using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using GameplayIngredients.Comments.Editor; using UnityEditor.Overlays; using UnityEditor.Toolbars; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace GameplayIngredients.Editor { public static class SceneViewToolbar { #if UNITY_2021_2_OR_NEWER [Overlay(typeof(SceneView), "Gameplay Ingredients", true)] public class IngredientsToolbarOverlay : ToolbarOverlay { const string prefix = "IngredientsToolbarOverlay."; public IngredientsToolbarOverlay() : base(,,,, { } protected override Layout supportedLayouts => Layout.HorizontalToolbar | Layout.VerticalToolbar; #region PLAY FROM HERE [EditorToolbarElement(id)] public class PlayFromHereButton : EditorToolbarButton, IAccessContainerWindow { public const string id = prefix + "PlayFromHereButton"; public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } public PlayFromHereButton() : base() { this.SetEnabled(PlayFromHere.IsReady); icon = EditorApplication.isPlaying ? Contents.playFromHere_Stop : Contents.playFromHere; tooltip = "Play from Here"; clicked += OnClick; EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += EditorApplication_playModeStateChanged; } private void EditorApplication_playModeStateChanged(PlayModeStateChange obj) { if (obj == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredPlayMode) icon = Contents.playFromHere_Stop; else if (obj == PlayModeStateChange.EnteredEditMode) icon = Contents.playFromHere; } public void OnClick() { if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) PlayFromHere.Play(containerWindow as SceneView); else EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } } #endregion #region LINK GAME VIEW [EditorToolbarElement(id)] public class LinkGameViewButton : EditorToolbarDropdownToggle, IAccessContainerWindow { public override bool value { get => base.value; set { base.value = value; OnValueChanged(value); } } public const string id = prefix + "LinkGameViewButton"; public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } static List buttons = new List(); public LinkGameViewButton() { tooltip = "Link Game View"; dropdownClicked += OnClick; SetValueWithoutNotify(LinkGameView.Active && LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == containerWindow as SceneView); buttons.Add(this); UpdateIcon(); } ~LinkGameViewButton() { if (LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == containerWindow as SceneView) { LinkGameView.LockedSceneView = null; LinkGameView.Active = false; } buttons.Remove(this); } public void UpdateIcon() { if(LinkGameView.CinemachineActive) icon = Contents.linkGameViewCM; else { icon = (LinkGameView.Active && LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == containerWindow as SceneView) ? Contents.linkGameViewActive : Contents.linkGameView; } } public void OnClick() { var m = new GenericMenu(); m.AddItem(new GUIContent("Link Camera"), LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == containerWindow as SceneView, () => { LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = false; value = true; UpdateIcon(); }); m.AddItem(new GUIContent("Cinemachine Preview"), LinkGameView.CinemachineActive, () => { LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = true; value = true; UpdateIcon(); }); m.DropDown(worldBound); } void OnValueChanged(bool newValue) { LinkGameView.Active = newValue; if(LinkGameView.CinemachineActive && newValue == false) LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = false; else if(newValue && !LinkGameView.CinemachineActive) LinkGameView.LockedSceneView = containerWindow as SceneView; else LinkGameView.LockedSceneView = null; UpdateIcon(); foreach (var button in buttons) { if(LinkGameView.CinemachineActive) { button.SetValueWithoutNotify(true); } else if(button.containerWindow != containerWindow) { button.SetValueWithoutNotify(false); } button.UpdateIcon(); } } } #endregion #region POINT OF VIEW [EditorToolbarElement(id)] public class PointOfViewButton : EditorToolbarDropdown, IAccessContainerWindow { public const string id = prefix + "PointOfViewButton"; public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } public PointOfViewButton() { icon = Contents.pointOfView; tooltip = "Point of View"; clicked += OnClick; } public void OnClick() { } } #endregion #region COMMENTS [EditorToolbarElement(id)] public class CommentsButton : EditorToolbarButton, IAccessContainerWindow { public const string id = prefix + "CommentsButton"; public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } public CommentsButton() { icon = Contents.commentsWindow; tooltip = "Open Comments Window"; clicked += OnClick; } public void OnClick() { CommentsWindow.Open(); } } #endregion #region CHECK/RESOLVE [EditorToolbarElement(id)] public class CheckResolveButton : EditorToolbarButton, IAccessContainerWindow { public const string id = prefix + "CheckResolveButton"; public EditorWindow containerWindow { get; set; } public CheckResolveButton() { icon = Contents.checkWindow; tooltip = "Open Check/Resolve Window"; clicked += OnClick; } public void OnClick() { CheckWindow.OpenWindow(); } } #endregion static class Contents { public static Texture2D playFromHere; public static Texture2D playFromHere_Stop; public static Texture2D pointOfView; public static Texture2D linkGameView; public static Texture2D linkGameViewActive; public static Texture2D linkGameViewCM; public static Texture2D checkWindow; public static Texture2D commentsWindow; static Contents() { playFromHere = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/PlayFromHere.png") as Texture2D; playFromHere_Stop = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/PlayFromHere_Stop.png") as Texture2D; pointOfView = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/POV.png") as Texture2D; linkGameView = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/Camera.png") as Texture2D; linkGameViewActive = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/CameraActive.png") as Texture2D; linkGameViewCM = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/CameraCM.png") as Texture2D; checkWindow = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/CheckResolve.png") as Texture2D; commentsWindow = EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/SceneViewToolbar/Comments.png") as Texture2D; } } } #else public delegate void SceneViewToolbarDelegate(SceneView sceneView); public static event SceneViewToolbarDelegate OnSceneViewToolbarGUI; [InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void Initialize() { SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI; } private static void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView) { if (!Preferences.showToolbar) return; var r = new Rect(, new Vector2(sceneView.position.width,24)); Handles.BeginGUI(); using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(r)) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar)) { if(Preferences.showPlayFromHere) { using(new EditorGUI.DisabledGroupScope(!PlayFromHere.IsReady)) { bool play = GUILayout.Toggle(EditorApplication.isPlaying, Contents.playFromHere, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (GUI.changed) { if (play) PlayFromHere.Play(sceneView); else EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } } GUILayout.Space(24); } if(Preferences.showLinkGameView) { Color backup = GUI.color; bool isLinked = LinkGameView.Active; bool isLocked = LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == sceneView; if (isLinked && isLocked) { GUI.color = Styles.lockedLinkColor * 2; } else if (isLinked && LinkGameView.CinemachineActive) { GUI.color = Styles.cineColor * 2; } isLinked = GUILayout.Toggle(isLinked, LinkGameView.CinemachineActive ? Contents.linkGameViewCinemachine : Contents.linkGameView, EditorStyles.toolbarButton, GUILayout.Width(64)); if (GUI.changed) { if (Event.current.shift) { if (!LinkGameView.Active) LinkGameView.Active = true; LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = !LinkGameView.CinemachineActive; } else { LinkGameView.Active = isLinked; LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = false; } } isLocked = GUILayout.Toggle(isLocked, Contents.lockLinkGameView, EditorStyles.toolbarButton); if (GUI.changed) { if (isLocked) { LinkGameView.CinemachineActive = false; LinkGameView.LockedSceneView = sceneView; } else { LinkGameView.LockedSceneView = null; } } GUI.color = backup; GUILayout.Space(16); } if(Preferences.showPOV) { if (GUILayout.Button("POV", EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { Rect btnrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); btnrect.yMax += 17; SceneViewPOV.ShowPopup(btnrect, sceneView); } GUILayout.Space(16); } if(Preferences.showCheck) { if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.checkWindow, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { EditorWindow.GetWindow(); } GUILayout.Space(16); } if(Preferences.showComments) { if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.commentsWindow, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { CommentsWindow.Open(); } if (GUILayout.Button(Contents.addComment, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { SceneCommentEditor.CreateComment(); } } if(Preferences.showCustom) { // Custom Callback here if (OnSceneViewToolbarGUI != null) OnSceneViewToolbarGUI.Invoke(sceneView); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // Saving Space not to overlap view controls GUILayout.Space(96); } } if (LinkGameView.CinemachineActive) { DisplayText("CINEMACHINE PREVIEW", Styles.cineColor); } else if (LinkGameView.Active) { if (LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == sceneView) { DisplayText("GAME VIEW LINKED (LOCKED)", Styles.lockedLinkColor); } else if(LinkGameView.LockedSceneView == null && SceneView.lastActiveSceneView == sceneView) { DisplayText("GAME VIEW LINKED", Color.white); } } Handles.EndGUI(); } static void DisplayText(string text, Color color) { Rect r = new Rect(16, 24, 512, 32); GUI.color =; GUI.Label(r, text); r.x--; r.y--; GUI.color = color; GUI.Label(r, text); GUI.color = Color.white; } static class Preferences { // Public Getters public static bool showToolbar => Get(kShowToolbar); public static bool showPlayFromHere => Get(kShowPlayFromHere); public static bool showLinkGameView => Get(kShowLinkGameView); public static bool showPOV => Get(kShowPOV); public static bool showCheck => Get(kShowCheck); public static bool showComments => Get(kShowComments); public static bool showCustom => Get(kShowCustom); const string kShowToolbar = "showToolbar"; const string kShowPlayFromHere = "showPlayFromHere"; const string kShowLinkGameView = "showLinkGameView"; const string kShowPOV = "showPOV"; const string kShowCheck = "showCheck"; const string kShowComments = "showComments"; const string kShowCustom = "showCustom"; const string kPrefPrefix = "GameplayIngredients.SceneViewToolbar"; static readonly Dictionary defaults = new Dictionary { { kShowToolbar , true }, { kShowPlayFromHere , true }, { kShowLinkGameView , true }, { kShowPOV , true }, { kShowCheck , true }, { kShowComments , true }, { kShowCustom , true }, }; static bool Default(string name) { if (defaults.ContainsKey(name)) return defaults[name]; else return false; } static bool Get(string name) { return EditorPrefs.GetBool($"{kPrefPrefix}.{name}", Default(name)); } static void Set(string name, bool value) { EditorPrefs.SetBool($"{kPrefPrefix}.{name}", value); } [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider GetPreferences() { static void OnToggleAll(bool toggle) { OnToggleLinkGameView(toggle); } static void OnToggleLinkGameView(bool toggle) { if (!toggle) LinkGameView.Active = false; } static void PreferenceItem(string label, string name, Action onToggle = null) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); bool val = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(label, Get(name)); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Set(name, val); onToggle?.Invoke(val); SceneView.RepaintAll(); } }; return new SettingsProvider("Preferences/Gameplay Ingredients/Scene View", SettingsScope.User) { label = "Scene View", guiHandler = (searchContext) => { PreferenceItem("Show Toolbar", "showToolbar", OnToggleAll); using (new EditorGUI.IndentLevelScope(1)) { PreferenceItem("Play From Here", kShowPlayFromHere); PreferenceItem("Link Game View", kShowLinkGameView, OnToggleLinkGameView); PreferenceItem("Point of View", kShowPOV); PreferenceItem("Check Window", kShowCheck); PreferenceItem("Comments Window", kShowComments); PreferenceItem("Custom Toolbar Items", kShowCustom); } } }; } } static class Contents { public static GUIContent playFromHere; public static GUIContent lockLinkGameView; public static GUIContent linkGameView; public static GUIContent linkGameViewCinemachine; public static GUIContent checkWindow; public static GUIContent commentsWindow; public static GUIContent addComment; static Contents() { lockLinkGameView = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("IN LockButton")); linkGameView = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/GUI/Camera16x16.png") as Texture); linkGameView.text = " Game"; linkGameViewCinemachine = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/GUI/Camera16x16.png") as Texture); linkGameViewCinemachine.text = " Cine"; playFromHere = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Animation.Play")); playFromHere.text = "Here"; checkWindow = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Valid")); checkWindow.text = "Check"; commentsWindow = new GUIContent(EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("console.infoicon.inactive.sml")); commentsWindow.text = "Comments"; addComment = new GUIContent("+"); } } static class Styles { public static GUIStyle toolbar; public static Color lockedLinkColor = new Color(0.5f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f); public static Color cineColor = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 1.0f); static Styles() { toolbar = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.inspectorFullWidthMargins); } } #endif } }