using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; namespace GameplayIngredients.Editor { public static class MenuItems { public const int kWindowMenuPriority = 100; public const int kPlayMenuPriority = 160; public const int kMenuPriority = 330; #region PLAY HERE [MenuItem("Edit/Play from SceneView Position #%&P", priority = kPlayMenuPriority)] static void PlayHere() { EditorApplication.isPlaying = true; } [MenuItem("Edit/Play from SceneView Position #%&P", priority = kPlayMenuPriority, validate = true)] static bool PlayHereValidate() { return PlayFromHere.IsReady; } #endregion #region GROUP_UNGROUP const int kGroupMenuIndex = 500; const string kGroupMenuString = "Edit/Group Selected %G"; const string kUnGroupMenuString = "Edit/Un-Group Selected %#G"; [MenuItem(kGroupMenuString, priority = kGroupMenuIndex, validate = false)] static void Group() { if (Selection.gameObjects.Length <= 1) return; var selected = Selection.gameObjects; Transform parent = selected[0].transform.parent; Scene scene = selected[0].scene; bool sparseParents = false; foreach (var obj in selected) { if (obj.transform.parent != parent || obj.scene != scene) { sparseParents = true; break; } } if (sparseParents) { parent = null; scene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); } Vector3 posSum =; foreach (var go in selected) { posSum += go.transform.position; } GameObject groupObj = new GameObject("Group"); groupObj.transform.position = posSum / selected.Length; groupObj.transform.parent = parent; groupObj.isStatic = true; foreach (var go in selected) go.transform.parent = groupObj.transform; // Expand by pinging the first object EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(selected[0]); } [MenuItem(kGroupMenuString, priority = kGroupMenuIndex, validate = true)] static bool GroupCheck() { return (Selection.gameObjects.Length > 1); } [MenuItem(kUnGroupMenuString, priority = kGroupMenuIndex+1, validate = false)] static void UnGroup() { if (Selection.gameObjects.Length == 0) return; var selected = Selection.gameObjects; List oldParents = new List(); foreach(var go in selected) { if(go.transform.parent != null) { if(!oldParents.Contains(go.transform.parent)) oldParents.Add(go.transform.parent); go.transform.parent = go.transform.parent.parent; } } List toDelete = new List(); // Cleanup old parents foreach(var parent in oldParents) { var go = parent.gameObject; if(parent.childCount == 0 && parent.GetComponents().Length == 1) // if no more children and only transform/rectTransform { toDelete.Add(go); } } foreach (var trash in toDelete) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(trash); } [MenuItem(kUnGroupMenuString, priority = kGroupMenuIndex+1, validate = true)] static bool UnGroupCheck() { return (Selection.gameObjects.Length > 0); } #endregion #region ASSETS [UnityEditor.MenuItem("Assets/Create/Game Level")] static void CreateGameLevel() { GameplayIngredients.Editor.AssetFactory.CreateAssetInProjectWindow("", "New Game Level.asset"); } #endregion #region HELP [MenuItem("Help/Gameplay Ingredients/Documentation")] static void Help() { Application.OpenURL(""); } [MenuItem("Help/Gameplay Ingredients/GitHub Repository (Issues and Releases)")] static void GitHub() { Application.OpenURL(""); } [MenuItem("Help/Gameplay Ingredients/OpenUPM page")] static void OpenUPM() { Application.OpenURL(""); } #endregion } }