Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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On Demand Decision Making


On demand decision making allows agents to request decisions from their brains only when needed instead of receiving decisions at a fixed frequency. This is useful when the agents commit to an action for a variable number of steps or when the agents cannot make decisions at the same time. This typically the case for turn based games, games where agents must react to events or games where agents can take actions of variable duration.

How to use

To enable or disable on demand decision making, use the checkbox called On Demand Decisions in the Agent Inspector.

On Demand Decision

  • If On Demand Decisions is not checked, the Agent will request a new decision every Decision Frequency steps and perform an action every step. In the example above, CollectObservations() will be called every 5 steps and AgentAction() will be called at every step. This means that the Agent will reuse the decision the Brain has given it.

  • If On Demand Decisions is checked, the Agent controls when to receive decisions, and take actions. To do so, the Agent may leverage one or two methods:

    • RequestDecision() Signals that the Agent is requesting a decision. This causes the Agent to collect its observations and ask the Brain for a decision at the next step of the simulation. Note that when an Agent requests a decision, it also request an action. This is to ensure that all decisions lead to an action during training.
    • RequestAction() Signals that the Agent is requesting an action. The action provided to the Agent in this case is the same action that was provided the last time it requested a decision.