using NaughtyAttributes; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM using UnityEngine.InputSystem; using UnityEngine.InputSystem.UI; #endif using UnityEngine.UI; namespace GameplayIngredients { [AddComponentMenu(ComponentMenu.managersPath + "UI Event Manager")] [RequireComponent(typeof(EventSystem))] #if ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER [RequireComponent(typeof(StandaloneInputModule))] #endif #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM [RequireComponent(typeof(InputSystemUIInputModule))] #endif [ManagerDefaultPrefab("UIEventManager")] public class UIEventManager : Manager { [SerializeField] private EventSystem m_EventSystem; private void OnEnable() { m_EventSystem = GetComponent(); if (TryGetComponent(out StandaloneInputModule im)) #if !ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER im.enabled = false; #else im.enabled = true; #endif #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (!TryGetComponent(out InputSystemUIInputModule ism)) Debug.LogWarning("You are using the new Input System but the UI Event Manager prefab is not configured to use input from this package. In order to fix the issue, please add and configure a InputSystemUIInputModule component to your Assets/Resources/UIEventManagerPrefab. If the prefab is not present, use the Gameplay Ingredients Wizard located at Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Setup Wizard"); #endif } public void FocusUI(Selectable selectable) { // Before selecting, we ensure that there's no selection in the EventSystem m_EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(null); if(selectable != null) selectable.Select(); } internal static GameObject CreateManagerObject() { var go = new GameObject("UIEventManager"); var es = go.AddComponent(); var uiem = go.AddComponent(); uiem.m_EventSystem = es; #if ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER if(!go.TryGetComponent(out StandaloneInputModule sm)) sm = go.AddComponent(); #endif #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM if (!go.TryGetComponent(out InputSystemUIInputModule ism)) ism = go.AddComponent(); #endif return go; } } }