using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements; using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView; using System.Linq; using System; using StatusFlags = UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements.DropdownMenu.MenuAction.StatusFlags; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace GraphProcessor { public class BaseGraphView : GraphView { public BaseGraph graph; public EdgeConnectorListener connectorListener; public List< BaseNodeView > nodeViews = new List< BaseNodeView >(); public Dictionary< BaseNode, BaseNodeView > nodeViewsPerNode = new Dictionary< BaseNode, BaseNodeView >(); public List< EdgeView > edgeViews = new List< EdgeView >(); public List< CommentBlockView > commentBlockViews = new List< CommentBlockView >(); Dictionary< Type, PinnedElementView > pinnedElements = new Dictionary< Type, PinnedElementView >(); public delegate void ComputeOrderUpdatedDelegate(); public event Action initialized; public event ComputeOrderUpdatedDelegate computeOrderUpdated; public BaseGraphView() { serializeGraphElements = SerializeGraphElementsCallback; canPasteSerializedData = CanPasteSerializedDataCallback; unserializeAndPaste = UnserializeAndPasteCallback; graphViewChanged = GraphViewChangedCallback; viewTransformChanged = ViewTransformChangedCallback; elementResized = ElementResizedCallback; InitializeManipulators(); RegisterCallback< KeyDownEvent >(KeyDownCallback); SetupZoom(0.05f, 2f); Undo.undoRedoPerformed += ReloadView; this.StretchToParentSize(); } #region Callbacks protected override bool canCopySelection { get { return selection.Any(e => e is BaseNodeView || e is CommentBlockView); } } protected override bool canCutSelection { get { return selection.Any(e => e is BaseNodeView || e is CommentBlockView); } } string SerializeGraphElementsCallback(IEnumerable elements) { var data = new CopyPasteHelper(); foreach (var nodeView in elements.Where(e => e is BaseNodeView)) { var node = ((nodeView) as BaseNodeView).nodeTarget; data.copiedNodes.Add(JsonSerializer.Serialize< BaseNode >(node)); } foreach (var commentBlockView in elements.Where(e => e is CommentBlockView)) { var commentBlock = (commentBlockView as CommentBlockView).commentBlock; data.copiedCommentBlocks.Add(JsonSerializer.Serialize< CommentBlock >(commentBlock)); } ClearSelection(); return JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true); } bool CanPasteSerializedDataCallback(string serializedData) { try { return JsonUtility.FromJson(serializedData, typeof(CopyPasteHelper)) != null; } catch { return false; } } void UnserializeAndPasteCallback(string operationName, string serializedData) { var data = JsonUtility.FromJson< CopyPasteHelper >(serializedData); RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(operationName); foreach (var serializedNode in data.copiedNodes) { var node = JsonSerializer.DeserializeNode(serializedNode); //Call OnNodeCreated on the new fresh copied node node.OnNodeCreated(); //And move a bit the new node node.position.position += new Vector2(20, 20); AddNode(node); //Select the new node AddToSelection(nodeViewsPerNode[node]); } foreach (var serializedCommentBlock in data.copiedCommentBlocks) { var commentBlock = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(serializedCommentBlock); //Same than for node commentBlock.OnCreated(); commentBlock.position.position += new Vector2(20, 20); AddCommentBlock(commentBlock); } } GraphViewChange GraphViewChangedCallback(GraphViewChange changes) { if (changes.elementsToRemove != null) { RegisterCompleteObjectUndo("Remove Graph Elements"); //Handle ourselves the edge and node remove changes.elementsToRemove.RemoveAll(e => { var edge = e as EdgeView; var node = e as BaseNodeView; var commentBlock = e as CommentBlockView; if (edge != null) { Disconnect(edge); return true; } else if (node != null) { graph.RemoveNode(node.nodeTarget); RemoveElement(node); return true; } else if (commentBlock != null) { graph.RemoveCommentBlock(commentBlock.commentBlock); RemoveElement(commentBlock); return true; } return false; }); } return changes; } void ViewTransformChangedCallback(GraphView view) { graph.position = viewTransform.position; graph.scale = viewTransform.scale; } void ElementResizedCallback(VisualElement elem) { var commentBlockView = elem as CommentBlockView; if (commentBlockView != null) commentBlockView.commentBlock.size = commentBlockView.GetPosition().size; } public override void OnPersistentDataReady() { //We set the position and scale saved in the graph asset file Vector3 pos = graph.position; Vector3 scale = graph.scale; base.OnPersistentDataReady(); UpdateViewTransform(pos, scale); } public override List< Port > GetCompatiblePorts(Port startPort, NodeAdapter nodeAdapter) { var compatiblePorts = new List< Port >(); compatiblePorts.AddRange(ports.ToList().Where(p => { var portView = p as PortView; if (p.direction == startPort.direction) return false; //Check if there is custom adapters for this assignation if (CustomPortIO.IsAssignable(startPort.portType, p.portType)) return true; //Check for type assignability if (!p.portType.IsReallyAssignableFrom(startPort.portType)) return false; //Check if the edge already exists if (portView.GetEdges().Any(e => e.input == startPort || e.output == startPort)) return false; return true; })); return compatiblePorts; } public override void BuildContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) { BuildCreateContextualMenu(evt); BuildViewContextualMenu(evt); base.BuildContextualMenu(evt); BuildSelectAssetContextualMenu(evt); BuildSaveAssetContextualMenu(evt); } protected void BuildCreateContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) { Vector2 position = evt.mousePosition - (Vector2)viewTransform.position;"Create/Comment Block", (e) => AddCommentBlock(new CommentBlock("New Comment Block", position)), DropdownMenu.MenuAction.AlwaysEnabled); } protected void BuildViewContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) {"View/Processor", (e) => ToggleView< ProcessorView >(), (e) => GetPinnedElementStatus< ProcessorView >()); } protected void BuildSelectAssetContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) {"Select Asset", (e) => EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(graph), DropdownMenu.MenuAction.AlwaysEnabled); } protected void BuildSaveAssetContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) {"Save Asset", (e) => { EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); }, DropdownMenu.MenuAction.AlwaysEnabled); } void KeyDownCallback(KeyDownEvent e) { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.S) { SaveGraphToDisk(); e.StopPropagation(); } } #endregion #region Initialization void ReloadView() { // Remove everything RemoveNodeViews(); RemoveEdges(); RemoveCommentBlocks(); // And re-add with new up to date datas InitializeNodeViews(); InitializeEdgeViews(); InitializeCommentBlocks(); Reload(); UpdateComputeOrder(); } public void Initialize(BaseGraph graph) { if (this.graph != null) SaveGraphToDisk(); this.graph = graph; connectorListener = new EdgeConnectorListener(this); InitializeNodeViews(); InitializeEdgeViews(); InitializeViews(); InitializeCommentBlocks(); UpdateComputeOrder(); if (initialized != null) initialized(); } void InitializeNodeViews() { graph.nodes.RemoveAll(n => n == null); foreach (var node in graph.nodes) AddNodeView(node); } void InitializeEdgeViews() { foreach (var serializedEdge in graph.edges) { var inputNodeView = nodeViewsPerNode[serializedEdge.inputNode]; var outputNodeView = nodeViewsPerNode[serializedEdge.outputNode]; var edgeView = new EdgeView() { userData = serializedEdge, input = inputNodeView.GetPortFromFieldName(serializedEdge.inputFieldName), output = outputNodeView.GetPortFromFieldName(serializedEdge.outputFieldName) }; Connect(edgeView, false); } } void InitializeViews() { foreach (var viewType in graph.pinnedWindows) OpenPinned(viewType.editorType.type); } void InitializeCommentBlocks() { foreach (var commentBlock in graph.commentBlocks) AddCommentBlockView(commentBlock); } protected virtual void InitializeManipulators() { this.AddManipulator(new ContentDragger()); this.AddManipulator(new SelectionDragger()); this.AddManipulator(new RectangleSelector()); this.AddManipulator(new ClickSelector()); } protected virtual void Reload() {} #endregion #region Graph content modification protected bool AddNode(BaseNode node) { AddNodeView(node); graph.AddNode(node); UpdateComputeOrder(); return true; } protected bool AddNodeView(BaseNode node) { var viewType = NodeProvider.GetNodeViewTypeFromType(node.GetType()); if (viewType == null) viewType = typeof(BaseNodeView); var baseNodeView = Activator.CreateInstance(viewType) as BaseNodeView; baseNodeView.Initialize(this, node); AddElement(baseNodeView); nodeViews.Add(baseNodeView); nodeViewsPerNode[node] = baseNodeView; return true; } void RemoveNodeViews() { foreach (var nodeView in nodeViews) RemoveElement(nodeView); nodeViews.Clear(); nodeViewsPerNode.Clear(); } public void AddCommentBlock(CommentBlock block) { graph.AddCommentBlock(block); block.OnCreated(); AddCommentBlockView(block); } public void AddCommentBlockView(CommentBlock block) { var c = new CommentBlockView(); c.Initialize(this, block); AddElement(c); commentBlockViews.Add(c); } public void RemoveCommentBlocks() { foreach (var commentBlockView in commentBlockViews) RemoveElement(commentBlockView); commentBlockViews.Clear(); } public void Connect(EdgeView e, bool serializeToGraph = true, bool autoDisconnectInputs = true) { if (e.input == null || e.output == null) return ; //If the input port does not support multi-connection, we remove them if (autoDisconnectInputs && !(e.input as PortView).isMultiple) foreach (var edge in edgeViews.Where(ev => ev.input == e.input)) { // TODO: do not disconnect them if the connected port is the same than the old connected Disconnect(edge, serializeToGraph); } AddElement(e); e.input.Connect(e); e.output.Connect(e); var inputNodeView = e.input.node as BaseNodeView; var outputNodeView = e.output.node as BaseNodeView; if (inputNodeView == null || outputNodeView == null) { Debug.LogError("Connect aborted !"); return ; } edgeViews.Add(e); if (serializeToGraph) { e.userData = graph.Connect( inputNodeView.nodeTarget, (e.input as PortView).fieldName, outputNodeView.nodeTarget, (e.output as PortView).fieldName ); } inputNodeView.RefreshPorts(); outputNodeView.RefreshPorts(); inputNodeView.nodeTarget.OnEdgeConnected(e.userData as SerializableEdge); outputNodeView.nodeTarget.OnEdgeConnected(e.userData as SerializableEdge); e.isConnected = true; if (serializeToGraph) UpdateComputeOrder(); } public void Disconnect(EdgeView e, bool serializeToGraph = true) { var serializableEdge = e.userData as SerializableEdge; RemoveElement(e); if (e?.input?.node != null) { var inputNodeView = e.input.node as BaseNodeView; e.input.Disconnect(e); inputNodeView.nodeTarget.OnEdgeDisonnected(e.serializedEdge); inputNodeView.RefreshPorts(); } if (e?.output?.node != null) { var outputNodeView = e.output.node as BaseNodeView; e.output.Disconnect(e); outputNodeView.nodeTarget.OnEdgeDisonnected(e.serializedEdge); outputNodeView.RefreshPorts(); } // Remove the serialized edge if there was one if (serializableEdge != null) { if (serializeToGraph) graph.Disconnect(serializableEdge.GUID); UpdateComputeOrder(); } } public void RemoveEdges() { foreach (var edge in edgeViews) RemoveElement(edge); edgeViews.Clear(); } public void UpdateComputeOrder() { graph.UpdateComputeOrder(); computeOrderUpdated?.Invoke(); } public void RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(string name) { Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(graph, name); } public void SaveGraphToDisk() { EditorUtility.SetDirty(graph); } public void ToggleView< T >() where T : PinnedElementView { ToggleView(typeof(T)); } public void ToggleView(Type type) { PinnedElementView view; pinnedElements.TryGetValue(type, out view); if (view == null) OpenPinned(type); else ClosePinned(type, view); } public void OpenPinned(Type type) { PinnedElementView view; if (type == null) return ; PinnedElement elem = graph.OpenPinned(type); view = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as PinnedElementView; pinnedElements[type] = view; view.InitializeGraphView(elem, this); ConfinedDragger masterPreviewViewDraggable = new ConfinedDragger(this); masterPreviewViewDraggable.onDragEnd = () => elem.position = view.transform.position; view.AddManipulator(masterPreviewViewDraggable); Add(view); } public void ClosePinned(Type type, PinnedElementView elem) { pinnedElements.Remove(type); Remove(elem); graph.ClosePinned(type); } public StatusFlags GetPinnedElementStatus< T >() where T : PinnedElementView { return GetPinnedElementStatus(typeof(T)); } public StatusFlags GetPinnedElementStatus(Type type) { var pinned = graph.pinnedWindows.Find(p => p.editorType.type == type); if (pinned != null && pinned.opened) return StatusFlags.Normal; else return StatusFlags.Hidden; } public void ResetPositionAndZoom() { graph.position =; graph.scale =; UpdateViewTransform(graph.position, graph.scale); } #endregion } }