# Changelog ## 2020.2.9 #### Fixed * Revised Iconography, Breadcrumb UI ## 2020.2.8 #### Fixed * CRITICAL : Fixed compilation errors when VFX Graph not present * Removed HDRP Additional Camera data from `Default_VirtualCameraManager` to prevent warnings on builds when using URP/BiRP ## 2020.2.7 #### Added * Added `OnVFXOutputEvent` that triggers upon a visual effect output event * Added `WarnDisabledModuleAttribute` for GameplayIngredientsBehaviors that need to be disabled (encapsulate into #ifdefs ) * Added New Input System support: * Handles presence/absence of both systems (legacy/new) in Screenshot Manager, UIEventManager * Added a page in the Wizard to create a default UIEventManager based on wanted Input System * Added static `InputActionManager` that enables/disables InputActions based on their use in Events * Added static `InputSystemUtility to return Controls based on keys/buttons` * Added `InputSystemLogic` for Input System that checks which system is enabled. * Added Events for Input System * `OnInputActionEvent` defines InputActions directly on component * `OnInputAssetActionEvent` defines InputActions based on Assets * `OnInputDirectEvent` polls state without InputActions * `OnPlayerInputAction` gets input from a `PlayerInput` * Reworked PlayerInput for FirstPersonController using both Input Systems * Added Cinemachine Actions: * `CinemachineSetCameraNoiseAction` : Defines or remove noise for a Virtual Camera * `CinemachineSetCustomBlendsAction` : Defines custom blends for the Cinemachine Brain of the Virtual Camera Manager * `CinemachineCameraShakeAction` : Trigger camera shakes for Cinemachine Impulse Sources #### Fixed * Fixed Callable add Menu that did not set correctly non-public callable lists. ## 2020.2.6 #### Added * Added 2D On Collider/Trigger Events : `OnCollider2DEvent` / `OnTrigger2DEvent` * Handle Drop in Callable Reorderable Lists : Dropped Callables components are added to the list. Dropped Game Objects will prompt a menu to select which callable to add. #### Fixed * Fixed Callable Reorderable List Undo * Fixed Out of sync Ingredients explorer Window : now Syncs upon Selection Change. * Handle Presence of Optional Modules ## 2020.2.5 #### Added * Added a Popup to search and add Callables directly from callable lists. * Added custom editors for Managers, Counters, Factories, and Pickup Item * Created a Generic `GameplayIngredientsBehaviour` for Custom Decorated classes. * Added Hierarchy / Game Object Menu items with pre-constructed configurations * Sorted Scripts into Component Menu with `AddComponentMenu` attributes #### Fixed * Fixed missing icons ## 2020.2.4 #### Added * Custom Pingable Inspectors for Events, Logic, Actions, State Machines and States. * Better Automatic Naming for Logic and Actions. #### Fixed * CheckWindow: Better search for referenced objects in scene * Fixed Rig Manager Update not executing correctly when collection is modified during its execution. * Obsoleted **SwitcherAction** (left over from the old world) * Fixed Callable Dropdown that was somehow broken. ## 2020.2.3 #### Added * **Refactor**: Rigs Single Update. Rigs are now behaviors that are ticked at various rates and priorities. While this refactor is supposed to match as closely as possible the order of execution of rigs, the order can change slightly (for rigs of the same priority). * Renamed **Call Tree Explorer** to **Ingredients Explorer** as it is more general purpose now. * Added Rigs to **Ingredients Explorer** : that view summarizes currently loaded rigs, and groups them in update groups. * Added abstract `PingableEditor` class for MonoBehaviours that can be Pinged to stand out in the inspector. * Added Help items in Menu, Added HelpURL class attributes * Feature: Scene Comments * Added preferences to control visibility of buttons in Additional Scene View Toolbar * Added a `[NonExcludeableManager]` class attribute for managers that should not be excluded in Gameplay Ingredients Settings * Added **SingleUpdateManager** to register/remove update methods that will be updated in its Update() instead of each Dedicated behavior Update() * **BEHAVIOR CHANGE** : State Machine update and OnUpdateEvent are now updated using the SingleUpdateManager * GameplayIngredientsSettings Manager Exclusion List now only displays managers that can be excluded. ## 2020.2.2 #### Added * Added generic `bool Manager.TryGet(out T manager)` * Added `SimplePlayerInput` to supersede `KeyboardGamepadPlayerInput` * Added new **RandomManager** and **SetRandomSeedAction**: Enables setting seeds for the `UnityEngine.Random` #### Fixed * **BEHAVIOR CHANGE/FIX** : Managers are now initialized during `BeforeSceneLoad` both in editor and runtime to prevent behavior discrepancies and rare `Resource.Load<>()` issues. * **DEPRECATED** `KeyboardGamepadPlayerInput` as it did not work out of the box. The behaviour has been flagged as Obsolete and It will be removed in a later major version. * Updated Default `Assets/FirstPersonCharacter.prefab` in Startup Packages so it uses the new `SimplePlayerInput` ## 2020.2.1 #### Fixed * Fixed Manager Init Logging : now dependant of Gameplay Ingredients Settings verbose calls boolean. * Added More information to Null Logging in ToggleBehaviourAction, ToggleGameObjectAction, ToggleUIAction * Removed "BestFit" option from Default GameSaveManager text prefab ## 2020.2.0 This release changes the minimal version to **Unity 2020.2** The following release changes the main guidelines in order to install and update: * Installation and update now rely on Project Settings/Package Manager/Scoped Registries * Installation must declare the OpenUPM scoped registry to the project `https://package.openupm.com` with the following scopes: * `net.peeweek` * `com.dbrizov` (used for NaughtyAttributes dependency, minimal version 2.0.8) * Once declared in the Scoped Registries, package manager shall display gameplay ingredients. #### Added * NoLabel property attribute (Hides label in inspector) ## 2019.3.7 #### Added - Added option to FullScreenFadeAction to perform fade based on scaled/unscaled game time #### Fixed * Disabled File/New Scene from Template for 2020.2 or newer (superseded by built-in scene templates) * Fixed Welcome screen from showing up on domain reload. * Fixed Take Screenshot Action : Bad Filename + Added Tooltips * Fixed property name in NonNullCheck property drawer * Fixed Potential null in Discover Window ## 2019.3.6 #### Added - Added API Access to the Link Game View Camera object - Added Valid/Invalid paths for Platform Logic - Added Local Space control for ReachPositionRig - Added "Update SetStateAction" Button in State Machine components to populate the game object with Set State Actions - Added **Check/Resolve** Window and API : The check window enables performing scriptable checks and resolution actions in your scene for maintenance purposes - Added **ReachPositionRigSetTargetAction** - Added the ability to store Game Saves as PlayerPrefs strings #### Fixed * Fixed Possible Nulls in Discover Asset reference * Fixed Possible Out-of range director time in DirectorControlRig * Fixed Bad drawing of NonNullCheck property drawer ## 2019.3.5 #### Added - Discover : Tag Filtering System - Discover : Images in Discover Window - Find and Replace : Result list enables selecting / focusing on objects ## 2019.3.4 This version added the following package dependencies: * Cinemachine 2.5.0 * Timeline 1.3.0 #### Added * Preferences for Advanced Hierarchy View * Added API to AdvancedHierarchyView to add other Icons from component types * Help Menu links (github, documentation, openUPM) * Added support for SceneAsset and EditorSceneSetup in Discover * Added an option to change the Game View Link camera behavior to Cinemachine Brain preview. #### Changed * Game Save manager now saves to the Application.persistentDataPath folder * Renamed HierarchyHints to AdvancedHierarchyView + Changed behaviour to apply visibility from preferences * Managers: Adjusted RuntimeInitializeOnLoad for new Quick Enter Play Mode Settings * Updated Starter Packages for Built-in RP, HDRP and URP (removed LWRP) #### Fixed * Fixed FocusUIAction that did not update the focus of a button in certain conditions. * Fixed possible null in discover components ## 2019.3.3 #### Added - Added Counters : Integer counters stored in the scene - Added CounterAction and CounterLogic - Added Create State button to StateMachines - Added State Machine templates in the GameObject Creation Menu #### Changed - Messager now send messages through a copy of its source listeners array instead of the actual enumerator. This prevents from modifying the call array at the same frame if a OnMessageEvent becomes disabled during execution. - Changed SceneViewToolbar Accessibility (now public to give access to OnSceneViewToolbarGUI) #### Fixed - Fixes in changelog (bad changes in 2019.3.2) ## 2019.3.2 #### Changed - **Delayed Logic** now has a mode that allows you to have a random delay within a range. - **Audio Play Clip Action** now allows you to randomize volume and pitch within a range of values every time you play the clip. #### Fixed - Fixed selection of Call tree window that became broken somehow in 2019.3.0f1 ## 2019.3.1 #### Changed * **Messager** is now able to pass instigator Game Object through message broadcast. * **OnMessageEvent** now passes the optional instigator instead of itself as instigator to the Calls. In order to pass itself use an intermediate **SetInstigatorLogic** that targets the OnMessageEvent owner to replicate the former behaviour. * **SendMessageAction** now passes its instigator game object to the **Messager** #### Added * **Call Tree Explorer**: Added Category for Erroneous Calls * Added **ToggleBehaviourAction** working the same as ToggleGameObjectAction, but for behaviour components instead. * **SendMessageBehaviour** (Timeline Send Message Tracks/Clips) now displays an instigator game object field in the inspector to be attached to the sent message. * Added **VFXSetPropertyAction** * Added **VFXSendEventAction** #### Fixed * Fixed `OnValidate` for FirstPersonController leading to infinite import loop when displaying the inspector for a Prefab Asset. * Fix for null Callables in Callable Tree Window. ## 2019.3.0 * Feature Release * Requires Unity 2019.3.0 or newer #### Added * **Call Tree Explorer :** Using Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Call Tree Explorer , opens a window that lists the tree of Events, Logic and Actions, State Machines and Event Calling Actions * **Folders:** In the Game Object creation Menu, Select folder to add a folder in the hierarchy. Automatically adds Static Game Objects with colored icon (Displayed using Advanced Hierarchy View) * **Global Variables System**: - Added Global Variables (Globals + Local Scope) - Added Global Variable Debug Window (`Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Globals Debug`) - Added Global Variable Set Action - Added Global Variable Logic - Added Global Variables Reset Action * **Timers**: * Added Timer Component * Added TimerAction to control Timer * Added TimerDisplayRig * Added option in GameplayIngredientsSettings to disable visibility of Callable[] bound to Update Loops. * Added OnUpdate Event : Perform calls every update * Added OnColider Event : Perform calls upon collisions * Added OnJoinBreak Event : Perform calls upon Rigid body joint break * Added FlipFlop Logic : Two-state latch logic * Added State Logic : Perform logic based on State Machine current state. * Added Audio Mix Snapshot Action : Set Mixer Snapshots * Added RigidBody Action : Perform actions on a rigidbody * Added SetAnimatorParameterAction : Perform parameter setting on Animators * Added Sacrifice Oldest option to Factory : When needing a new spawn but no slots left, sacrifices the first spawn of the list * Added Context Menu in ToggleGameObjectAction to update entries based on current enabled state in scene. #### Changed - Improved **Find & Replace** window, with a selection-based criteria. - Moved Menu Items in Window menu into a Gameplay Ingredients Subfolder - GameManager Resets Global Variables Local Scope on Level Load - Updated NaughtyAttributes to a more recent version - Renamed the Add Game Object menu category from `'GameplayIngredients' to 'Gameplay Ingredients'` and adjusted its contents #### Fixed * Fixed LinkGameView not working in play mode when excluding VirtualCameraManager. * Fixed Performance issue in GameplayIngredientsSettings when having a big list of Excluded managers. * Fixed ApplicationExitAction : Exits play mode when in Editor. ## 2019.1.2 #### Changed * **[Breaking Change]** Discover Assets now reference many Scenes/SceneSetups * Action to take: have to re-reference scenes in Discover Asset #### Added * Added Screenshot Manager (Defaults to F11 to take screenshots) * Added OnMouseDownEvent * Added OnMouseHoverEvent * Added OnVisibilityEvent * Added SaveDataSwitchOnIntLogic #### Fixed * Fixed warning in CycleResolutionsAction ## 2019.1.1 #### Changed #### Added * Log Action * Added Playable Director to objects in discover (to open atimeline at a give playable director) * Added support of Game Save Value index for Factories (in order to select a blueprint object from a saved value) #### Fixed * Fixed Import Errors at first project load, including the way we load discover and GameplayIngredients project settings * Secure checks in Gathering Manager classes from assembly (skips protected assemblies now) ## 2019.1.0 #### Changed * Removed counts in OnTriggerEvent * Callables can now be friendly-named (with default formatting) * Updated Starter Packages #### Added - Added NTimesLogic (split from OnTriggerEvent) - Added Replace Mode for Level Streaming Manager - Added UIToggle Action and Property Drawer - Added Audio Play Clip Action - Added Platform Logic - New Welcome Screen, with Wizard - New optional GameplayIngredients Project Configuration asset - Toggles for verbose callable logging - Manager Exclusion List - New Scene from Template Window + Config SceneTemplateLists Assets - Helps creating new scenes from user-made templates - New Discover Window System: - Adds a new DiscoverAsset to reference Levels / Scene Setups - Adds new Discover components in scenes - Discover window helps navigate scenes while in editor and discover content. - Added improved Game Manager - Manages loading of main menu & levels directly instead of using LevelStreamingManager - Manages Level Startup in sync after all scenes have started. #### Fixed * Fixed code to run on Unity 2019.1 * Fixed factory managed objects upon destroy * Fixes in LinkGameView when application is not playing * Fix in LevelStreamingManager incorrect computation of Scene Counts * Fixes in VirtualCameraManager * Fixes in Find/Replace window * Fixes in Hierarchy View Hints for Unity 2019.3 new skin ## 2018.3.0 Initial Version