142 行
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142 行
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from unittest import mock
import pytest
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
from gym_unity.envs import UnityToGymWrapper
from mlagents_envs.base_env import (
def test_gym_wrapper():
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec()
mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step = create_mock_vector_steps(mock_spec)
mock_env, mock_spec, mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False)
assert isinstance(env, UnityToGymWrapper)
assert isinstance(env.reset(), np.ndarray)
actions = env.action_space.sample()
assert actions.shape[0] == 2
obs, rew, done, info = env.step(actions)
assert env.observation_space.contains(obs)
assert isinstance(obs, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(rew, float)
assert isinstance(done, (bool, np.bool_))
assert isinstance(info, dict)
def test_branched_flatten():
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec(
vector_action_space_type="discrete", vector_action_space_size=[2, 2, 3]
mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step = create_mock_vector_steps(
mock_spec, num_agents=1
mock_env, mock_spec, mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False, flatten_branched=True)
assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Discrete)
assert env.action_space.n == 12
assert env._flattener.lookup_action(0) == [0, 0, 0]
assert env._flattener.lookup_action(11) == [1, 1, 2]
# Check that False produces a MultiDiscrete
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=False, flatten_branched=False)
assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.MultiDiscrete)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_uint8", [True, False], ids=["float", "uint8"])
def test_gym_wrapper_visual(use_uint8):
mock_env = mock.MagicMock()
mock_spec = create_mock_group_spec(number_visual_observations=1)
mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step = create_mock_vector_steps(
mock_spec, number_visual_observations=1
mock_env, mock_spec, mock_decision_step, mock_terminal_step
env = UnityToGymWrapper(mock_env, use_visual=True, uint8_visual=use_uint8)
assert isinstance(env, UnityToGymWrapper)
assert isinstance(env.reset(), np.ndarray)
actions = env.action_space.sample()
assert actions.shape[0] == 2
obs, rew, done, info = env.step(actions)
assert env.observation_space.contains(obs)
assert isinstance(obs, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(rew, float)
assert isinstance(done, (bool, np.bool_))
assert isinstance(info, dict)
# Helper methods
def create_mock_group_spec(
Creates a mock BrainParameters object with parameters.
# Avoid using mutable object as default param
act_type = ActionType.DISCRETE
if vector_action_space_type == "continuous":
act_type = ActionType.CONTINUOUS
if vector_action_space_size is None:
vector_action_space_size = 2
vector_action_space_size = vector_action_space_size[0]
if vector_action_space_size is None:
vector_action_space_size = (2,)
vector_action_space_size = tuple(vector_action_space_size)
obs_shapes = [(vector_observation_space_size,)]
for _ in range(number_visual_observations):
obs_shapes += [(8, 8, 3)]
return BehaviorSpec(obs_shapes, act_type, vector_action_space_size)
def create_mock_vector_steps(specs, num_agents=1, number_visual_observations=0):
Creates a mock BatchedStepResult with vector observations. Imitates constant
vector observations, rewards, dones, and agents.
:BehaviorSpecs specs: The BehaviorSpecs for this mock
:int num_agents: Number of "agents" to imitate in your BatchedStepResult values.
obs = [np.array([num_agents * [1, 2, 3]]).reshape(num_agents, 3)]
if number_visual_observations:
obs += [np.zeros(shape=(num_agents, 8, 8, 3), dtype=np.float32)]
rewards = np.array(num_agents * [1.0])
agents = np.array(range(0, num_agents))
return DecisionSteps(obs, rewards, agents, None), TerminalSteps.empty(specs)
def setup_mock_unityenvironment(mock_env, mock_spec, mock_decision, mock_termination):
Takes a mock UnityEnvironment and adds the appropriate properties, defined by the mock
GroupSpec and BatchedStepResult.
:Mock mock_env: A mock UnityEnvironment, usually empty.
:Mock mock_spec: An AgentGroupSpec object that specifies the params of this environment.
:Mock mock_decision: A DecisionSteps object that will be returned at each step and reset.
:Mock mock_termination: A TerminationSteps object that will be returned at each step and reset.
mock_env.get_behavior_names.return_value = ["MockBrain"]
mock_env.get_behavior_spec.return_value = mock_spec
mock_env.get_steps.return_value = (mock_decision, mock_termination)