using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; namespace GameplayIngredients.Editor { partial class WelcomeScreen : EditorWindow { const string kShowOnStartupPreference = "GameplayIngredients.Welcome.ShowAtStartup"; const int WindowWidth = 640; const int WindowHeight = 520; static bool showOnStartup { get { return EditorPrefs.GetBool(kShowOnStartupPreference, true); } set { if (value != showOnStartup) EditorPrefs.SetBool(kShowOnStartupPreference, value); } } static Texture2D header { get { if (s_Header == null) s_Header = (Texture2D)EditorGUIUtility.Load("Packages/net.peeweek.gameplay-ingredients/Editor/WelcomeScreen/welcome-title.png"); return s_Header; } } static Texture2D s_Header; public static void Reload() { EditorApplication.update -= ShowAtStartup; InitShowAtStartup(); } [InitializeOnLoadMethod] static void InitShowAtStartup() { if (showOnStartup && !GameplayIngredientsSettings.currentSettings.disableWelcomeScreenAutoStart) EditorApplication.update += ShowAtStartup; EditorApplication.quitting += EditorApplication_quitting; } const string kShowNextPreference = "GameplayIngredients.WelcomeScreen.ShowNextTime"; private static void EditorApplication_quitting() { EditorPrefs.SetBool(kShowNextPreference, true); } static void ShowAtStartup() { if (!Application.isPlaying && EditorPrefs.GetBool(kShowNextPreference, true)) { ShowFromMenu(); EditorPrefs.SetBool(kShowNextPreference, false); } EditorApplication.update -= ShowAtStartup; } [MenuItem("Window/Gameplay Ingredients/Welcome Screen", priority = MenuItems.kWindowMenuPriority)] static void ShowFromMenu() { GetWindow(true, "Gameplay Ingredients"); } private void OnEnable() { this.position = new Rect((Screen.width / 2.0f) - WindowWidth / 2, (Screen.height / 2.0f) - WindowHeight / 2, WindowWidth, WindowHeight); this.minSize = new Vector2(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); this.maxSize = new Vector2(WindowWidth, WindowHeight); if (!GameplayIngredientsSettings.hasSettingAsset) wizardMode = WizardMode.FirstTimeSetup; InitTips(); } private void OnDestroy() { EditorApplication.update -= ShowAtStartup; } private enum WizardMode { TipOfTheDay = 0, FirstTimeSetup = 1, About = 2, } [SerializeField] private WizardMode wizardMode = WizardMode.TipOfTheDay; private void OnGUI() { Rect headerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(640, 215); GUI.DrawTexture(headerRect, header); using (new GUILayout.AreaScope(new Rect(160, 180, 320, 32))) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope(EditorStyles.miniButton)) { bool value = false; value = wizardMode == WizardMode.TipOfTheDay; value = GUILayout.Toggle(value, " Tips ", Styles.buttonLeft); if(value) wizardMode = WizardMode.TipOfTheDay; value = wizardMode == WizardMode.FirstTimeSetup; value = GUILayout.Toggle(value, " Setup ", Styles.buttonMid); if (value) wizardMode = WizardMode.FirstTimeSetup; value = wizardMode == WizardMode.About; value = GUILayout.Toggle(value, " About ", Styles.buttonRight); if(value) wizardMode = WizardMode.About; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } } GUILayout.Space(8); switch (wizardMode) { case WizardMode.TipOfTheDay: OnTipsGUI(); break; case WizardMode.FirstTimeSetup: OnSetupGUI(); break; case WizardMode.About: OnAboutGUI(); break; } Rect line = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(640, 1); EditorGUI.DrawRect(line,; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { if(!GameplayIngredientsSettings.currentSettings.disableWelcomeScreenAutoStart) { showOnStartup = GUILayout.Toggle(showOnStartup, " Show this window on startup"); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Close")) { this.Close(); } } } void OnAboutGUI() { GUILayout.Label("About", EditorStyles.boldLabel); using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope(Styles.helpBox)) { GUILayout.Label("Gameplay Ingredients", Styles.centeredTitle); GUILayout.Label(@"(and cooking ustensils) A set of Open Source Runtime and Editor Tools for your Unity prototypes and games. These scripts are maintained by Thomas Iche and released under MIT License as a unity package. This package also makes use of the following third party components: - Naughty Attributes by Denis Rizov ( - Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane ( - Header art background 'Chef's Station' by Todd Quackenbush ( ", Styles.centeredBody); using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button(" Github Page ", Styles.buttonLeft)) Application.OpenURL(""); if (GUILayout.Button(" Report a Bug ", Styles.buttonMid)) Application.OpenURL(""); if (GUILayout.Button(" LICENSE ", Styles.buttonRight)) Application.OpenURL(""); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } } static class Styles { public static GUIStyle buttonLeft; public static GUIStyle buttonMid; public static GUIStyle buttonRight; public static GUIStyle title; public static GUIStyle body; public static GUIStyle centeredTitle; public static GUIStyle centeredBody; public static GUIStyle helpBox; static Styles() { buttonLeft = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonLeft); buttonMid = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonMid); buttonRight = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.miniButtonRight); buttonLeft.fontSize = 12; buttonMid.fontSize = 12; buttonRight.fontSize = 12; title = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); title.fontSize = 22; centeredTitle = new GUIStyle(title); centeredTitle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; body = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label); body.fontSize = 12; body.wordWrap = true; body.richText = true; centeredBody = new GUIStyle(body); centeredBody.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; helpBox = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox); helpBox.padding = new RectOffset(12, 12, 12, 12); } } } }