Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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# # Unity ML Agents
# ## ML-Agent Learning (PPO)
# Launches trainers for each External Brains in a Unity Environemnt
import logging
import os
import re
import yaml
from docopt import docopt
from trainers.ghost_trainer import GhostTrainer
from trainers.ppo_models import *
from trainers.ppo_trainer import PPOTrainer
from trainers.imitation_trainer import ImitationTrainer
from unityagents import UnityEnvironment, UnityEnvironmentException
def get_progress():
if curriculum_file is not None:
if env.curriculum.measure_type == "progress":
progress = 0
for brain_name in env.external_brain_names:
progress += trainers[brain_name].get_step / trainers[brain_name].get_max_steps
return progress / len(env.external_brain_names)
elif env.curriculum.measure_type == "reward":
progress = 0
for brain_name in env.external_brain_names:
progress += trainers[brain_name].get_last_reward
return progress
return None
return None
if __name__ == '__main__' :
logger = logging.getLogger("unityagents")
_USAGE = '''
ppo (<env>) [options]
--help Show this message.
--curriculum=<file> Curriculum json file for environment [default: None].
--slow Whether to run the game at training speed [default: False].
--keep-checkpoints=<n> How many model checkpoints to keep [default: 5].
--lesson=<n> Start learning from this lesson [default: 0].
--load Whether to load the model or randomly initialize [default: False].
--run-path=<path> The sub-directory name for model and summary statistics [default: ppo].
--save-freq=<n> Frequency at which to save model [default: 50000].
--train Whether to train model, or only run inference [default: False].
--worker-id=<n> Number to add to communication port (5005). Used for multi-environment [default: 0].
options = docopt(_USAGE)
# General parameters
model_path = './models/{}'.format(str(options['--run-path']))
load_model = options['--load']
train_model = options['--train']
save_freq = int(options['--save-freq'])
env_name = options['<env>']
keep_checkpoints = int(options['--keep-checkpoints'])
worker_id = int(options['--worker-id'])
curriculum_file = str(options['--curriculum'])
if curriculum_file == "None":
curriculum_file = None
lesson = int(options['--lesson'])
fast_simulation = not bool(options['--slow'])
env = UnityEnvironment(file_name=env_name, worker_id=worker_id, curriculum=curriculum_file)
if not os.path.exists(model_path):
raise UnityEnvironmentException("The folder {} containing the generated model could not be accessed."
" Please make sure the permissions are set correctly.".format(model_path))
with open("trainer_configurations.yaml") as data_file:
trainer_configurations = yaml.load(data_file)
except IOError:
raise UnityEnvironmentException("The file {} could not be found. Will use default Hyperparameters"
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise UnityEnvironmentException("There was an error decoding {}".format("trainer_configurations.yaml"))
with tf.Session() as sess:
trainers = {}
trainer_parameters_dict = {}
for brain_name in env.external_brain_names:
trainer_parameters = trainer_configurations['default'].copy()
if len(env.external_brain_names) > 1:
graph_scope = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', brain_name)
trainer_parameters['graph_scope'] = graph_scope
trainer_parameters['summary_path'] = './summaries/{}'.format(str(options['--run-path']))+'_'+graph_scope
else :
trainer_parameters['graph_scope'] = ''
trainer_parameters['summary_path'] = './summaries/{}'.format(str(options['--run-path']))
if brain_name in trainer_configurations:
_brain_key = brain_name
while not isinstance(trainer_configurations[_brain_key], dict):
_brain_key = trainer_configurations[_brain_key]
for k in trainer_configurations[_brain_key]:
trainer_parameters[k] = trainer_configurations[_brain_key][k]
trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name] = trainer_parameters.copy()
for brain_name in env.external_brain_names:
if 'is_ghost' not in trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]:
trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['is_ghost'] = False
if 'is_imitation' not in trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]:
trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['is_imitation'] = False
if trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['is_ghost']:
if trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['brain_to_copy'] not in env.external_brain_names:
raise UnityEnvironmentException("The external brain {0} could not be found in the environment "
"even though the ghost trainer of brain {1} is trying to ghost it."
.format(trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['brain_to_copy'], brain_name))
trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['original_brain_parameters'] = trainer_parameters_dict[
trainers[brain_name] = GhostTrainer(sess, env, brain_name, trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name], train_model)
elif trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name]['is_imitation']:
trainers[brain_name] = ImitationTrainer(sess, env, brain_name, trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name], train_model)
trainers[brain_name] = PPOTrainer(sess, env, brain_name, trainer_parameters_dict[brain_name], train_model)
for k, t in trainers.items():
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=keep_checkpoints)
# Instantiate model parameters
if load_model:
logger.info('Loading Model...')
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(model_path)
if ckpt == None:
logger.info('The model {0} could not be found. Make sure you specified the right '
saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
global_step = 0 # This is only for saving the model
info = env.reset(train_mode= fast_simulation)
if train_model:
for brain_name, trainer in trainers.items():
trainer.write_tensorboard_text('Hyperparameters', trainer.parameters)
while any([t.get_step <= t.get_max_steps for k, t in trainers.items()]) or not train_model:
if env.global_done:
info = env.reset(train_mode=fast_simulation)
for brain_name, trainer in trainers.items():
# Decide and take an action
take_action_actions = {}
take_action_memories = {}
take_action_values = {}
take_action_outputs = {}
for brain_name, trainer in trainers.items():
take_action_outputs[brain_name]) = trainer.take_action(info)
new_info = env.step(action = take_action_actions, memory = take_action_memories, value = take_action_values)
for brain_name, trainer in trainers.items():
trainer.add_experiences(info, new_info, take_action_outputs[brain_name])
info = new_info
for brain_name, trainer in trainers.items():
if trainer.is_ready_update() and train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps:
# Perform gradient descent with experience buffer
# Write training statistics to tensorboard.
if train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps:
if train_model and trainer.get_step <= trainer.get_max_steps:
global_step += 1
if global_step % save_freq == 0 and global_step != 0 and train_model:
# Save Tensorflow model
save_model(sess, model_path=model_path, steps=global_step, saver=saver)
# Final save Tensorflow model
if global_step != 0 and train_model:
save_model(sess, model_path=model_path, steps=global_step, saver=saver)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if train_model:
logger.info("Learning was interupted. Please wait while the graph is generated.")
save_model(sess, model_path=model_path, steps=global_step, saver=saver)
if train_model:
graph_name = (env_name.strip()
.replace('.app', '').replace('.exe', '').replace('.x86_64', '').replace('.x86', ''))
graph_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(graph_name))
nodes = []
scopes = []
for brain_name in trainers.keys():
if trainers[brain_name].graph_scope is not None:
scope = trainers[brain_name].graph_scope + '/'
if scope == '/':
scope = ''
scopes += [scope]
if trainers[brain_name].parameters["is_imitation"]:
nodes +=[scope + x for x in ["action"]]
elif not trainers[brain_name].parameters["use_recurrent"]:
nodes +=[scope + x for x in ["action","value_estimate","action_probs"]]
nodes +=[scope + x for x in ["action","value_estimate","action_probs","recurrent_out"]]
export_graph(model_path, graph_name, target_nodes=','.join(nodes))
if len(scopes) > 1:
logger.info("List of available scopes :")
for scope in scopes:
logger.info("\t" + scope )
logger.info("List of nodes exported :")
for n in nodes:
logger.info("\t" + n)