Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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Using the Monitor


The monitor allows visualizing information related to the agents or training process within a Unity scene.

You can track many different things both related and unrelated to the agents themselves. To use the Monitor, call the Log function anywhere in your code :

Monitor.Log(key, value, target)
  • key is the name of the information you want to display.
  • value is the information you want to display. value can have different types :
    • string - The Monitor will display the string next to the key. It can be useful for displaying error messages.
    • float - The Monitor will display a slider. Note that the values must be between -1 and 1. If the value is positive, the slider will be green, if the value is negative, the slider will be red.
    • float[] - The Monitor Log call can take an additional argument called displayType that can be either INDEPENDENT (default) or PROPORTIONAL :
      • INDEPENDENT is used to display multiple independent floats as a histogram. The histogram will be a sequence of vertical sliders.
      • PROPORTION is used to see the proportions between numbers. For each float in values, a rectangle of width of value divided by the sum of all values will be show. It is best for visualizing values that sum to 1.
  • target is the transform to which you want to attach information. If the transform is null the information will be attached to the global monitor.