Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.MLAgents;
using Unity.Barracuda;
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
using Unity.MLAgentsExamples;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
[RequireComponent(typeof(JointDriveController))] // Required to set joint forces
public class CrawlerAgent : Agent
public enum CrawlerAgentBehaviorType
CrawlerDynamic, CrawlerDynamicVariableSpeed, CrawlerStatic, CrawlerStaticVariableSpeed
public CrawlerAgentBehaviorType typeOfCrawler;
//Crawler Brains
//A different brain will be used depending on the CrawlerAgentBehaviorType selected
[Header("NN Models")]
public NNModel crawlerDyBrain;
public NNModel crawlerDyVSBrain;
public NNModel crawlerStBrain;
public NNModel crawlerStVSBrain;
[Header("Walk Speed")]
[Range(0.1f, 10)]
//The walking speed to try and achieve
private float m_TargetWalkingSpeed = 10;
public float TargetWalkingSpeed // property
get { return m_TargetWalkingSpeed; }
set { m_TargetWalkingSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(value, .1f, m_maxWalkingSpeed); }
const float m_maxWalkingSpeed = 10; //The max walking speed
//Should the agent sample a new goal velocity each episode?
//If true, walkSpeed will be randomly set between zero and m_maxWalkingSpeed in OnEpisodeBegin()
//If false, the goal velocity will be walkingSpeed
public bool randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode;
//The direction an agent will walk during training.
private Vector3 m_WorldDirToWalk = Vector3.right;
[Header("Target To Walk Towards")]
public Transform targetPrefab; //Target prefab
public Transform target; //Target the agent will walk towards during training.
[Header("Body Parts")] [Space(10)] public Transform body;
public Transform leg0Upper;
public Transform leg0Lower;
public Transform leg1Upper;
public Transform leg1Lower;
public Transform leg2Upper;
public Transform leg2Lower;
public Transform leg3Upper;
public Transform leg3Lower;
//This will be used as a stabilized model space reference point for observations
//Because ragdolls can move erratically during training, using a stabilized reference transform improves learning
OrientationCubeController m_OrientationCube;
//The indicator graphic gameobject that points towards the target
DirectionIndicator m_DirectionIndicator;
JointDriveController m_JdController;
[Header("Foot Grounded Visualization")] [Space(10)]
public bool useFootGroundedVisualization;
public MeshRenderer foot0;
public MeshRenderer foot1;
public MeshRenderer foot2;
public MeshRenderer foot3;
public Material groundedMaterial;
public Material unGroundedMaterial;
private Unity.MLAgents.Policies.BehaviorParameters m_BehaviorParams;
public override void Initialize()
m_BehaviorParams = GetComponent<Unity.MLAgents.Policies.BehaviorParameters>();
switch (typeOfCrawler)
case CrawlerAgentBehaviorType.CrawlerDynamic :
m_BehaviorParams.BehaviorName = "CrawlerDynamic";
m_BehaviorParams.Model = crawlerDyBrain;
randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode = false;
target = Instantiate(targetPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
case CrawlerAgentBehaviorType.CrawlerDynamicVariableSpeed :
m_BehaviorParams.BehaviorName = "CrawlerDynamicVariableSpeed";
m_BehaviorParams.Model = crawlerDyVSBrain;
// SetModel("CrawlerDynamicVariableSpeed", crawlerDyVSBrain);
target = Instantiate(targetPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform);
randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode = true;
case CrawlerAgentBehaviorType.CrawlerStatic :
m_BehaviorParams.BehaviorName = "CrawlerStatic";
m_BehaviorParams.Model = crawlerStBrain;
var targetSpawnPos = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 1000));
target = Instantiate(targetPrefab, targetSpawnPos, Quaternion.identity, transform);
randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode = false;
case CrawlerAgentBehaviorType.CrawlerStaticVariableSpeed :
m_BehaviorParams.BehaviorName = "CrawlerStaticVariableSpeed";
m_BehaviorParams.Model = crawlerStVSBrain;
var targetSpawnPos = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 1000));
target = Instantiate(targetPrefab, targetSpawnPos, Quaternion.identity, transform);
randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode = true;
m_OrientationCube = GetComponentInChildren<OrientationCubeController>();
m_DirectionIndicator = GetComponentInChildren<DirectionIndicator>();
m_JdController = GetComponent<JointDriveController>();
//Setup each body part
/// <summary>
/// Loop over body parts and reset them to initial conditions.
/// </summary>
public override void OnEpisodeBegin()
foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsDict.Values)
//Random start rotation to help generalize
body.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f), 0);
//Set our goal walking speed
TargetWalkingSpeed =
randomizeWalkSpeedEachEpisode ? Random.Range(0.1f, m_maxWalkingSpeed) : TargetWalkingSpeed;
/// <summary>
/// Add relevant information on each body part to observations.
/// </summary>
public void CollectObservationBodyPart(BodyPart bp, VectorSensor sensor)
sensor.AddObservation(bp.groundContact.touchingGround); // Is this bp touching the ground
if (bp.rb.transform != body)
sensor.AddObservation(bp.currentStrength / m_JdController.maxJointForceLimit);
/// <summary>
/// Loop over body parts to add them to observation.
/// </summary>
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
var cubeForward = m_OrientationCube.transform.forward;
//velocity we want to match
var velGoal = cubeForward * TargetWalkingSpeed;
//ragdoll's avg vel
var avgVel = GetAvgVelocity();
//current ragdoll velocity. normalized
sensor.AddObservation(Vector3.Distance(velGoal, avgVel));
//avg body vel relative to cube
//vel goal relative to cube
//rotation delta
sensor.AddObservation(Quaternion.FromToRotation(body.forward, cubeForward));
//Add pos of target relative to orientation cube
RaycastHit hit;
float maxRaycastDist = 10;
if (Physics.Raycast(body.position, Vector3.down, out hit, maxRaycastDist))
sensor.AddObservation(hit.distance / maxRaycastDist);
foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsList)
CollectObservationBodyPart(bodyPart, sensor);
// /// <summary>
// /// Loop over body parts to add them to observation.
// /// </summary>
// public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
// {
// //Add pos of target relative to orientation cube
// sensor.AddObservation(m_OrientationCube.transform.InverseTransformPoint(target.transform.position));
// RaycastHit hit;
// float maxRaycastDist = 10;
// if (Physics.Raycast(body.position, Vector3.down, out hit, maxRaycastDist))
// {
// sensor.AddObservation(hit.distance / maxRaycastDist);
// }
// else
// sensor.AddObservation(1);
// foreach (var bodyPart in m_JdController.bodyPartsList)
// {
// CollectObservationBodyPart(bodyPart, sensor);
// }
// }
public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
// The dictionary with all the body parts in it are in the jdController
var bpDict = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict;
var continuousActions = actionBuffers.ContinuousActions;
var i = -1;
// Pick a new target joint rotation
bpDict[leg0Upper].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], continuousActions[++i], 0);
bpDict[leg1Upper].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], continuousActions[++i], 0);
bpDict[leg2Upper].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], continuousActions[++i], 0);
bpDict[leg3Upper].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], continuousActions[++i], 0);
bpDict[leg0Lower].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], 0, 0);
bpDict[leg1Lower].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], 0, 0);
bpDict[leg2Lower].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], 0, 0);
bpDict[leg3Lower].SetJointTargetRotation(continuousActions[++i], 0, 0);
// Update joint strength
void FixedUpdate()
// If enabled the feet will light up green when the foot is grounded.
// This is just a visualization and isn't necessary for function
if (useFootGroundedVisualization)
foot0.material = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[leg0Lower].groundContact.touchingGround
? groundedMaterial
: unGroundedMaterial;
foot1.material = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[leg1Lower].groundContact.touchingGround
? groundedMaterial
: unGroundedMaterial;
foot2.material = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[leg2Lower].groundContact.touchingGround
? groundedMaterial
: unGroundedMaterial;
foot3.material = m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[leg3Lower].groundContact.touchingGround
? groundedMaterial
: unGroundedMaterial;
var cubeForward = m_OrientationCube.transform.forward;
// Set reward for this step according to mixture of the following elements.
// a. Match target speed
//This reward will approach 1 if it matches perfectly and approach zero as it deviates
var matchSpeedReward = GetMatchingVelocityReward(cubeForward * TargetWalkingSpeed, GetAvgVelocity());
//Check for NaNs
if (float.IsNaN(matchSpeedReward))
throw new ArgumentException(
"NaN in moveTowardsTargetReward.\n" +
$" cubeForward: {cubeForward}\n" +
$" hips.velocity: {m_JdController.bodyPartsDict[body].rb.velocity}\n" +
$" maximumWalkingSpeed: {m_maxWalkingSpeed}"
// b. Rotation alignment with target direction.
//This reward will approach 1 if it faces the target direction perfectly and approach zero as it deviates
var lookAtTargetReward = (Vector3.Dot(cubeForward, body.forward) + 1) * .5F;
//Check for NaNs
if (float.IsNaN(lookAtTargetReward))
throw new ArgumentException(
"NaN in lookAtTargetReward.\n" +
$" cubeForward: {cubeForward}\n" +
$" body.forward: {body.forward}"
AddReward(matchSpeedReward * lookAtTargetReward);
//Update OrientationCube and DirectionIndicator
void UpdateOrientationObjects()
m_WorldDirToWalk = target.position - body.position;
m_OrientationCube.UpdateOrientation(body, target);
if (m_DirectionIndicator)
//Returns the average velocity of all of the body parts
//Using the velocity of the hips only has shown to result in more erratic movement from the limbs, so...
//...using the average helps prevent this erratic movement
Vector3 GetAvgVelocity()
Vector3 velSum = Vector3.zero;
Vector3 avgVel = Vector3.zero;
int numOfRB = 0;
foreach (var item in m_JdController.bodyPartsList)
velSum += item.rb.velocity;
avgVel = velSum / numOfRB;
return avgVel;
//normalized value of the difference in avg speed vs goal walking speed.
public float GetMatchingVelocityReward(Vector3 velocityGoal, Vector3 actualVelocity)
//distance between our actual velocity and goal velocity
var velDeltaMagnitude = Mathf.Clamp(Vector3.Distance(actualVelocity, velocityGoal), 0, TargetWalkingSpeed);
//return the value on a declining sigmoid shaped curve that decays from 1 to 0
//This reward will approach 1 if it matches perfectly and approach zero as it deviates
return Mathf.Pow(1 - Mathf.Pow(velDeltaMagnitude / TargetWalkingSpeed, 2), 2);
/// <summary>
/// Agent touched the target
/// </summary>
public void TouchedTarget()