
Updated README + Manifest final fixes.

Thomas ICHÉ 5 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 19 次插入12 次删除
  1. 26
  2. 5


Gameplay Ingredients for your Unity Games - A collection of scripts that ease simple tasks while making games and prototypes.
<u>You can read Documentation at this address :</u> [https://peeweek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gameplay-ingredients/](https://peeweek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gameplay-ingredients/)
* Unity 2018.3 / 2019.1 / 2019.2 / 2019.3
* **Unity 2019.3** (Older versions compatible with 2018.3 / 2019.1 / 2019.2)
* (**Optional** : Command-line Git installed on your system, for example [Git For Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/))
You can use a manual, local package installation if you need to alter the code locally or automate the fetch of the repository by using a git address directly. The latter option shall download and manage automatically the repository, with the drawback of being read-only.
You can use a manual, local package installation if you need to alter the code locally or update the code base regularly.
Otherwise, you can perform a git referenced package in your `manifset.json` file : this option shall download and manage automatically the repository, with the drawback of being read-only.
- Clone repository somewhere of your liking
- Clone this repository somewhere of your liking
- The repository shall be added
- The package shall be added as a **local package**
- With unity closed, edit the `Packages/manifest.json` with a text editor
- append the line ` "net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients": "https://github.com/peeweek/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients.git#2018.3.0",` under `dependencies`
- Ensure you have a **[Command Line Git](https://gitforwindows.org/) Installed**
- With Unity 2019.3 closed, edit the `Packages/manifest.json` with a text editor
- Append the line ` "net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients": "https://github.com/peeweek/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients.git#2019.3.0",` under `dependencies`
Gameplay Ingredients comes with the following compatibility:
Gameplay Ingredients comes at latest version with the following compatibility:
**Unity 2019.3** : clone and check out the `master` branch at the tag `2019.3.0`
#### Older Versions
* **Unity 2019.3** : choose the tag `2019.3.0` (not published atm)


"version": "2019.3.0",
"category": "Gameplay",
"unity": "2019.3",
"description": "Gameplay ingredients - A Collection of scripts for the editor and runtime to set-up gameplay actions and logic in your games",
"description": "Gameplay ingredients - A Collection of scripts for the editor and runtime to set-up gameplay actions and logic in your games.",
"dependencies": {
"com.unity.cinemachine": "2.3.4"

"hideInEditor": false,
"type": "tool"
"hideInEditor": false