主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
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145 行
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import torch
import abc
from typing import Tuple
from enum import Enum
class Swish(torch.nn.Module):
def forward(self, data: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.mul(data, torch.sigmoid(data))
class Initialization(Enum):
Zero = 0
XavierGlorotNormal = 1
XavierGlorotUniform = 2
KaimingHeNormal = 3 # also known as Variance scaling
KaimingHeUniform = 4
_init_methods = {
Initialization.Zero: torch.zero_,
Initialization.XavierGlorotNormal: torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_,
Initialization.XavierGlorotUniform: torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_,
Initialization.KaimingHeNormal: torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_,
Initialization.KaimingHeUniform: torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_,
def linear_layer(
input_size: int,
output_size: int,
kernel_init: Initialization = Initialization.XavierGlorotUniform,
kernel_gain: float = 1.0,
bias_init: Initialization = Initialization.Zero,
) -> torch.nn.Module:
Creates a torch.nn.Linear module and initializes its weights.
:param input_size: The size of the input tensor
:param output_size: The size of the output tensor
:param kernel_init: The Initialization to use for the weights of the layer
:param kernel_gain: The multiplier for the weights of the kernel. Note that in
TensorFlow, calling variance_scaling with scale 0.01 is equivalent to calling
KaimingHeNormal with kernel_gain of 0.1
:param bias_init: The Initialization to use for the weights of the bias layer
layer = torch.nn.Linear(input_size, output_size)
layer.weight.data *= kernel_gain
return layer
def lstm_layer(
input_size: int,
hidden_size: int,
num_layers: int = 1,
batch_first: bool = True,
forget_bias: float = 1.0,
kernel_init: Initialization = Initialization.XavierGlorotUniform,
bias_init: Initialization = Initialization.Zero,
) -> torch.nn.Module:
Creates a torch.nn.LSTM and initializes its weights and biases. Provides a
forget_bias offset like is done in TensorFlow.
lstm = torch.nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=batch_first)
# Add forget_bias to forget gate bias
for name, param in lstm.named_parameters():
# Each weight and bias is a concatenation of 4 matrices
if "weight" in name:
for idx in range(4):
block_size = param.shape[0] // 4
param.data[idx * block_size : (idx + 1) * block_size]
if "bias" in name:
for idx in range(4):
block_size = param.shape[0] // 4
param.data[idx * block_size : (idx + 1) * block_size]
if idx == 1:
param.data[idx * block_size : (idx + 1) * block_size].add_(
return lstm
class MemoryModule(torch.nn.Module):
def memory_size(self) -> int:
Size of memory that is required at the start of a sequence.
def forward(
self, input_tensor: torch.Tensor, memories: torch.Tensor
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
Pass a sequence to the memory module.
:input_tensor: Tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_length, size) that represents the input.
:memories: Tensor of initial memories.
:return: Tuple of output, final memories.
class LSTM(MemoryModule):
Memory module that implements LSTM.
def __init__(
input_size: int,
memory_size: int,
num_layers: int = 1,
forget_bias: float = 1.0,
kernel_init: Initialization = Initialization.XavierGlorotUniform,
bias_init: Initialization = Initialization.Zero,
self.hidden_size = memory_size // 2
self.lstm = lstm_layer(
def memory_size(self) -> int:
return 2 * self.hidden_size
def forward(self, input_tensor, memories):
h0, c0 = torch.split(memories, self.hidden_size, dim=-1)
hidden = (h0, c0)
lstm_out, hidden_out = self.lstm(input_tensor, hidden)
output_mem = torch.cat(hidden_out, dim=-1)
return lstm_out, output_mem