
// dialogueToRemove.RemoveLineFromSharedTable();
AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(dialogueToRemove.GetPath()); |
} |
dialoguePreviewVE.name = "Dialogue"; |
dialoguePreviewVE.name = "Dialogue"; |
/*foreach (LocalizedString localizedString in dialogueDataSO.DialogueLines) |
{ |
Label dialogueLine = new Label(); |
choicesVE.Add(choiceVE); |
} |
dialoguePreviewVE.Add(choicesVE); |
}*/ |
}*/ |
return dialoguePreviewVE; |
} |