Gameplay Ingredients是一组用于 Unity 游戏的运行时和编辑器工具:一组脚本的集合,可在制作游戏和原型时简化简单的任务。
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  • Call Tree Explorer : Using Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Call Tree Explorer , opens a window that lists the tree of Events, Logic and Actions, State Machines and Event Calling Actions
  • Folders: In the Game Object creation Menu, Select folder to add a folder in the hierarchy. Automatically adds Static Game Objects with colored icon (Displayed using Advanced Hierarchy View)
  • Added option in GameplayIngredientsSettings to disable visibility of Callable[] bound to Update Loops.
  • Added OnUpdate Event : Perform calls every update
  • Added OnColider Event : Perform calls upon collisions
  • Added OnJoinBreak Event : Perform calls upon Rigid body joint break
  • Added FlipFlop Logic : Two-state latch logic
  • Added State Logic : Perform logic based on State Machine current state.
  • Added Audio Mix Snapshot Action : Set Mixer Snapshots
  • Added RigidBody Action : Perform actions on a rigidbody
  • Added SetAnimatorParameterAction : Perform parameter setting on Animators
  • Added Sacrifice Oldest option to Factory
  • Added Folder Cosmetic Behavior (for view in Advanced HIerarchy View)
  • Added Timer Component
  • Added TimerAction to control Timer
  • Added TimerDisplayRig
  • Added Global Variables (Globals + Local Scope)
  • Added Global Variable Set Action
  • Added Global Variable Logic
  • Added Global Variables Reset Action
  • Added Context Menu in ToggleGameObjectAction to update entries based on current enabled state in scene.


  • Moved Menu Items in Window menu into a Gameplay Ingredients Subfolder
  • GameManager Resets Global Variables Local Scope on Level Load


  • Fixed LinkGameView not working in play mode when excluding VirtualCameraManager.
  • Fixed Performance issue in GameplayIngredientsSettings when having a big list of Excluded managers.
  • Fixed ApplicationExitAction : Exits play mode when in Editor.



  • [Breaking Change] Discover Assets now reference many Scenes/SceneSetups
    • Action to take: have to re-reference scenes in Discover Asset


  • Added Screenshot Manager (Defaults to F11 to take screenshots)
  • Added OnMouseDownEvent
  • Added OnMouseHoverEvent
  • Added OnVisibilityEvent
  • Added SaveDataSwitchOnIntLogic


  • Fixed warning in CycleResolutionsAction




  • Log Action
  • Added Playable Director to objects in discover (to open atimeline at a give playable director)
  • Added support of Game Save Value index for Factories (in order to select a blueprint object from a saved value)


  • Fixed Import Errors at first project load, including the way we load discover and GameplayIngredients project settings

  • Secure checks in Gathering Manager classes from assembly (skips protected assemblies now)



  • Removed counts in OnTriggerEvent
  • Callables can now be friendly-named (with default formatting)
  • Updated Starter Packages


  • Added NTimesLogic (split from OnTriggerEvent)

  • Added Replace Mode for Level Streaming Manager

  • Added UIToggle Action and Property Drawer

  • Added Audio Play Clip Action

  • Added Platform Logic

  • New Welcome Screen, with Wizard

  • New optional GameplayIngredients Project Configuration asset

    • Toggles for verbose callable logging
    • Manager Exclusion List
  • New Scene from Template Window + Config SceneTemplateLists Assets

    • Helps creating new scenes from user-made templates
  • New Discover Window System:

    • Adds a new DiscoverAsset to reference Levels / Scene Setups
    • Adds new Discover components in scenes
    • Discover window helps navigate scenes while in editor and discover content.
  • Added improved Game Manager

    • Manages loading of main menu & levels directly instead of using LevelStreamingManager
    • Manages Level Startup in sync after all scenes have started.


  • Fixed code to run on Unity 2019.1
  • Fixed factory managed objects upon destroy
  • Fixes in LinkGameView when application is not playing
  • Fix in LevelStreamingManager incorrect computation of Scene Counts
  • Fixes in VirtualCameraManager
  • Fixes in Find/Replace window
  • Fixes in Hierarchy View Hints for Unity 2019.3 new skin


Initial Version