* init
* Add reward manager and hurryUpReward
* fix hurry reward/ add awful first training
* Turn off head height and hurry rew
* changed max speed to 15. added small hh rew
* add NaN check for reward manager. start vel penalty
* add bpVel pen
* add new BPVelPen nn file
* remove outdated nn file
* add randomize speed bool
* try rewad product
* change coeff to 1
* try avg vel of all bp for reward
* move outside loop
* try linear inverselerp for vel
* add avg rew matchspeed15 nn file. looks much better
* save scene
* no hand penalty, random walk speed
* fix inverse lerp
* try new reward falloff
* cleanup
* added new nn file. don't allow hand contact
* update obsv
* remove hh rew. add trained no-hh model
* add new nn file
* new curve
* add new models. try no reset
* add hh rew
* clamp hh
* zero rewards if ground contact
* switch to approved with movi...
To make the Unity ML-Agents Toolkit accessible to the global research and Unity
developer communities, we're attempting to create and maintain translations of
our documentation. We've started with translating a subset of the documentation
to one language (Chinese), but we hope to continue translating more pages and to
other languages. Consequently, we welcome any enhancements and improvements from
the community.