![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peeweek/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/master/Documentation%7E/Images/site-banner.png) Gameplay Ingredients for your Unity Games - A collection of scripts that ease simple tasks while making games and prototypes. You can read Documentation at this address : [https://peeweek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gameplay-ingredients/](https://peeweek.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gameplay-ingredients/) ## Requirements * **Unity 2019.3** (Older versions compatible with 2018.3 / 2019.1 / 2019.2) * Package Manager UI * (**Optional** : Command-line Git installed on your system, for example [Git For Windows](https://gitforwindows.org/)) ## How to install You can use a manual, local package installation if you need to alter the code locally or update the code base regularly. Otherwise, you can perform a git referenced package in your `manifset.json` file : this option shall download and manage automatically the repository, with the drawback of being read-only. ### Manual Version - Clone this repository somewhere of your liking - In your project, open the `Window/Package Manager` window and use the + button to select the `Add Package from Disk...` option. - Navigate to your repository folder and select the `package.json` file - The package shall be added as a **local package** ### Git reference version - Ensure you have a **[Command Line Git](https://gitforwindows.org/) Installed** - With Unity 2019.3 closed, edit the `Packages/manifest.json` with a text editor - Append the line ` "net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients": "https://github.com/peeweek/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients.git#2019.3.0",` under `dependencies` You can check that the package was imported by looking at the project window, under Packages/ Hierarchy, there should be a `Gameplay Ingredients` hierarchy # Version / Tag Compatibility Gameplay Ingredients comes at latest version with the following compatibility: **Unity 2019.3** : clone and check out the `master` branch at the tag `2019.3.0` #### Older Versions * **Unity 2018.3 / 2018.4 :** choose the tag `2018.3.0` * **Unity 2019.1 / 2019.2 :** choose the tag `2019.1.2`