Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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import atexit
import io
import glob
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import signal
from .brain import *
from .exception import *
from PIL import Image
from sys import platform
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UnityEnvironment(object):
def __init__(self, file_name, worker_id=0,
Starts a new unity environment and establishes a connection with the environment.
Notice: Currently communication between Unity and Python takes place over an open socket without authentication.
Ensure that the network where training takes place is secure.
:string file_name: Name of Unity environment binary.
:int base_port: Baseline port number to connect to Unity environment over. worker_id increments over this.
:int worker_id: Number to add to communication port (5005) [0]. Used for asynchronous agent scenarios.
self.port = base_port + worker_id
self._buffer_size = 120000
self._loaded = False
self._open_socket = False
# Establish communication socket
self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self._socket.bind(("localhost", self.port))
self._open_socket = True
except socket.error:
self._open_socket = True
raise socket.error("Couldn't launch new environment because worker number {} is still in use. "
"You may need to manually close a previously opened environment "
"or use a different worker number.".format(str(worker_id)))
cwd = os.getcwd()
true_filename = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(file_name))
launch_string = ""
if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
candidates = glob.glob(os.path.join(cwd, file_name) + '.x86_64')
if len(candidates) == 0:
candidates = glob.glob(os.path.join(cwd, file_name) + '.x86')
if len(candidates) > 0:
launch_string = candidates[0]
raise UnityEnvironmentException("Couldn't launch new environment. Provided filename "
"does not match any environments in {}. ".format(cwd))
elif platform == 'darwin':
launch_string = os.path.join(cwd, file_name + '.app', 'Contents', 'MacOS', true_filename)
elif platform == 'win32':
launch_string = os.path.join(cwd, file_name + '.exe')
# Launch Unity environment
proc1 = subprocess.Popen(
'--port', str(self.port)])
except os.error:
raise UnityEnvironmentException("Couldn't launch new environment. "
"Provided filename does not match any \environments in {}."
def timeout_handler():
raise UnityEnvironmentException(
"The Unity environment took too long to respond. Make sure {} does not need user interaction to launch "
"and that the Academy and the external Brain(s) scripts are attached to objects in the Scene.".format(
old_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
signal.alarm(30) # trigger alarm in x seconds
self._conn, _ = self._socket.accept()
p = self._conn.recv(self._buffer_size).decode('utf-8')
p = json.loads(p)
except UnityEnvironmentException:
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, old_handler)
self._data = {}
self._global_done = None
self._academy_name = p["AcademyName"]
self._num_brains = len(p["brainParameters"])
self._brains = {}
self._brain_names = p["brainNames"]
self._resetParameters = p["resetParameters"]
for i in range(self._num_brains):
self._brains[self._brain_names[i]] = BrainParameters(self._brain_names[i], p["brainParameters"][i])
self._loaded = True
logger.info("\n'{}' started successfully!".format(self._academy_name))
def brains(self):
return self._brains
def global_done(self):
return self._global_done
def academy_name(self):
return self._academy_name
def number_brains(self):
return self._num_brains
def brain_names(self):
return self._brain_names
def _process_pixels(image_bytes=None, bw=False):
Converts bytearray observation image into numpy array, resizes it, and optionally converts it to greyscale
:param image_bytes: input bytearray corresponding to image
:return: processed numpy array of observation from environment
s = bytearray(image_bytes)
image = Image.open(io.BytesIO(s))
s = np.array(image) / 255.0
if bw:
s = np.mean(s, axis=2)
s = np.reshape(s, [s.shape[0], s.shape[1], 1])
return s
def __str__(self):
return '''Unity Academy name: {0}
Number of brains: {1}
Reset Parameters :\n\t\t{2}'''.format(self._academy_name, str(self._num_brains),
"\n\t\t".join([str(k) + " -> " + str(self._resetParameters[k])
for k in self._resetParameters])) + '\n' + \
'\n'.join([str(self._brains[b]) for b in self._brains])
def _get_state_image(self, bw):
Receives observation from socket, and confirms.
:param bw:
s = self._conn.recv(self._buffer_size)
s = self._process_pixels(image_bytes=s, bw=bw)
return s
def _get_state_dict(self):
Receives dictionary of state information from socket, and confirms.
state = self._conn.recv(self._buffer_size).decode('utf-8')
state_dict = json.loads(state)
return state_dict
def reset(self, train_mode=True, config=None):
Sends a signal to reset the unity environment.
:return: A Data structure corresponding to the initial reset state of the environment.
config = config or {}
if self._loaded:
self._conn.send(json.dumps({"train_model": train_mode, "parameters": config}).encode('utf-8'))
for k in config:
if (k in self._resetParameters) and (isinstance(config[k], (int, float))):
self._resetParameters[k] = config[k]
elif not isinstance(config[k], (int, float)):
raise UnityEnvironmentException(
"The value for parameter '{0}'' must be an Integer or a Float.".format(k))
raise UnityEnvironmentException("The parameter '{0}' is not a valid parameter.".format(k))
return self._get_state()
raise UnityEnvironmentException("No Unity environment is loaded.")
def _get_state(self):
Collects experience information from all external brains in environment at current step.
:return: a dictionary BrainInfo objects.
self._data = {}
for index in range(self._num_brains):
state_dict = self._get_state_dict()
b = state_dict["brain_name"]
n_agent = len(state_dict["agents"])
if self._brains[b].state_space_type == "continuous":
states = np.array(state_dict["states"]).reshape((n_agent, self._brains[b].state_space_size))
states = np.array(state_dict["states"]).reshape((n_agent, 1))
except UnityActionException:
raise UnityActionException("Brain {0} has an invalid state. "
"Expecting {1} {2} state but received {3}."
.format(b, n_agent if self._brains[b].state_space_type == "discrete"
else str(self._brains[b].state_space_size * n_agent),
memories = np.array(state_dict["memories"]).reshape((n_agent, self._brains[b].memory_space_size))
rewards = state_dict["rewards"]
dones = state_dict["dones"]
agents = state_dict["agents"]
observations = []
for o in range(self._brains[b].number_observations):
obs_n = []
for a in range(n_agent):
self._data[b] = BrainInfo(observations, states, memories, rewards, agents, dones)
self._global_done = self._conn.recv(self._buffer_size).decode('utf-8') == 'True'
return self._data
def _send_action(self, action, memory, value):
Send dictionary of actions, memories, and value estimates over socket.
:param action: a dictionary of lists of actions.
:param memory: a dictionary of lists of of memories.
:param value: a dictionary of lists of of value estimates.
action_message = {"action": action, "memory": memory, "value": value}
def _flatten(arr):
Converts dictionary of arrays to list for transmission over socket.
:param arr: numpy vector.
:return: flattened list.
if isinstance(arr, (int, np.int_, float, np.float_)):
arr = [float(arr)]
if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
arr = arr.tolist()
if len(arr) == 0:
return arr
if isinstance(arr[0], np.ndarray):
arr = [item for sublist in arr for item in sublist.tolist()]
if isinstance(arr[0], list):
arr = [item for sublist in arr for item in sublist]
arr = [float(x) for x in arr]
return arr
def step(self, action, memory=None, value=None):
Provides the environment with an action, moves the environment dynamics forward accordingly, and returns
observation, state, and reward information to the agent.
:param action: Agent's action to send to environment. Can be a scalar or vector of int/floats.
:param memory: Vector corresponding to memory used for RNNs, frame-stacking, or other auto-regressive process.
:param value: Value estimate to send to environment for visualization. Can be a scalar or vector of float(s).
:return: A Data structure corresponding to the new state of the environment.
memory = {} if memory is None else memory
value = {} if value is None else value
if self._loaded and not self._global_done and self._global_done is not None:
if isinstance(action, (int, np.int_, float, np.float_, list, np.ndarray)):
if self._num_brains > 1:
raise UnityActionException(
"You have {0} brains, you need to feed a dictionary of brain names a keys, "
"and actions as values".format(self._num_brains))
action = {self._brain_names[0]: action}
if isinstance(memory, (int, np.int_, float, np.float_, list, np.ndarray)):
if self._num_brains > 1:
raise UnityActionException(
"You have {0} brains, you need to feed a dictionary of brain names as keys "
"and memories as values".format(self._num_brains))
memory = {self._brain_names[0]: memory}
if isinstance(value, (int, np.int_, float, np.float_, list, np.ndarray)):
if self._num_brains > 1:
raise UnityActionException(
"You have {0} brains, you need to feed a dictionary of brain names as keys "
"and state/action value estimates as values".format(self._num_brains))
value = {self._brain_names[0]: value}
for b in self._brain_names:
n_agent = len(self._data[b].agents)
if b not in action:
raise UnityActionException("You need to input an action for the brain {0}".format(b))
action[b] = self._flatten(action[b])
if b not in memory:
memory[b] = [0.0] * self._brains[b].memory_space_size * n_agent
memory[b] = self._flatten(memory[b])
if b not in value:
value[b] = [0.0] * n_agent
value[b] = self._flatten(value[b])
if not (len(value[b]) == n_agent):
raise UnityActionException(
"There was a mismatch between the provided value and environment's expectation: "
"The brain {0} expected {1} value but was given {2}".format(b, n_agent, len(value[b])))
if not (len(memory[b]) == self._brains[b].memory_space_size * n_agent):
raise UnityActionException(
"There was a mismatch between the provided memory and environment's expectation: "
"The brain {0} expected {1} memories but was given {2}"
.format(b, self._brains[b].memory_space_size * n_agent, len(memory[b])))
if not ((self._brains[b].action_space_type == "discrete" and len(action[b]) == n_agent) or
(self._brains[b].action_space_type == "continuous" and len(
action[b]) == self._brains[b].action_space_size * n_agent)):
raise UnityActionException(
"There was a mismatch between the provided action and environment's expectation: "
"The brain {0} expected {1} {2} action(s), but was provided: {3}"
.format(b, n_agent if self._brains[b].action_space_type == "discrete" else
str(self._brains[b].action_space_size * n_agent), self._brains[b].action_space_type,
self._send_action(action, memory, value)
return self._get_state()
elif not self._loaded:
raise UnityEnvironmentException("No Unity environment is loaded.")
elif self._global_done:
raise UnityActionException("The episode is completed. Reset the environment with 'reset()'")
elif self.global_done is None:
raise UnityActionException(
"You cannot conduct step without first calling reset. Reset the environment with 'reset()'")
def close(self):
Sends a shutdown signal to the unity environment, and closes the socket connection.
if self._loaded & self._open_socket:
if self._open_socket:
self._loaded = False
raise UnityEnvironmentException("No Unity environment is loaded.")