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227 行
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import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from ppo.history import *
class Trainer(object):
def __init__(self, ppo_model, sess, info, is_continuous, use_observations, use_states, training):
Responsible for collecting experiences and training PPO model.
:param ppo_model: Tensorflow graph defining model.
:param sess: Tensorflow session.
:param info: Environment BrainInfo object.
:param is_continuous: Whether action-space is continuous.
:param use_observations: Whether agent takes image observations.
self.model = ppo_model
self.sess = sess
stats = {'cumulative_reward': [], 'episode_length': [], 'value_estimate': [],
'entropy': [], 'value_loss': [], 'policy_loss': [], 'learning_rate': []}
self.stats = stats
self.is_training = training
self.reset_buffers(info, total=True)
self.training_buffer = vectorize_history(empty_local_history({}))
self.is_continuous = is_continuous
self.use_observations = use_observations
self.use_states = use_states
def running_average(self, data, steps, running_mean, running_variance):
Computes new running mean and variances.
:param data: New piece of data.
:param steps: Total number of data so far.
:param running_mean: TF op corresponding to stored running mean.
:param running_variance: TF op corresponding to stored running variance.
:return: New mean and variance values.
mean, var = self.sess.run([running_mean, running_variance])
current_x = np.mean(data, axis=0)
new_mean = mean + (current_x - mean) / (steps + 1)
new_variance = var + (current_x - new_mean) * (current_x - mean)
return new_mean, new_variance
def take_action(self, info, env, brain_name, steps):
Decides actions given state/observation information, and takes them in environment.
:param info: Current BrainInfo from environment.
:param env: Environment to take actions in.
:param brain_name: Name of brain we are learning model for.
:return: BrainInfo corresponding to new environment state.
epsi = None
feed_dict = {self.model.batch_size: len(info.states)}
run_list = [self.model.output, self.model.probs, self.model.value, self.model.entropy,
if self.is_continuous:
epsi = np.random.randn(len(info.states), env.brains[brain_name].action_space_size)
feed_dict[self.model.epsilon] = epsi
if self.use_observations:
feed_dict[self.model.observation_in] = np.vstack(info.observations)
if self.use_states:
feed_dict[self.model.state_in] = info.states
if self.is_training and env.brains[brain_name].state_space_type == "continuous" and self.use_states:
new_mean, new_variance = self.running_average(info.states, steps, self.model.running_mean,
feed_dict[self.model.new_mean] = new_mean
feed_dict[self.model.new_variance] = new_variance
run_list = run_list + [self.model.update_mean, self.model.update_variance]
actions, a_dist, value, ent, learn_rate, _, _ = self.sess.run(run_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)
actions, a_dist, value, ent, learn_rate = self.sess.run(run_list, feed_dict=feed_dict)
new_info = env.step(actions, value={brain_name: value})[brain_name]
self.add_experiences(info, new_info, epsi, actions, a_dist, value)
return new_info
def add_experiences(self, info, next_info, epsi, actions, a_dist, value):
Adds experiences to each agent's experience history.
:param info: Current BrainInfo.
:param next_info: Next BrainInfo.
:param epsi: Epsilon value (for continuous control)
:param actions: Chosen actions.
:param a_dist: Action probabilities.
:param value: Value estimates.
for (agent, history) in self.history_dict.items():
if agent in info.agents:
idx = info.agents.index(agent)
if not info.local_done[idx]:
if self.use_observations:
if self.use_states:
if self.is_continuous:
history['cumulative_reward'] += next_info.rewards[idx]
history['episode_steps'] += 1
def process_experiences(self, info, time_horizon, gamma, lambd):
Checks agent histories for processing condition, and processes them as necessary.
Processing involves calculating value and advantage targets for model updating step.
:param info: Current BrainInfo
:param time_horizon: Max steps for individual agent history before processing.
:param gamma: Discount factor.
:param lambd: GAE factor.
for l in range(len(info.agents)):
if (info.local_done[l] or len(self.history_dict[info.agents[l]]['actions']) > time_horizon) and len(
self.history_dict[info.agents[l]]['actions']) > 0:
if info.local_done[l]:
value_next = 0.0
feed_dict = {self.model.batch_size: len(info.states)}
if self.use_observations:
feed_dict[self.model.observation_in] = np.vstack(info.observations)
if self.use_states:
feed_dict[self.model.state_in] = info.states
value_next = self.sess.run(self.model.value, feed_dict)[l]
history = vectorize_history(self.history_dict[info.agents[l]])
history['advantages'] = get_gae(rewards=history['rewards'],
value_next=value_next, gamma=gamma, lambd=lambd)
history['discounted_returns'] = history['advantages'] + history['value_estimates']
if len(self.training_buffer['actions']) > 0:
append_history(global_buffer=self.training_buffer, local_buffer=history)
set_history(global_buffer=self.training_buffer, local_buffer=history)
self.history_dict[info.agents[l]] = empty_local_history(self.history_dict[info.agents[l]])
if info.local_done[l]:
history['cumulative_reward'] = 0
history['episode_steps'] = 0
def reset_buffers(self, brain_info=None, total=False):
Resets either all training buffers or local training buffers
:param brain_info: The BrainInfo object containing agent ids.
:param total: Whether to completely clear buffer.
if not total:
for key in self.history_dict:
self.history_dict[key] = empty_local_history(self.history_dict[key])
self.history_dict = empty_all_history(agent_info=brain_info)
def update_model(self, batch_size, num_epoch):
Uses training_buffer to update model.
:param batch_size: Size of each mini-batch update.
:param num_epoch: How many passes through data to update model for.
total_v, total_p = 0, 0
advantages = self.training_buffer['advantages']
self.training_buffer['advantages'] = (advantages - advantages.mean()) / advantages.std()
for k in range(num_epoch):
training_buffer = shuffle_buffer(self.training_buffer)
for l in range(len(training_buffer['actions']) // batch_size):
start = l * batch_size
end = (l + 1) * batch_size
feed_dict = {self.model.returns_holder: training_buffer['discounted_returns'][start:end],
self.model.advantage: np.vstack(training_buffer['advantages'][start:end]),
self.model.old_probs: np.vstack(training_buffer['action_probs'][start:end])}
if self.is_continuous:
feed_dict[self.model.epsilon] = np.vstack(training_buffer['epsilons'][start:end])
feed_dict[self.model.action_holder] = np.hstack(training_buffer['actions'][start:end])
if self.use_states:
feed_dict[self.model.state_in] = np.vstack(training_buffer['states'][start:end])
if self.use_observations:
feed_dict[self.model.observation_in] = np.vstack(training_buffer['observations'][start:end])
v_loss, p_loss, _ = self.sess.run([self.model.value_loss, self.model.policy_loss,
self.model.update_batch], feed_dict=feed_dict)
total_v += v_loss
total_p += p_loss
self.training_buffer = vectorize_history(empty_local_history({}))
def write_summary(self, summary_writer, steps, lesson_number):
Saves training statistics to Tensorboard.
:param summary_writer: writer associated with Tensorflow session.
:param steps: Number of environment steps in training process.
if len(self.stats['cumulative_reward']) > 0:
mean_reward = np.mean(self.stats['cumulative_reward'])
print("Step: {0}. Mean Reward: {1}. Std of Reward: {2}."
.format(steps, mean_reward, np.std(self.stats['cumulative_reward'])))
summary = tf.Summary()
for key in self.stats:
if len(self.stats[key]) > 0:
stat_mean = float(np.mean(self.stats[key]))
summary.value.add(tag='Info/{}'.format(key), simple_value=stat_mean)
self.stats[key] = []
summary.value.add(tag='Info/Lesson', simple_value=lesson_number)
summary_writer.add_summary(summary, steps)
def write_text(self, summary_writer, key, input_dict, steps):
Saves text to Tensorboard.
Note: Only works on tensorflow r1.2 or above.
:param summary_writer: writer associated with Tensorflow session.
:param key: The name of the text.
:param input_dict: A dictionary that will be displayed in a table on Tensorboard.
:param steps: Number of environment steps in training process.
s_op = tf.summary.text(key,
tf.convert_to_tensor(([[str(x), str(input_dict[x])] for x in input_dict]))
s = self.sess.run(s_op)
summary_writer.add_summary(s, steps)
print("Cannot write text summary for Tensorboard. Tensorflow version must be r1.2 or above.")