using NaughtyAttributes; using System; using UnityEngine; namespace GameplayIngredients.Actions { [AddComponentMenu(ComponentMenu.actionsPath + "Set Random Seed Action")] [Callable("Game", "Actions/ic-action-randomseed.png")] public class SetRandomSeedAction : ActionBase { [Tooltip("Whether to set a new random seed, or a fixed seed")] public bool newRandomSeed; [DisableIf("newRandomSeed")] [Tooltip("If New Random Seed is False. the new Random seed to apply")] public int newSeed; public override void Execute(GameObject instigator = null) { if(Manager.TryGet(out RandomManager randomManager)) { if (newRandomSeed) randomManager.SetRandomSeed(new System.Random((int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - new DateTime(2021,1,1).Ticks)).Next()); else randomManager.SetRandomSeed(newSeed); } } public override string GetDefaultName() { return $"Set Random Seed :'{(newRandomSeed ? "New Seed at Random":newSeed.ToString())}'"; } } }