using UnityEngine; using NaughtyAttributes; namespace GameplayIngredients.Rigs { [HelpURL(Help.URL + "rigs")] public abstract class Rig : MonoBehaviour { public UpdateMode updateMode { get { return m_UpdateMode; } } public int rigPriority { get { return m_RigPriority; } } public enum UpdateMode { Update, LateUpdate, FixedUpdate, } public abstract UpdateMode defaultUpdateMode { get; } public abstract int defaultPriority { get; } public virtual bool canChangeUpdateMode { get { return false; } } protected bool CanChangeUpdateMode() { return canChangeUpdateMode; } [SerializeField, EnableIf("CanChangeUpdateMode")] private UpdateMode m_UpdateMode; [SerializeField] private int m_RigPriority = 0; private void Reset() { if(!canChangeUpdateMode) m_UpdateMode = defaultUpdateMode; m_RigPriority = defaultPriority; } protected virtual void OnEnable() { if (Manager.TryGet(out RigManager rigManager)) rigManager.RegistedRig(this); else Debug.LogWarning($"{} : Could not register the Rig of type {GetType().Name}. Rig Manager is not present or has been excluded. Please check your Assets/GameplayIngredientsSettings asset"); } protected virtual void OnDisable() { if (Manager.TryGet(out RigManager rigManager)) rigManager.RemoveRig(this); else Debug.LogWarning($"{} : Could not remove the Rig of type {GetType().Name}. Rig Manager is not present or has been excluded. Please check your Assets/GameplayIngredientsSettings asset"); } public abstract void UpdateRig(float deltaTime); } }