using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.IMGUI.Controls; using UnityEditor.SceneManagement; using GameplayIngredients.Events; using GameplayIngredients.Logic; using GameplayIngredients.Actions; using GameplayIngredients.StateMachines; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using GameplayIngredients.Rigs; namespace GameplayIngredients.Editor { public class IngredientsExplorerWindow : EditorWindow { CallTreeView m_TreeView; [MenuItem("Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Ingredients Explorer", priority = MenuItems.kWindowMenuPriority + 30)] internal static void OpenWindow() { s_Instance = GetWindow(); } internal static void OpenWindow(MonoBehaviour selected) { OpenWindow(); instance.Repaint(); instance.SelectItem(selected); } const int PANEL_WIDTH = 400; const int MIN_WIDTH = PANEL_WIDTH+60; const string kPref = "GameplayIngredients.IngredientsExplorer.ShowPanel"; static bool showPanel { get => EditorPrefs.GetBool(kPref, false); set => EditorPrefs.SetBool(kPref, value); } public static bool visible = false; public static IngredientsExplorerWindow instance { get { if (s_Instance == null) s_Instance = GetWindow(); return s_Instance; } } [SerializeField] static IngredientsExplorerWindow s_Instance; private void OnDisable() { visible = false; s_Instance = null; EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened -= Reload; EditorSceneSetup.onSetupLoaded -= ReloadSetup; Selection.selectionChanged -= Refresh; } private void OnEnable() { nodeRoots = new Dictionary>(); m_TreeView = new CallTreeView(nodeRoots); titleContent = new GUIContent("Ingredients Explorer", CallTreeView.Styles.Callable); ReloadCallHierarchy(); EditorSceneManager.sceneOpened += Reload; EditorSceneSetup.onSetupLoaded += ReloadSetup; Selection.selectionChanged += Refresh; visible = true; } void Reload(Scene scene, OpenSceneMode mode) { ReloadCallHierarchy(); } void ReloadSetup(EditorSceneSetup setup) { ReloadCallHierarchy(); } public static void Refresh() { instance.ReloadCallHierarchy(); instance.Repaint(); } private void OnGUI() { int tbHeight = 24; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.toolbar, GUILayout.Height(tbHeight))) { if (GUILayout.Button("Reload", EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) { ReloadCallHierarchy(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string filter = EditorGUILayout.DelayedTextField(m_TreeView.stringFilter, EditorStyles.toolbarSearchField); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { m_TreeView.SetStringFilter(filter); } Rect buttonRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(52, 16); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Filter", EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown)) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Filter Selected"), false, () => { m_TreeView.SetAutoFilter(false); m_TreeView.SetObjectFilter(Selection.activeGameObject); }); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Clear Filter"), false, () => { m_TreeView.SetAutoFilter(false); m_TreeView.SetObjectFilter(null); m_TreeView.SetStringFilter(string.Empty); }); menu.AddSeparator(""); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Automatic Filter"), m_TreeView.AutoFilter, () => { m_TreeView.ToggleAutoFilter(); }); menu.DropDown(buttonRect); } if(position.width > MIN_WIDTH) showPanel = GUILayout.Toggle(showPanel, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("UnityEditor.InspectorWindow"), EditorStyles.toolbarButton); } using(new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(position.width - PANEL_WIDTH, position.height - tbHeight); m_TreeView.OnGUI(r); if (position.width > MIN_WIDTH && showPanel) { PanelGUI(); } } } static void SetEditorFor(MonoBehaviour bh) { if (bh == null) s_Editor = null; s_Editor = UnityEditor.Editor.CreateEditor(bh); } [SerializeField] static UnityEditor.Editor s_Editor; [SerializeField] static Vector2 s_panelScroll; void PanelGUI() { using(new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { Rect r = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 1, GUILayout.Width(1), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true)); EditorGUI.DrawRect(r,; using(new GUILayout.VerticalScope(GUILayout.Width(PANEL_WIDTH))) { s_Editor?.DrawHeader(); using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(GUILayout.ExpandHeight(true))) { GUILayout.Space(16); using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope()) { s_panelScroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(s_panelScroll); GUILayout.Space(4); s_Editor?.OnInspectorGUI(); GUILayout.EndScrollView(); } GUILayout.Space(4); if (s_Editor is PingableEditor) { if ((s_Editor as PingableEditor).needRepaint) { Repaint(); } } } } } } void SelectItem(MonoBehaviour target) { int selected = m_TreeView.FindID(target); m_TreeView.SetSelection(new[] { selected }, TreeViewSelectionOptions.RevealAndFrame); } Dictionary> nodeRoots; List erroneous; void ReloadCallHierarchy() { if (nodeRoots == null) nodeRoots = new Dictionary>(); else nodeRoots.Clear(); erroneous = new List(); AddToCategory("Events"); AddToCategory("State Machines"); AddToCategory("Factories"); AddToCategory("Messages"); AddRigs(); CollectErroneousCallables(); m_TreeView.Reload(); } void CollectErroneousCallables() { if (erroneous == null || erroneous.Count == 0) return; var root = new List(); nodeRoots.Add("Erroneous Callables", root); foreach(var callable in erroneous) { root.Add(new CallTreeNode(callable, CallTreeNodeType.Callable,; } } void AddErroneous(MonoBehaviour bhv) { if (!erroneous.Contains(bhv)) erroneous.Add(bhv); } void AddRigs() { // Populate rigs Dictionary>> allRigs = new Dictionary>>(); var list = FindObjectsOfType().ToList(); if (list.Count == 0) return; foreach(var rig in list) { if (!allRigs.ContainsKey(rig.updateMode)) allRigs.Add(rig.updateMode, new Dictionary>()); if (!allRigs[rig.updateMode].ContainsKey(rig.rigPriority)) allRigs[rig.updateMode].Add(rig.rigPriority, new List()); allRigs[rig.updateMode][rig.rigPriority].Add(rig); } // Construct tree nodeRoots.Add("Rigs", new List()); var listRoot = nodeRoots["Rigs"]; foreach(var updateMode in allRigs.Keys) { var group = GetGroupNode($"Update Mode: {updateMode}"); foreach(var index in allRigs[updateMode].Keys.OrderBy(o => o)) { var indexGroup = GetGroupNode($"Priority : #{index}"); foreach(var rig in allRigs[updateMode][index]) { indexGroup.Children.Add(new CallTreeNode(rig, CallTreeNodeType.Rig, $"{} ({rig.GetType().Name})")); } group.Children.Add(indexGroup); } listRoot.Add(group); } } void AddToCategory(string name) where T:MonoBehaviour { var list = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().ToList(); if (list.Count > 0) nodeRoots.Add(name, new List()); else return; var listRoot = nodeRoots[name]; foreach (var item in list) { if (item.gameObject.scene == null || !item.gameObject.scene.isLoaded) continue; var stack = new Stack(); if(typeof(T) == typeof(StateMachine)) { listRoot.Add(GetStateMachineNode(item as StateMachine, stack)); } else if(typeof(T) == typeof(SendMessageAction)) { listRoot.Add(GetMessageNode(item as SendMessageAction, stack)); } else { listRoot.Add(GetNode(item, stack)); } } } CallTreeNode GetNode(MonoBehaviour bhv, Stack stack) { if(!stack.Contains(bhv)) { stack.Push(bhv); var rootNode = new CallTreeNode(bhv, GetType(bhv), $"{} ({bhv.GetType().Name})"); var type = bhv.GetType(); foreach (var field in type.GetFields()) { // Find Fields that are Callable[] if (field.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Callable[]))) { var node = new CallTreeNode(bhv, CallTreeNodeType.Callable, field.Name); var value = (Callable[])field.GetValue(bhv); if (value != null && value.Length > 0) { rootNode.Children.Add(node); // Add Callables from this Callable[] array foreach (var call in value) { if (call != null) node.Children.Add(GetCallableNode(call, stack)); else AddErroneous(node.Target); } } } } return rootNode; } else { return new CallTreeNode(bhv, GetType(bhv), $"RECURSED : {} ({bhv.GetType().Name})"); } } CallTreeNode GetCallableNode(Callable c, Stack stack) { if (!stack.Contains(c)) { stack.Push(c); var rootNode = new CallTreeNode(c, GetType(c), $"{c.Name} ({} : {c.GetType().Name})"); var type = c.GetType(); foreach (var field in type.GetFields()) { // Find Fields that are Callable[] if (field.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Callable[]))) { var node = new CallTreeNode(c, CallTreeNodeType.Callable, field.Name); var value = (Callable[])field.GetValue(c); if (value != null && value.Length > 0) { rootNode.Children.Add(node); // Add Callables from this Callable[] array foreach (var call in value) { if (call != null) node.Children.Add(GetCallableNode(call, stack)); else AddErroneous(node.Target); } } } } return rootNode; } else { return new CallTreeNode(c, GetType(c), $"RECURSED : {c.Name} ({} : {c.GetType().Name})"); } } CallTreeNode GetMessageNode(SendMessageAction msg, Stack stack) { if (!stack.Contains(msg)) { stack.Push(msg); var rootNode = new CallTreeNode(msg, CallTreeNodeType.Message, $"{msg.MessageToSend} : ({}.{msg.Name})"); var all = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().Where(o=> o.MessageName == msg.MessageToSend).ToList(); foreach(var evt in all) { rootNode.Children.Add(GetNode(evt, stack)); } return rootNode; } else { return new CallTreeNode(msg, GetType(msg), $"RECURSED :{msg.MessageToSend} : ({}.{msg.Name})"); } } CallTreeNode GetGroupNode(string name) { return new CallTreeNode(null, CallTreeNodeType.Group, name); } CallTreeNode GetStateMachineNode(StateMachine sm, Stack stack) { if (!stack.Contains(sm)) { stack.Push(sm); var rootNode = new CallTreeNode(sm, CallTreeNodeType.StateMachine,; var type = sm.GetType(); foreach (var field in type.GetFields()) { // Find Fields that are State[] if (field.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(State[]))) { // Add Callables from this Callable[] array var value = (State[])field.GetValue(sm); foreach (var state in value) { if (state != null) rootNode.Children.Add(GetStateNode(state, stack)); else AddErroneous(rootNode.Target); } } } return rootNode; } else { return new CallTreeNode(sm, GetType(sm), $"RECURSED :{}"); } } CallTreeNode GetStateNode(State st, Stack stack) { if (!stack.Contains(st)) { stack.Push(st); var rootNode = new CallTreeNode(st, CallTreeNodeType.State,; var type = st.GetType(); foreach (var field in type.GetFields()) { // Find Fields that are Callable[] if (field.FieldType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(Callable[]))) { var node = new CallTreeNode(st, CallTreeNodeType.Callable, field.Name); rootNode.Children.Add(node); // Add Callables from this Callable[] array var value = (Callable[])field.GetValue(st); foreach (var call in value) { if (call != null) node.Children.Add(GetNode(call, stack)); else AddErroneous(rootNode.Target); } } } return rootNode; } else { return new CallTreeNode(st, GetType(st), $"RECURSED :{}"); } } CallTreeNodeType GetType(MonoBehaviour bhv) { if (bhv == null) return CallTreeNodeType.Group; else if (bhv is EventBase) return CallTreeNodeType.Event; else if (bhv is LogicBase) return CallTreeNodeType.Logic; else if (bhv is ActionBase) return CallTreeNodeType.Action; else if (bhv is StateMachine) return CallTreeNodeType.StateMachine; else if (bhv is State) return CallTreeNodeType.State; else if (bhv is Factory) return CallTreeNodeType.Factory; else if (bhv is OnMessageEvent || bhv is SendMessageAction) return CallTreeNodeType.Message; else return CallTreeNodeType.Callable; } class CallTreeNode { public string Name; public MonoBehaviour Target; public List Children; public CallTreeNodeType Type; public CallTreeNode(MonoBehaviour target, CallTreeNodeType type, string name = "") { Name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? target.GetType().Name : name; Target = target; Type = type; Children = new List(); } public bool Filter(GameObject go, string filter) { bool keep = (go == null || this.Target.gameObject == go) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) ? true : this.Name.Contains(filter)); if(!keep) { foreach (var node in Children) keep = keep || node.Filter(go, filter); } return keep; } } public enum CallTreeNodeType { Callable, Event, Logic, Action, Message, StateMachine, State, Factory, Rig, Group, } class CallTreeView : TreeView { Dictionary> m_Roots; Dictionary m_Bindings; public CallTreeView(Dictionary> roots) : base(new TreeViewState()) { m_Roots = roots; m_Bindings = new Dictionary(); } public string stringFilter { get { return m_StringFilter; } } [SerializeField] GameObject m_filter = null; [SerializeField] string m_StringFilter = ""; public bool AutoFilter { get; private set; } public void ToggleAutoFilter() { SetAutoFilter(!AutoFilter); } public void SetAutoFilter(bool value) { AutoFilter = value; if (AutoFilter) { Selection.selectionChanged += UpdateAutoFilter; if(this.HasSelection()) { SetObjectFilter(m_Bindings[this.GetSelection()[0]].Target.gameObject); } } else Selection.selectionChanged -= UpdateAutoFilter; } void UpdateAutoFilter() { if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) SetObjectFilter(Selection.activeGameObject); } public void SetObjectFilter(GameObject filter = null) { m_filter = filter; Reload(); } public void SetStringFilter(string stringFilter) { m_StringFilter = stringFilter; Reload(); } protected override TreeViewItem BuildRoot() { int id = -1; m_Bindings.Clear(); var treeRoot = new TreeViewItem(++id, -1, "~Root"); foreach(var kvp in m_Roots) { if (kvp.Value == null || kvp.Value.Count == 0) continue; var currentRoot = new TreeViewItem(++id, 0, kvp.Key); treeRoot.AddChild(currentRoot); foreach (var node in kvp.Value) { if (node.Type != CallTreeNodeType.Group && !node.Filter(m_filter, m_StringFilter)) continue; currentRoot.AddChild(GetNode(node, ref id, 1)); } } if (treeRoot.children == null) { treeRoot.AddChild(new TreeViewItem(1, 0, "(No Results)")); } return treeRoot; } public int FindID(MonoBehaviour target) { if (m_Bindings.Any(o => o.Value.Target == target)) return m_Bindings.Where(o => o.Value.Target == target).First().Key; else return int.MinValue; } TreeViewItem GetNode(CallTreeNode node, ref int id, int depth) { id++; var item = new TreeViewItem(id, depth, $"{node.Name}"); item.icon = GetIcon(node.Target, node.Type); m_Bindings.Add(id, node); foreach(var child in node.Children) { // If this is a group, filter all its direct children if (node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.Group && !child.Filter(m_filter, m_StringFilter)) continue; item.AddChild(GetNode(child, ref id, depth + 1)); } return item; } Texture2D GetIcon(MonoBehaviour bhv, CallTreeNodeType type) { if(bhv != null && type != CallTreeNodeType.Callable) { var texture = EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(bhv, bhv.GetType()).image; if (texture != null) return texture as Texture2D; } switch(type) { default: case CallTreeNodeType.Group: return Styles.Group; case CallTreeNodeType.Rig: return Styles.Rig; case CallTreeNodeType.Callable: return Styles.Callable; case CallTreeNodeType.Action: return Styles.Action; case CallTreeNodeType.Logic: return Styles.Logic; case CallTreeNodeType.Event: return Styles.Event; case CallTreeNodeType.Message: return Styles.Message; case CallTreeNodeType.State: return Styles.State; case CallTreeNodeType.Factory: return Styles.Factory; case CallTreeNodeType.StateMachine: return Styles.StateMachine; } } protected override void SelectionChanged(IList selectedIds) { if (AutoFilter) return; base.SelectionChanged(selectedIds); if (selectedIds.Count > 0 && m_Bindings.ContainsKey(selectedIds[0])) if(m_Bindings[selectedIds[0]].Target != null) { var node = m_Bindings[selectedIds[0]]; if (!(showPanel && instance.position.width > MIN_WIDTH)) { Selection.activeObject = node.Target; if (node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.Rig || node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.Action || node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.Logic || node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.Event || node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.StateMachine || node.Type == CallTreeNodeType.State ) { PingableEditor.PingObject(node.Target); } } else SetEditorFor(node.Target); } } public static class Styles { public static Texture2D Group = null; public static Texture2D Callable = Icon("Misc/ic-callable.png"); public static Texture2D Rig = Icon("Misc/ic-callable.png"); public static Texture2D Action = Icon("Actions/ic-action-generic.png"); public static Texture2D Logic = Icon("Logic/ic-generic-logic.png"); public static Texture2D Event = Icon("Events/ic-event-generic.png"); public static Texture2D Message = Icon("Events/ic-event-message .png"); public static Texture2D StateMachine = Icon("Misc/ic-StateMachine.png"); public static Texture2D State = Icon("Misc/ic-State.png"); public static Texture2D Factory = Icon("Misc/ic-Factory.png"); static Texture2D Icon(string path) { return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath($"Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Icons/{path}"); } } } } }