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143 行
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
public class GridAgent : Agent
[Header("Specific to GridWorld")]
public GridAcademy academy;
public int gridSize;
GameObject trueAgent;
public override void InitializeAgent()
trueAgent = gameObject;
gridSize = (int)academy.resetParameters["gridSize"];
public override List<float> CollectState()
int closestGoalDistance = 2 * (int)academy.resetParameters["gridSize"];
GameObject currentClosestGoal = academy.actorObjs[0];
int closestPitDistance = 2 * (int)academy.resetParameters["gridSize"];
GameObject currentClosestPit = academy.actorObjs[0];
GameObject agent = academy.actorObjs[0];
List<float> state = new List<float>();
foreach (GameObject actor in academy.actorObjs)
if (actor.tag == "agent")
agent = actor;
state.Add(actor.transform.position.x / (gridSize + 1));
state.Add(actor.transform.position.z / (gridSize + 1));
foreach (GameObject actor in academy.actorObjs)
if (actor.tag == "goal")
int distance = (int)Mathf.Abs(agent.transform.position.x - actor.transform.position.x) + (int)Mathf.Abs(agent.transform.position.z - actor.transform.position.z);
if (closestGoalDistance > distance)
closestGoalDistance = distance;
currentClosestGoal = actor;
if (actor.tag == "pit")
int distance = (int)Mathf.Abs(agent.transform.position.x - actor.transform.position.x) + (int)Mathf.Abs(agent.transform.position.z - actor.transform.position.z);
if (closestPitDistance > distance)
closestPitDistance = distance;
currentClosestPit = actor;
state.Add(currentClosestGoal.transform.position.x / (gridSize + 1));
state.Add(currentClosestGoal.transform.position.z / (gridSize + 1));
state.Add(currentClosestPit.transform.position.x / (gridSize + 1));
state.Add(currentClosestPit.transform.position.z / (gridSize + 1));
return state;
// to be implemented by the developer
public override void AgentStep(float[] act)
reward = -0.01f;
int action = Mathf.FloorToInt(act[0]);
// 0 - Forward, 1 - Backward, 2 - Left, 3 - Right
if (action == 3)
Collider[] blockTest = Physics.OverlapBox(new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x + 1, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z), new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (blockTest.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "wall").ToArray().Length == 0)
trueAgent.transform.position = new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x + 1, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z);
if (action == 2)
Collider[] blockTest = Physics.OverlapBox(new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x - 1, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z), new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (blockTest.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "wall").ToArray().Length == 0)
trueAgent.transform.position = new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x - 1, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z);
if (action == 0)
Collider[] blockTest = Physics.OverlapBox(new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z + 1), new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (blockTest.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "wall").ToArray().Length == 0)
trueAgent.transform.position = new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z + 1);
if (action == 1)
Collider[] blockTest = Physics.OverlapBox(new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z - 1), new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (blockTest.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "wall").ToArray().Length == 0)
trueAgent.transform.position = new Vector3(trueAgent.transform.position.x, 0, trueAgent.transform.position.z - 1);
Collider[] hitObjects = Physics.OverlapBox(trueAgent.transform.position, new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "goal").ToArray().Length == 1)
reward = 1f;
done = true;
if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "pit").ToArray().Length == 1)
reward = -1f;
done = true;
//if (trainMode == "train") {
if (true)
academy.visualAgent.transform.position = trueAgent.transform.position;
academy.visualAgent.transform.rotation = trueAgent.transform.rotation;
// to be implemented by the developer
public override void AgentReset()