Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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# # Unity ML-Agents Toolkit
import logging
import csv
from time import time
from typing import List, Optional
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("mlagents.trainers")
"Brain name",
"Time to update policy",
"Time since start of training",
"Time for last experience collection",
"Number of experiences used for training",
"Mean return",
class TrainerMetrics:
Helper class to track, write training metrics. Tracks time since object
of this class is initialized.
def __init__(self, path: str, brain_name: str):
:str path: Fully qualified path where CSV is stored.
:str brain_name: Identifier for the Brain which we are training
self.path = path
self.brain_name = brain_name
self.rows: List[List[Optional[str]]] = []
self.time_start_experience_collection: Optional[float] = None
self.time_training_start = time()
self.last_buffer_length: Optional[int] = None
self.last_mean_return: Optional[float] = None
self.time_policy_update_start: Optional[float] = None
self.delta_last_experience_collection: Optional[float] = None
self.delta_policy_update: Optional[float] = None
def start_experience_collection_timer(self) -> None:
Inform Metrics class that experience collection is starting. Intended to be idempotent
if self.time_start_experience_collection is None:
self.time_start_experience_collection = time()
def end_experience_collection_timer(self) -> None:
Inform Metrics class that experience collection is done.
if self.time_start_experience_collection:
curr_delta = time() - self.time_start_experience_collection
if self.delta_last_experience_collection is None:
self.delta_last_experience_collection = curr_delta
self.delta_last_experience_collection += curr_delta
self.time_start_experience_collection = None
def add_delta_step(self, delta: float) -> None:
Inform Metrics class about time to step in environment.
if self.delta_last_experience_collection:
self.delta_last_experience_collection += delta
self.delta_last_experience_collection = delta
def start_policy_update_timer(
self, number_experiences: int, mean_return: float
) -> None:
Inform Metrics class that policy update has started.
:int number_experiences: Number of experiences in Buffer at this point.
:float mean_return: Return averaged across all cumulative returns since last policy update
self.last_buffer_length = number_experiences
self.last_mean_return = mean_return
self.time_policy_update_start = time()
def _add_row(self, delta_train_start: float) -> None:
row: List[Optional[str]] = [self.brain_name]
format(c, ".3f") if isinstance(c, float) else c
for c in [
self.delta_last_experience_collection = None
def end_policy_update(self) -> None:
Inform Metrics class that policy update has started.
if self.time_policy_update_start:
self.delta_policy_update = time() - self.time_policy_update_start
self.delta_policy_update = 0
delta_train_start = time() - self.time_training_start
f" Policy Update Training Metrics for {self.brain_name}: "
f"\n\t\tTime to update Policy: {self.delta_policy_update:0.3f} s \n"
f"\t\tTime elapsed since training: {delta_train_start:0.3f} s \n"
f"\t\tTime for experience collection: {(self.delta_last_experience_collection or 0):0.3f} s \n"
f"\t\tBuffer Length: {self.last_buffer_length or 0} \n"
f"\t\tReturns : {(self.last_mean_return or 0):0.3f}\n"
def write_training_metrics(self) -> None:
Write Training Metrics to CSV
with open(self.path, "w") as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
for row in self.rows: