Thomas ICHÉ
6 年前
共有 9 个文件被更改,包括 388 次插入 和 0 次删除
41Icons/GameLevel Icon.png
127Icons/GameLevel Icon.png.meta
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using System.Collections; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using GameplayIngredients.LevelStreaming; |
using NaughtyAttributes; |
using GameplayIngredients; |
public class GameLevel : ScriptableObject |
{ |
[ReorderableList, Scene] |
public string[] StartupScenes; |
} |
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using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using GameplayIngredients; |
using GameplayIngredients.Actions; |
using NaughtyAttributes; |
public class GameLevelLoadAction : ActionBase |
{ |
public enum Target |
{ |
MainMenu, |
First, |
Previous, |
Current, |
Next, |
Last, |
SpecifiedLevel, |
FromGameSave, |
} |
public bool ShowUI = true; |
public Target level = Target.First; |
[NonNullCheck, ShowIf("isSpecified"), Tooltip("Which Level to Load/Unload, when selected 'Specified' level")] |
public GameLevel specifiedLevel; |
[ShowIf("isGameSave")] |
public int UserSaveIndex = 0; |
[ShowIf("isGameSave")] |
public string UserSaveName = "Progress"; |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnComplete; |
private bool isSpecified() { return level == Target.SpecifiedLevel; } |
private bool isGameSave() { return level == Target.FromGameSave; } |
public override void Execute(GameObject instigator = null) |
{ |
int index = -2; |
var manager = Manager.Get<GameManager>(); |
switch (level) |
{ |
case Target.MainMenu: index = -1; break; |
case Target.First: index = 0; break; |
case Target.Last: index = manager.MainGameLevels.Length - 1; break; |
case Target.Current: index = manager.currentLevel; break; |
case Target.Previous: index = Mathf.Max(0, manager.currentLevel-1); break; |
case Target.Next: index = Mathf.Min(manager.MainGameLevels.Length - 1, manager.currentLevel + 1); break; |
case Target.SpecifiedLevel: |
if(specifiedLevel != null && manager.MainGameLevels.Contains(specifiedLevel)) |
{ |
index = manager.MainGameLevels.ToList().IndexOf(specifiedLevel); |
} |
break; |
case Target.FromGameSave: index = manager.currentSaveProgress; break; |
} |
manager.SwitchLevel(index, ShowUI, OnComplete); |
} |
} |
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using GameplayIngredients; |
using GameplayIngredients.Actions; |
using GameplayIngredients.LevelStreaming; |
using NaughtyAttributes; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using UnityEngine; |
using GameplayIngredients.Logic; |
[ManagerDefaultPrefab("GameManager")] |
public class GameManager : Manager |
{ |
[Header("Events")] |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnGameStart; |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnLevelLoaded; |
[ReorderableList] |
public Callable[] OnMainMenuLoaded; |
[Header("Levels"),NonNullCheck] |
public GameLevel MainMenuGameLevel; |
[ReorderableList,NonNullCheck] |
public GameLevel[] MainGameLevels; |
[Header("Save")] |
public string ProgressSaveName = "Progress"; |
[Header("Messages")] |
public string MainMenuStartMessage = "MAINMENU_START"; |
public string GameLevelStartMessage = "GAME_START"; |
public int currentLevel { get; private set; } = -2; |
public int currentSaveProgress { |
get { Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>().LoadUserSave(0); return Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>().GetInt(ProgressSaveName, GameSaveManager.Location.User); } |
set { Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>().SetInt(ProgressSaveName, GameSaveManager.Location.User, value); Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>().SaveUserSave(0); } |
} |
GameObject m_CurrentLevelSwitch; |
public void Start() |
{ |
currentLevel = int.MinValue; |
Callable.Call(OnGameStart); |
Manager.Get<GameSaveManager>().LoadUserSave(0); |
} |
Callable GetCurrentLevelSwitch(int targetLevel, bool showUI = false, Callable[] onComplete = null) |
{ |
GameObject go = new GameObject(); |
||| = $"LevelSwtich {currentLevel} -> {targetLevel}"; |
go.transform.parent = this.transform; |
m_CurrentLevelSwitch = go; |
var cameraFade = go.AddComponent<FullScreenFadeAction>(); |
var loadLevel = go.AddComponent<StreamingLevelAction>(); |
var sendMessage = go.AddComponent<SendMessageAction>(); |
var destroy = go.AddComponent<DestroyObjectAction>(); |
var next = go.AddComponent<Logic>(); |
cameraFade.Fading = FullScreenFadeManager.FadeMode.ToBlack; |
cameraFade.Name = "Fade to Black"; |
cameraFade.Duration = 1.0f; |
cameraFade.OnComplete = new Callable[]{ loadLevel }; |
loadLevel.Name = $"Load {(targetLevel < 0? "Main menu" : MainGameLevels[targetLevel].name)}"; |
loadLevel.ShowUI = showUI; |
loadLevel.Action = LevelStreamingManager.StreamingAction.Replace; |
var level = targetLevel < 0 ? MainMenuGameLevel : MainGameLevels[targetLevel]; |
loadLevel.SceneToActivate = level.StartupScenes[0]; |
loadLevel.Scenes = level.StartupScenes; |
loadLevel.OnLoadComplete = new Callable[] { sendMessage, destroy, next }; |
string message = targetLevel == -1 ? MainMenuStartMessage : GameLevelStartMessage; |
sendMessage.Name = $"Send {message}"; |
sendMessage.MessageToSend = message; |
destroy.ObjectsToDestroy = new GameObject[] { go }; |
var nextActions = targetLevel < 0 ? OnMainMenuLoaded : OnLevelLoaded; |
next.Calls = nextActions.Concat(onComplete).ToArray(); |
// Return first callable
return cameraFade; |
} |
public void SwitchLevel(int nextLevel, bool showUI = false, Callable[] onComplete = null) |
{ |
if (m_CurrentLevelSwitch == null) |
{ |
var call = GetCurrentLevelSwitch(nextLevel, showUI, onComplete); |
call.Execute(); |
currentLevel = nextLevel; |
} |
else |
Debug.LogWarning("SwitchLevel : an Operation was still in progress and switching level could not be done. "); |
} |
} |
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Reference in new issue