Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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Match-3 Game Support

We provide some utilities to integrate ML-Agents with Match-3 games.

AbstractBoard class

The AbstractBoard is the bridge between ML-Agents and your game. It allows ML-Agents to

  • ask your game what the "color" of a cell is
  • ask whether the cell is a "special" piece type or not
  • ask your game whether a move is allowed
  • request that your game make a move

These are handled by implementing the GetCellType(), IsMoveValid(), and MakeMove() abstract methods.

The AbstractBoard also tracks the number of rows, columns, and potential piece types that the board can have.

public abstract int GetCellType(int row, int col)

Returns the "color" of piece at the given row and column. This should be between 0 and NumCellTypes-1 (inclusive). The actual order of the values doesn't matter.

public abstract int GetSpecialType(int row, int col)

Returns the special type of the piece at the given row and column. This should be between 0 and NumSpecialTypes (inclusive). The actual order of the values doesn't matter.

public abstract bool IsMoveValid(Move m)

Check whether the particular Move is valid for the game. The actual results will depend on the rules of the game, but we provide the SimpleIsMoveValid() method that handles basic match3 rules with no special or immovable pieces.

public abstract bool MakeMove(Move m)

Instruct the game to make the given move. Returns true if the move was made. Note that during training, a move that was marked as invalid may occasionally still be requested. If this happens, it is safe to do nothing and request another move.

Move struct

The Move struct encapsulates a swap of two adjacent cells. You can get the number of potential moves for a board of a given size with. Move.NumPotentialMoves(NumRows, NumColumns). There are two helper functions to create a new Move:

  • public static Move FromMoveIndex(int moveIndex, int maxRows, int maxCols) can be used to iterate over all potential moves for the board by looping from 0 to Move.NumPotentialMoves()
  • public static Move FromPositionAndDirection(int row, int col, Direction dir, int maxRows, int maxCols) creates a Move from a row, column, and direction (and board size).

Match3Sensor and Match3SensorComponent classes

The Match3Sensor generates observations about the state using the AbstractBoard interface. You can choose whether to use vector or "visual" observations; in theory, visual observations should perform better because they are 2-dimensional like the board, but we need to experiment more on this.

A Match3SensorComponent generates a Match3Sensor at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject as your Agent implementation. You do not need to write any additional code to use them.

Match3Actuator and Match3ActuatorComponent classes

The Match3Actuator converts actions from training or inference into a Move that is sent to AbstractBoard.MakeMove() It also checks AbstractBoard.IsMoveValid for each potential move and uses this to set the action mask for Agent.

A Match3ActuatorComponent generates a Match3Actuator at runtime, and should be added to the same GameObject as your Agent implementation. You do not need to write any additional code to use them.

Setting up match-3 simulation

  • Implement the AbstractBoard methods to integrate with your game.
  • Give the Agent rewards when it does what you want it to (match multiple pieces in a row, clears pieces of a certain type, etc).
  • Add the Agent, AbstractBoard implementation, Match3SensorComponent, and Match3ActuatorComponent to the same GameObject.
  • Call Agent.RequestDecision() when you're ready for the Agent to make a move on the next Academy step. During the next Academy step, the MakeMove() method on the board will be called.