using UnityEngine; #if PACKAGE_VFXGRAPH using UnityEngine.VFX; #endif namespace GameplayIngredients.Actions { #if !PACKAGE_VFXGRAPH [WarnDisabledModule("Visual Effect Graph")] #endif [AddComponentMenu(ComponentMenu.vfxPath + "VFX Send Event Action")] [Callable("Visual Effects", "Misc/ic-vfx.png")] public class VFXSendEventAction : ActionBase { #if PACKAGE_VFXGRAPH [NonNullCheck] public VisualEffect visualEffect; #endif public string eventName = "Event"; public override void Execute(GameObject instigator = null) { #if PACKAGE_VFXGRAPH int id = Shader.PropertyToID(eventName); visualEffect?.SendEvent(eventName); #else Debug.LogWarning("VFXSendEventAction could not attach to VFX as VFX Graph package is not installed, if you're running HDRP or URP, please install it using package manager."); #endif } #if PACKAGE_VFXGRAPH public override string GetDefaultName() { return $"Send VFX Event '{eventName}' to {visualEffect?}"; } #endif } }