Thomas ICHÉ
6 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 281 次插入 和 0 次删除
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using NaughtyAttributes; |
using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
namespace GameplayIngredients.Logic |
{ |
public class SaveDataLogic : LogicBase |
{ |
public enum Evaluation |
{ |
Equal, |
NotEqual, |
Greater, |
GreaterOrEqual, |
Less, |
LessOrEqual |
} |
public Evaluation Test = Evaluation.Equal; |
public GameSaveManager.Location SaveLocation = GameSaveManager.Location.System; |
public GameSaveManager.ValueType ValueType = GameSaveManager.ValueType.String; |
public string Key = "SomeKey"; |
public bool BoolTargetValue; |
public int IntTargetValue; |
public float FloatTargetValue; |
public string StringTargetValue; |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnTestSuccess; |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnTesFail; |
public override void Execute() |
{ |
var gsm = Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>(); |
bool result = false; |
switch(ValueType) |
{ |
case GameSaveManager.ValueType.Bool: |
if (!gsm.HasBool(Key, SaveLocation)) |
{ |
WarnNotExist(Key, ValueType, SaveLocation); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = TestValue(gsm.GetBool(Key, SaveLocation), BoolTargetValue); |
} |
break; |
case GameSaveManager.ValueType.Int: |
if (!gsm.HasInt(Key, SaveLocation)) |
{ |
WarnNotExist(Key, ValueType, SaveLocation); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = TestValue(gsm.GetInt(Key, SaveLocation), IntTargetValue); |
} |
break; |
case GameSaveManager.ValueType.Float: |
if (!gsm.HasFloat(Key, SaveLocation)) |
{ |
WarnNotExist(Key, ValueType, SaveLocation); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = TestValue(gsm.GetFloat(Key, SaveLocation), FloatTargetValue); |
} |
break; |
case GameSaveManager.ValueType.String: |
if (!gsm.HasSting(Key, SaveLocation)) |
{ |
WarnNotExist(Key, ValueType, SaveLocation); |
} |
else |
{ |
result = TestValue(gsm.GetString(Key, SaveLocation), StringTargetValue); |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
bool TestValue<T>(T value, T other) where T : System.IComparable<T> |
{ |
switch(Test) |
{ |
case Evaluation.Equal: return value.CompareTo(other) == 0; |
case Evaluation.NotEqual: return value.CompareTo(other) != 0; |
case Evaluation.Greater: return value.CompareTo(other) > 0; |
case Evaluation.GreaterOrEqual: return value.CompareTo(other) >= 0; |
case Evaluation.Less: return value.CompareTo(other) < 0; |
case Evaluation.LessOrEqual: return value.CompareTo(other) <= 0; |
} |
return false; |
} |
void WarnNotExist(string name, GameSaveManager.ValueType type, GameSaveManager.Location location) |
{ |
Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Save Data Logic: Trying to get {0} value to non existent {1} data in {2} save.", type, name, location)); |
} |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue