using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements; using UnityEditor.Experimental.UIElements.GraphView; using UnityEngine; namespace GraphProcessor { public class BorderResizer : MouseManipulator { bool active; Vector2 startMousePosition; Vector2 startComponentSize; Vector2 startComponentPosition; readonly int dragBorderSize = 15; Vector2 dragDirection; readonly string cursorBorderStyleSheet = "GraphProcessorStyles/BorderResizer"; GraphElement elem; public BorderResizer() { activators.Add(new ManipulatorActivationFilter { button = MouseButton.LeftMouse }); } protected override void RegisterCallbacksOnTarget() { elem = target as GraphElement; if (elem == null) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("BorderReiszer can only be added to a GraphElement"); target.RegisterCallback< MouseDownEvent >(OnMouseDown); target.RegisterCallback< MouseMoveEvent >(OnMouseMove); target.RegisterCallback< MouseUpEvent >(OnMouseUp); if (!target.HasStyleSheetPath(cursorBorderStyleSheet)) target.AddStyleSheetPath(cursorBorderStyleSheet); } protected override void UnregisterCallbacksFromTarget() { target.UnregisterCallback< MouseDownEvent >(OnMouseDown); target.UnregisterCallback< MouseMoveEvent >(OnMouseMove); target.UnregisterCallback< MouseUpEvent >(OnMouseUp); } void OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) { if (active) { e.StopPropagation(); return ; } if (MouseCaptureController.IsMouseCaptured()) return ; if (!IsMouseOverBorders(e.localMousePosition)) return; if (CanStartManipulation(e)) { active = true; target.CaptureMouse(); e.StopPropagation(); startComponentSize = new Vector2(,; startMousePosition = e.localMousePosition; startComponentPosition = elem.transform.position; } else Debug.Log("can't start manipulation !"); } void OnMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e) { if (!active) return ; Vector2 delta = e.localMousePosition - startMousePosition + (Vector2)elem.transform.position - startComponentPosition; = startComponentSize.x + delta.x * dragDirection.x; = startComponentSize.y + delta.y * dragDirection.y; elem.transform.position -= (Vector3)(e.mouseDelta * Vector2.Min(, dragDirection)); } void OnMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) { if (!active) return ; if (CanStopManipulation(e)) { target.ReleaseMouse(); e.StopPropagation(); GraphView graphView = elem.GetFirstAncestorOfType(); if (graphView != null && graphView.elementResized != null) graphView.elementResized(elem); } active = false; } bool IsMouseOverBorders(Vector2 mousePosition) { Rect borders = new Rect(, target.localBound.size); dragDirection =; if (mousePosition.x - borders.xMin < dragBorderSize) dragDirection.x = -1; if (borders.xMax - mousePosition.x < dragBorderSize) dragDirection.x = 1; if (mousePosition.y - borders.yMin < dragBorderSize) dragDirection.y = -1; if (borders.yMax - mousePosition.y < dragBorderSize) dragDirection.y = 1; return dragDirection !=; } } }