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Training ML-Agents
The ML-Agents toolkit conducts training using an external Python training process. During training, this external process communicates with the Academy object in the Unity scene to generate a block of agent experiences. These experiences become the training set for a neural network used to optimize the agent's policy (which is essentially a mathematical function mapping observations to actions). In reinforcement learning, the neural network optimizes the policy by maximizing the expected rewards. In imitation learning, the neural network optimizes the policy to achieve the smallest difference between the actions chosen by the agent trainee and the actions chosen by the expert in the same situation.
The output of the training process is a model file containing the optimized policy. This model file is a TensorFlow data graph containing the mathematical operations and the optimized weights selected during the training process. You can use the generated model file with the Learning Brain type in your Unity project to decide the best course of action for an agent.
Use the command mlagents-learn
to train your agents. This command is installed
with the mlagents
package and its implementation can be found at
. The configuration file,
like config/trainer_config.yaml
specifies the hyperparameters used during training.
You can edit this file with a text editor to add a specific configuration for
each Brain.
For a broader overview of reinforcement learning, imitation learning and the ML-Agents training process, see ML-Agents Toolkit Overview.
Training with mlagents-learn
Use the mlagents-learn
command to train agents. mlagents-learn
training with
reinforcement learning,
curriculum learning,
and behavioral cloning imitation learning.
Run mlagents-learn
from the command line to launch the training process. Use
the command line patterns and the config/trainer_config.yaml
file to control
training options.
The basic command for training is:
mlagents-learn <trainer-config-file> --env=<env_name> --run-id=<run-identifier> --train
is the file path of the trainer configuration yaml.<env_name>
(Optional) is the name (including path) of your Unity executable containing the agents to be trained. If<env_name>
is not passed, the training will happen in the Editor. Press the ▶️ button in Unity when the message "Start training by pressing the Play button in the Unity Editor" is displayed on the screen.<run-identifier>
is an optional identifier you can use to identify the results of individual training runs.
For example, suppose you have a project in Unity named "CatsOnBicycles" which contains agents ready to train. To perform the training:
- Build the project, making sure that you only include the training scene.
- Open a terminal or console window.
- Navigate to the directory where you installed the ML-Agents Toolkit.
- Run the following to launch the training process using the path to the Unity environment you built in step 1:
mlagents-learn config/trainer_config.yaml --env=../../projects/Cats/CatsOnBicycles.app --run-id=cob_1 --train
During a training session, the training program prints out and saves updates at
regular intervals (specified by the summary_freq
option). The saved statistics
are grouped by the run-id
value so you should assign a unique id to each
training run if you plan to view the statistics. You can view these statistics
using TensorBoard during or after training by running the following command:
tensorboard --logdir=summaries
And then opening the URL: localhost:6006.
When training is finished, you can find the saved model in the models
under the assigned run-id — in the cats example, the path to the model would be
While this example used the default training hyperparameters, you can edit the training_config.yaml file with a text editor to set different values.
Command line training options
In addition to passing the path of the Unity executable containing your training
environment, you can set the following command line options when invoking
- Specify an executable environment to train.--curriculum=<file>
– Specify a curriculum JSON file for defining the lessons for curriculum training. See Curriculum Training for more information.--keep-checkpoints=<n>
– Specify the maximum number of model checkpoints to keep. Checkpoints are saved after the number of steps specified by thesave-freq
option. Once the maximum number of checkpoints has been reached, the oldest checkpoint is deleted when saving a new checkpoint. Defaults to 5.--lesson=<n>
– Specify which lesson to start with when performing curriculum training. Defaults to 0.--load
– If set, the training code loads an already trained model to initialize the neural network before training. The learning code looks for the model inmodels/<run-id>/
(which is also where it saves models at the end of training). When not set (the default), the neural network weights are randomly initialized and an existing model is not loaded.--num-runs=<n>
- Sets the number of concurrent training sessions to perform. Default is set to 1. Set to higher values when benchmarking performance and multiple training sessions is desired. Training sessions are independent, and do not improve learning performance.--run-id=<path>
– Specifies an identifier for each training run. This identifier is used to name the subdirectories in which the trained model and summary statistics are saved as well as the saved model itself. The default id is "ppo". If you use TensorBoard to view the training statistics, always set a unique run-id for each training run. (The statistics for all runs with the same id are combined as if they were produced by a the same session.)--save-freq=<n>
Specifies how often (in steps) to save the model during training. Defaults to 50000.--seed=<n>
– Specifies a number to use as a seed for the random number generator used by the training code.--slow
– Specify this option to run the Unity environment at normal, game speed. The--slow
mode uses the Time Scale and Target Frame Rate specified in the Academy's Inference Configuration. By default, training runs using the speeds specified in your Academy's Training Configuration. See Academy Properties.--train
– Specifies whether to train model or only run in inference mode. When training, always use the--train
- Specifies the number of parallel environments to collect experiences from when training. Defaults to 1.--base-port
- Specifies the starting port for environment workers. Each Unity environment will use the port(base_port + worker_id)
, where the worker ID are sequential IDs given to each environment from 0 tonum_envs - 1
. Defaults to 5005.--docker-target-name=<dt>
– The Docker Volume on which to store curriculum, executable and model files. See Using Docker.--no-graphics
- Specify this option to run the Unity executable in-batchmode
and doesn't initialize the graphics driver. Use this only if your training doesn't involve visual observations (reading from Pixels). See here for more details.--debug
- Specify this option to run ML-Agents in debug mode and log Trainer Metrics to a CSV stored in thesummaries
directory. The metrics stored are: brain name, time to update policy, time since start of training, time for last experience collection, number of experiences used for training, mean return. This option is not available currently for Imitation Learning.
Training config file
The training config files config/trainer_config.yaml
and config/offline_bc_config.yaml
specifies the
training method, the hyperparameters, and a few additional values to use during
training with PPO, online and offline BC. These files are divided into sections.
The default section defines the default values for all the available
settings. You can also add new sections to override these defaults to train
specific Brains. Name each of these override sections after the GameObject
containing the Brain component that should use these settings. (This GameObject
will be a child of the Academy in your scene.) Sections for the example
environments are included in the provided config file.
Setting | Description | Applies To Trainer* |
batch_size | The number of experiences in each iteration of gradient descent. | PPO, BC |
batches_per_epoch | In imitation learning, the number of batches of training examples to collect before training the model. | BC |
beta | The strength of entropy regularization. | PPO |
brain_to_imitate | For online imitation learning, the name of the GameObject containing the Brain component to imitate. | (online)BC |
demo_path | For offline imitation learning, the file path of the recorded demonstration file | (offline)BC |
buffer_size | The number of experiences to collect before updating the policy model. | PPO |
curiosity_enc_size | The size of the encoding to use in the forward and inverse models in the Curiosity module. | PPO |
curiosity_strength | Magnitude of intrinsic reward generated by Intrinsic Curiosity Module. | PPO |
epsilon | Influences how rapidly the policy can evolve during training. | PPO |
gamma | The reward discount rate for the Generalized Advantage Estimator (GAE). | PPO |
hidden_units | The number of units in the hidden layers of the neural network. | PPO, BC |
lambd | The regularization parameter. | PPO |
learning_rate | The initial learning rate for gradient descent. | PPO, BC |
max_steps | The maximum number of simulation steps to run during a training session. | PPO, BC |
memory_size | The size of the memory an agent must keep. Used for training with a recurrent neural network. See Using Recurrent Neural Networks. | PPO, BC |
normalize | Whether to automatically normalize observations. | PPO |
num_epoch | The number of passes to make through the experience buffer when performing gradient descent optimization. | PPO |
num_layers | The number of hidden layers in the neural network. | PPO, BC |
sequence_length | Defines how long the sequences of experiences must be while training. Only used for training with a recurrent neural network. See Using Recurrent Neural Networks. | PPO, BC |
summary_freq | How often, in steps, to save training statistics. This determines the number of data points shown by TensorBoard. | PPO, BC |
time_horizon | How many steps of experience to collect per-agent before adding it to the experience buffer. | PPO, (online)BC |
trainer | The type of training to perform: "ppo" or "imitation". | PPO, BC |
use_curiosity | Train using an additional intrinsic reward signal generated from Intrinsic Curiosity Module. | PPO |
use_recurrent | Train using a recurrent neural network. See Using Recurrent Neural Networks. | PPO, BC |
*PPO = Proximal Policy Optimization, BC = Behavioral Cloning (Imitation)
For specific advice on setting hyperparameters based on the type of training you are conducting, see:
- Training with PPO
- Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- Training with Curriculum Learning
- Training with Imitation Learning
You can also compare the
example environments
to the corresponding sections of the config/trainer_config.yaml
file for each
example to see how the hyperparameters and other configuration variables have
been changed from the defaults.