
Added a changelog, finally!

peeweek 6 年前
共有 2 个文件被更改,包括 93 次插入0 次删除
  1. 86
  2. 7


# Changelog
## 2019.1.2
#### Changed
* **[Breaking]** Discover Assets now reference many Scenes/SceneSetups
* Action to take: have to re-reference scenes in Discover Asset
#### Added
* Added Screenshot Manager (Defaults to F11 to take screenshots)
* Added OnMouseDownEvent
* Added OnMouseHoverEvent
* Added OnVisibilityEvent
* Added SaveDataSwitchOnIntLogic
#### Fixed
* Fixed warning in CycleResolutionsAction
## 2019.1.1
#### Changed
#### Added
* Log Action
* Added Playable Director to objects in discover (to open atimeline at a give playable director)
* Added support of Game Save Value index for Factories (in order to select a blueprint object from a saved value)
#### Fixed
* Fixed Import Errors at first project load, including the way we load discover and GameplayIngredients project settings
* Secure checks in Gathering Manager classes from assembly (skips protected assemblies now)
## 2019.1.0
#### Changed
* Removed counts in OnTriggerEvent
* Callables can now be friendly-named (with default formatting)
* Updated Starter Packages
#### Added
- Added NTimesLogic (split from OnTriggerEvent)
- Added Replace Mode for Level Streaming Manager
- Added UIToggle Action and Property Drawer
- Added Audio Play Clip Action
- Added Platform Logic
- New Welcome Screen, with Wizard
- New optional GameplayIngredients Project Configuration asset
- Toggles for verbose callable logging
- Manager Exclusion List
- New Scene from Template Window + Config SceneTemplateLists Assets
- Helps creating new scenes from user-made templates
- New Discover Window System:
- Adds a new DiscoverAsset to reference Levels / Scene Setups
- Adds new Discover components in scenes
- Discover window helps navigate scenes while in editor and discover content.
- Added improved Game Manager
- Manages loading of main menu & levels directly instead of using LevelStreamingManager
- Manages Level Startup in sync after all scenes have started.
#### Fixed
* Fixed code to run on Unity 2019.1
* Fixed factory managed objects upon destroy
* Fixes in LinkGameView when application is not playing
* Fix in LevelStreamingManager incorrect computation of Scene Counts
* Fixes in VirtualCameraManager
* Fixes in Find/Replace window
* Fixes in Hierarchy View Hints for Unity 2019.3 new skin
## 2018.3.0
Initial Version


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