主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
168 行
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168 行
5.5 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Analytics;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Analytics;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Analytics
internal class TrainingAnalytics
const string k_VendorKey = "unity.ml-agents";
const string k_RemotePolicyInitializedEventName = "ml_agents_remote_policy_initialized";
/// <summary>
/// Whether or not we've registered this particular event yet
/// </summary>
static bool s_EventsRegistered = false;
/// <summary>
/// Hourly limit for this event name
/// </summary>
const int k_MaxEventsPerHour = 1000;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum number of items in this event.
/// </summary>
const int k_MaxNumberOfElements = 1000;
/// <summary>
/// Behaviors that we've already sent events for.
/// </summary>
private static HashSet<string> s_SentRemotePolicyInitialized;
private static Guid s_TrainingSessionGuid;
// These are set when the RpcCommunicator connects
private static string s_TrainerPackageVersion = "";
private static string s_TrainerCommunicationVersion = "";
static bool EnableAnalytics()
if (s_EventsRegistered)
return true;
AnalyticsResult result = EditorAnalytics.RegisterEventWithLimit(k_RemotePolicyInitializedEventName, k_MaxEventsPerHour, k_MaxNumberOfElements, k_VendorKey);
AnalyticsResult result = AnalyticsResult.UnsupportedPlatform;
if (result != AnalyticsResult.Ok)
return false;
s_EventsRegistered = true;
if (s_SentRemotePolicyInitialized == null)
s_SentRemotePolicyInitialized = new HashSet<string>();
s_TrainingSessionGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
return s_EventsRegistered;
/// <summary>
/// Cache information about the trainer when it becomes available in the RpcCommunicator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="communicationVersion"></param>
/// <param name="packageVersion"></param>
public static void SetTrainerInformation(string packageVersion, string communicationVersion)
s_TrainerPackageVersion = packageVersion;
s_TrainerCommunicationVersion = communicationVersion;
public static bool IsAnalyticsEnabled()
return EditorAnalytics.enabled;
return false;
public static void RemotePolicyInitialized(
string fullyQualifiedBehaviorName,
IList<ISensor> sensors,
BrainParameters brainParameters
if (!IsAnalyticsEnabled())
if (!EnableAnalytics())
// Extract base behavior name (no team ID)
var behaviorName = ParseBehaviorName(fullyQualifiedBehaviorName);
var added = s_SentRemotePolicyInitialized.Add(behaviorName);
if (!added)
// We previously added this model. Exit so we don't resend.
var data = GetEventForRemotePolicy(behaviorName, sensors, brainParameters);
// Note - to debug, use JsonUtility.ToJson on the event.
// Debug.Log(
// $"Would send event {k_RemotePolicyInitializedEventName} with body {JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true)}"
// );
if (AnalyticsUtils.s_SendEditorAnalytics)
EditorAnalytics.SendEventWithLimit(k_RemotePolicyInitializedEventName, data);
internal static string ParseBehaviorName(string fullyQualifiedBehaviorName)
var lastQuestionIndex = fullyQualifiedBehaviorName.LastIndexOf("?");
if (lastQuestionIndex < 0)
// Nothing to remove
return fullyQualifiedBehaviorName;
return fullyQualifiedBehaviorName.Substring(0, lastQuestionIndex);
static RemotePolicyInitializedEvent GetEventForRemotePolicy(
string behaviorName,
IList<ISensor> sensors,
BrainParameters brainParameters)
var remotePolicyEvent = new RemotePolicyInitializedEvent();
// Hash the behavior name so that there's no concern about PII or "secret" data being leaked.
remotePolicyEvent.BehaviorName = AnalyticsUtils.Hash(behaviorName);
remotePolicyEvent.TrainingSessionGuid = s_TrainingSessionGuid.ToString();
remotePolicyEvent.ActionSpec = EventActionSpec.FromBrainParameters(brainParameters);
remotePolicyEvent.ObservationSpecs = new List<EventObservationSpec>(sensors.Count);
foreach (var sensor in sensors)
remotePolicyEvent.MLAgentsEnvsVersion = s_TrainerPackageVersion;
remotePolicyEvent.TrainerCommunicationVersion = s_TrainerCommunicationVersion;
return remotePolicyEvent;