Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
// Class contains all necessary environment parameters
// to be defined and sent to external agent
public enum BrainType
public enum BrainType
public enum StateType
/** Only need to be modified in the brain's inpector.
* Defines what is the resolution of the camera
public struct resolution
public int width;
/**< \brief The width of the observation in pixels */
public int height;
/**< \brief The height of the observation in pixels */
public bool blackAndWhite;
/**< \brief If true, the image will be in black and white.
* If false, it will be in colors RGB */
/** Should be modified via the Editor Inspector.
* Defines brain-specific parameters
public class BrainParameters
public int stateSize = 1;
/**< \brief If continuous : The length of the float vector that represents
* the state
* <br> If discrete : The number of possible values the state can take*/
public int actionSize = 1;
/**< \brief If continuous : The length of the float vector that represents the action
* <br> If discrete : The number of possible values the action can take*/
public int memorySize = 0;
/**< \brief The length of the float vector that holds the memory for the agent */
public resolution[] cameraResolutions;
/**<\brief The list of observation resolutions for the brain */
public string[] actionDescriptions;
/**< \brief The list of strings describing what the actions correpond to */
public StateType actionSpaceType = StateType.discrete;
/**< \brief Defines if the action is discrete or continuous */
public StateType stateSpaceType = StateType.continuous;
/**< \brief Defines if the state is discrete or continuous */
* Contains all high-level Brain logic.
* Add this component to an empty GameObject in your scene and drag this
* GameObject into your Academy to make it a child in the hierarchy.
* Contains a set of CoreBrains, which each correspond to a different method
* for deciding actions.
public class Brain : MonoBehaviour
public BrainParameters brainParameters = new BrainParameters();
/**< \brief Defines brain specific parameters such as the state size*/
public BrainType brainType;
/**< \brief Defines what is the type of the brain :
* External / Internal / Player / Heuristic*/
public Dictionary<int, Agent> agents = new Dictionary<int, Agent>();
/**< \brief Keeps track of the agents which subscribe to this brain*/
ScriptableObject[] CoreBrains;
public CoreBrain coreBrain;
/**< \brief Reference to the current CoreBrain used by the brain*/
//Ensures the coreBrains are not dupplicated with the brains
private int instanceID;
/// Ensures the brain has an up to date array of coreBrains
/** Is called when the inspector is modified and into InitializeBrain.
* If the brain gameObject was just created, it generates a list of
* coreBrains (one for each brainType) */
public void UpdateCoreBrains()
// If CoreBrains is null, this means the Brain object was just
// instanciated and we create instances of each CoreBrain
if (CoreBrains == null)
CoreBrains = new ScriptableObject[System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length];
foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());
foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
if ((int)bt >= CoreBrains.Length)
if (CoreBrains[(int)bt] == null)
CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());
// If the length of CoreBrains does not match the number of BrainTypes,
// we increase the length of CoreBrains
if (CoreBrains.Length < System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length)
ScriptableObject[] new_CoreBrains = new ScriptableObject[System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)).Length];
foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
if ((int)bt < CoreBrains.Length)
new_CoreBrains[(int)bt] = CoreBrains[(int)bt];
new_CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());
CoreBrains = new_CoreBrains;
// If the stored instanceID does not match the current instanceID,
// this means that the Brain GameObject was duplicated, and
// we need to make a new copy of each CoreBrain
if (instanceID != gameObject.GetInstanceID())
foreach (BrainType bt in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrainType)))
if (CoreBrains[(int)bt] == null)
CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance("CoreBrain" + bt.ToString());
CoreBrains[(int)bt] = ScriptableObject.Instantiate(CoreBrains[(int)bt]);
instanceID = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
// The coreBrain to display is the one defined in brainType
coreBrain = (CoreBrain)CoreBrains[(int)brainType];
/// This is called by the Academy at the start of the environemnt.
public void InitializeBrain()
/// Collects the states of all the agents which subscribe to this brain
/// and returns a dictionary {id -> state}
public Dictionary<int, List<float>> CollectStates()
Dictionary<int, List<float>> result = new Dictionary<int, List<float>>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
List<float> states = idAgent.Value.CollectState();
if ((states.Count != brainParameters.stateSize) && (brainParameters.stateSpaceType == StateType.continuous))
throw new UnityAgentsException(string.Format(@"The number of states does not match for agent {0}:
Was expecting {1} continuous states but received {2}.", idAgent.Value.gameObject.name, brainParameters.stateSize, states.Count));
if ((states.Count != 1) && (brainParameters.stateSpaceType == StateType.discrete))
throw new UnityAgentsException(string.Format(@"The number of states does not match for agent {0}:
Was expecting 1 discrete states but received {1}.", idAgent.Value.gameObject.name, states.Count));
result.Add(idAgent.Key, states);
return result;
/// Collects the observations of all the agents which subscribe to this
/// brain and returns a dictionary {id -> Camera}
public Dictionary<int, List<Camera>> CollectObservations()
Dictionary<int, List<Camera>> result = new Dictionary<int, List<Camera>>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
List<Camera> observations = idAgent.Value.observations;
if (observations.Count < brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Count())
throw new UnityAgentsException(string.Format(@"The number of observations does not match for agent {0}:
Was expecting at least {1} observation but received {2}.", idAgent.Value.gameObject.name, brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Count(), observations.Count));
result.Add(idAgent.Key, observations);
return result;
/// Collects the rewards of all the agents which subscribe to this brain
/// and returns a dictionary {id -> reward}
public Dictionary<int, float> CollectRewards()
Dictionary<int, float> result = new Dictionary<int, float>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
result.Add(idAgent.Key, idAgent.Value.reward);
return result;
/// Collects the done flag of all the agents which subscribe to this brain
/// and returns a dictionary {id -> done}
public Dictionary<int, bool> CollectDones()
Dictionary<int, bool> result = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
result.Add(idAgent.Key, idAgent.Value.done);
return result;
/// Collects the actions of all the agents which subscribe to this brain
/// and returns a dictionary {id -> action}
public Dictionary<int, float[]> CollectActions()
Dictionary<int, float[]> result = new Dictionary<int, float[]>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
result.Add(idAgent.Key, idAgent.Value.agentStoredAction);
return result;
/// Collects the memories of all the agents which subscribe to this brain
/// and returns a dictionary {id -> memories}
public Dictionary<int, float[]> CollectMemories()
Dictionary<int, float[]> result = new Dictionary<int, float[]>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
result.Add(idAgent.Key, idAgent.Value.memory);
return result;
/// Takes a dictionary {id -> memories} and sends the memories to the
/// corresponding agents
public void SendMemories(Dictionary<int, float[]> memories)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
idAgent.Value.memory = memories[idAgent.Key];
/// Takes a dictionary {id -> actions} and sends the actions to the
/// corresponding agents
public void SendActions(Dictionary<int, float[]> actions)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
//Add a check here to see if the component was destroyed ?
/// Takes a dictionary {id -> values} and sends the values to the
/// corresponding agents
public void SendValues(Dictionary<int, float> values)
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
//Add a check here to see if the component was destroyed ?
idAgent.Value.value = values[idAgent.Key];
///Sets all the agents which subscribe to the brain to done
public void SendDone()
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Agent> idAgent in agents)
idAgent.Value.done = true;
/// Uses coreBrain to call SendState on the CoreBrain
public void SendState()
/// Uses coreBrain to call decideAction on the CoreBrain
public void DecideAction()
/// \brief Is used by the Academy to send a step message to all the agents
/// which are not done
public void Step()
List<Agent> agentsToIterate = agents.Values.ToList();
foreach (Agent agent in agentsToIterate)
if (!agent.done)
/// Is used by the Academy to reset the agents if they are done
public void ResetIfDone()
List<Agent> agentsToIterate = agents.Values.ToList();
foreach (Agent agent in agentsToIterate)
if (agent.done)
if (!agent.resetOnDone)
/// Is used by the Academy to reset all agents
public void Reset()
List<Agent> agentsToIterate = agents.Values.ToList();
foreach (Agent agent in agentsToIterate)
agent.done = false;
/// \brief Is used by the Academy reset the done flag and the rewards of the
/// agents that subscribe to the brain
public void ResetDoneAndReward()
foreach (Agent agent in agents.Values)
if (!agent.done || agent.resetOnDone)
agent.done = false;
/** Contains logic for coverting a camera component into a Texture2D. */
public Texture2D ObservationToTex(Camera camera, int width, int height)
Camera cam = camera;
Rect oldRec = camera.rect;
cam.rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
bool supportsAntialiasing = false;
bool needsRescale = false;
var depth = 24;
var format = RenderTextureFormat.Default;
var readWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite.Default;
var antiAliasing = (supportsAntialiasing) ? Mathf.Max(1, QualitySettings.antiAliasing) : 1;
var finalRT =
RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, depth, format, readWrite, antiAliasing);
var renderRT = (!needsRescale) ? finalRT :
RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, depth, format, readWrite, antiAliasing);
var tex = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
var prevActiveRT = RenderTexture.active;
var prevCameraRT = cam.targetTexture;
// render to offscreen texture (readonly from CPU side)
RenderTexture.active = renderRT;
cam.targetTexture = renderRT;
if (needsRescale)
RenderTexture.active = finalRT;
Graphics.Blit(renderRT, finalRT);
tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height), 0, 0);
cam.targetTexture = prevCameraRT;
cam.rect = oldRec;
RenderTexture.active = prevActiveRT;
return tex;
/// Contains logic to convert the agent's cameras into observation list
/// (as list of float arrays)
public List<float[,,,]> GetObservationMatrixList(List<int> agent_keys)
List<float[,,,]> observation_matrix_list = new List<float[,,,]>();
Dictionary<int, List<Camera>> observations = CollectObservations();
for (int obs_number = 0; obs_number < brainParameters.cameraResolutions.Length; obs_number++)
int width = brainParameters.cameraResolutions[obs_number].width;
int height = brainParameters.cameraResolutions[obs_number].height;
bool bw = brainParameters.cameraResolutions[obs_number].blackAndWhite;
int pixels = 0;
if (bw)
pixels = 1;
pixels = 3;
float[,,,] observation_matrix = new float[agent_keys.Count
, height
, width
, pixels];
int i = 0;
foreach (int k in agent_keys)
Camera agent_obs = observations[k][obs_number];
Texture2D tex = ObservationToTex(agent_obs, width, height);
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++)
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++)
Color c = tex.GetPixel(w, h);
if (!bw)
observation_matrix[i, tex.height - h - 1, w, 0] = c.r;
observation_matrix[i, tex.height - h - 1, w, 1] = c.g;
observation_matrix[i, tex.height - h - 1, w, 2] = c.b;
observation_matrix[i, tex.height - h - 1, w, 0] = (c.r + c.g + c.b) / 3;
return observation_matrix_list;