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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Analytics
internal struct InferenceEvent
/// <summary>
/// Hash of the BehaviorName.
/// </summary>
public string BehaviorName;
public string BarracudaModelSource;
public string BarracudaModelVersion;
public string BarracudaModelProducer;
public string BarracudaPackageVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Whether inference is performed on CPU (0) or GPU (1).
/// </summary>
public int InferenceDevice;
public List<EventObservationSpec> ObservationSpecs;
public EventActionSpec ActionSpec;
public int MemorySize;
public long TotalWeightSizeBytes;
public string ModelHash;
/// <summary>
/// Simplified version of ActionSpec struct for use in analytics
/// </summary>
internal struct EventActionSpec
public int NumContinuousActions;
public int NumDiscreteActions;
public int[] BranchSizes;
public static EventActionSpec FromBrainParameters(BrainParameters brainParameters)
if (brainParameters.VectorActionSpaceType == SpaceType.Continuous)
return new EventActionSpec
NumContinuousActions = brainParameters.NumActions,
NumDiscreteActions = 0,
BranchSizes = Array.Empty<int>(),
return new EventActionSpec
NumContinuousActions = 0,
NumDiscreteActions = brainParameters.NumActions,
BranchSizes = brainParameters.VectorActionSize,
/// <summary>
/// Information about one dimension of an observation.
/// </summary>
internal struct EventObservationDimensionInfo
public int Size;
public int Flags;
/// <summary>
/// Simplified summary of Agent observations for use in analytics
/// </summary>
internal struct EventObservationSpec
public string SensorName;
public string CompressionType;
public int BuiltInSensorType;
public EventObservationDimensionInfo[] DimensionInfos;
public static EventObservationSpec FromSensor(ISensor sensor)
var shape = sensor.GetObservationShape();
var dimInfos = new EventObservationDimensionInfo[shape.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < shape.Length; i++)
dimInfos[i].Size = shape[i];
// TODO copy flags when we have them
var builtInSensorType = sensor.GetBuiltInSensorType();
return new EventObservationSpec
SensorName = sensor.GetName(),
CompressionType = sensor.GetCompressionType().ToString(),
BuiltInSensorType = (int)builtInSensorType,
DimensionInfos = dimInfos,
internal struct RemotePolicyInitializedEvent
public string TrainingSessionGuid;
/// <summary>
/// Hash of the BehaviorName.
/// </summary>
public string BehaviorName;
public List<EventObservationSpec> ObservationSpecs;
public EventActionSpec ActionSpec;
/// <summary>
/// This will be the same as TrainingEnvironmentInitializedEvent if available, but
/// TrainingEnvironmentInitializedEvent maybe not always be available with older trainers.
/// </summary>
public string MLAgentsEnvsVersion;
public string TrainerCommunicationVersion;
// These were added as part of a new interface in https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/pull/4871/
// Since we can't add a new interface in a patch release, we'll detect the type of the sensor and return
// the enum accordingly
internal enum BuiltInSensorType
Unknown = 0,
VectorSensor = 1,
// Note that StackingSensor actually returns the wrapped sensor's type
StackingSensor = 2,
RayPerceptionSensor = 3,
// ReflectionSensor = 4, // Added after 1.0.x
CameraSensor = 5,
RenderTextureSensor = 6,
// BufferSensor = 7, // Added after 1.0.x
// PhysicsBodySensor = 8, // In extensions package
// Match3Sensor = 9, // In extensions package
// GridSensor = 10 // In extensions package
/// <summary>
/// Helper methods to be shared by all classes that implement <see cref="ISensor"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static class BuiltInSensorExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Get the total number of elements in the ISensor's observation (i.e. the product of the
/// shape elements).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sensor"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static BuiltInSensorType GetBuiltInSensorType(this ISensor sensor)
if (sensor as VectorSensor != null)
return BuiltInSensorType.VectorSensor;
if (sensor as RayPerceptionSensor != null)
return BuiltInSensorType.RayPerceptionSensor;
if (sensor as CameraSensor != null)
return BuiltInSensorType.CameraSensor;
if (sensor as RenderTextureSensor != null)
return BuiltInSensorType.RenderTextureSensor;
var stackingSensor = sensor as StackingSensor;
if (stackingSensor != null)
// Recurse on the wrapped sensor
return stackingSensor.GetWrappedSensor().GetBuiltInSensorType() ;
return BuiltInSensorType.Unknown;