Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace Unity.MLAgents.Sensors
internal enum CameraSensorPassType
struct CameraSensorPass
public CameraSensorPassType PassType;
public Camera Camera;
public CameraSensorPass(CameraSensorPassType passType, Camera camera)
PassType = passType;
Camera = camera;
/// <summary>
/// A sensor that wraps a Camera object to generate visual observations for an agent.
/// </summary>
public class CameraSensor : ISensor
Camera m_Camera;
int m_Width;
int m_Height;
bool m_Grayscale;
string m_Name;
int[] m_Shape;
SensorCompressionType m_CompressionType;
Shader uberReplacementShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/UberReplacement");
static readonly int _objectColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_ObjectColor");
static readonly int _categoryColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_CategoryColor");
static readonly int _layerNumber = Shader.PropertyToID("_LayerNumber");
CameraSensorSettings m_Settings;
List<CameraSensorPass> m_Passes;
/// <summary>
/// The Camera used for rendering the sensor observations.
/// </summary>
public Camera Camera
get { return m_Camera; }
set { m_Camera = value; }
internal List<CameraSensorPass> CreatePasses()
var passes = new List<CameraSensorPass>();
if (!m_Settings.DisableCamera)
passes.Add(new CameraSensorPass(CameraSensorPassType.RGB, m_Camera));
if (m_Settings.EnableDepth)
passes.Add(new CameraSensorPass(CameraSensorPassType.Depth, CreateHiddenCamera("depthCam")));
if (m_Settings.LayerMasks.Length > 0)
passes.Add(new CameraSensorPass(CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation, CreateHiddenCamera("segmentationCam")));
if (m_Settings.EnableAutoSegment)
passes.Add(new CameraSensorPass(CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation, CreateHiddenCamera("autoSegmentationCam")));
return passes;
Camera CreateHiddenCamera(string name)
var go = new GameObject (name, typeof (Camera));
go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
go.transform.parent = m_Camera.transform;
var newCamera = go.GetComponent<Camera>();
return newCamera;
/// <summary>
/// The compression type used by the sensor.
/// </summary>
public SensorCompressionType CompressionType
get { return m_CompressionType; }
set { m_CompressionType = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates and returns the camera sensor.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="camera">Camera object to capture images from.</param>
/// <param name="width">The width of the generated visual observation.</param>
/// <param name="height">The height of the generated visual observation.</param>
/// <param name="grayscale">Whether to convert the generated image to grayscale or keep color.</param>
/// <param name="name">The name of the camera sensor.</param>
/// <param name="compression">The compression to apply to the generated image.</param>
public CameraSensor(
Camera camera, int width, int height, bool grayscale, string name, SensorCompressionType compression)
m_Settings = new CameraSensorSettings();
Camera = camera;
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Grayscale = grayscale;
m_Name = name;
m_CompressionType = compression;
m_Passes = CreatePasses();
m_Shape = GenerateShape();
public CameraSensor(
Camera camera,
int width,
int height,
bool grayscale,
string name,
SensorCompressionType compression,
CameraSensorSettings settings
) : this(camera, width, height, grayscale, name, compression)
m_Settings = settings;
Camera = camera;
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Grayscale = grayscale;
m_Name = name;
m_CompressionType = compression;
m_Passes = CreatePasses();
m_Shape = GenerateShape();
public void OnSceneChange()
var segPasses = m_Passes.Where(
p => p.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation || p.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation
// NOTE: This avoids the expensive search for all renderers if we don't need segmentation.
if (!segPasses.Any()) return;
var renderers = Object.FindObjectsOfType<Renderer>();
// var renderers = m_Camera.transform.root.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>();
var mpb = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
foreach (var r in renderers)
GameObject gameObject = r.gameObject;
var id = gameObject.GetInstanceID();
var layer = gameObject.layer;
var tag = gameObject.tag;
mpb.SetColor(_objectColor, ColorEncoding.EncodeIDAsColor(id));
mpb.SetColor(_categoryColor, ColorEncoding.EncodeLayerAsColor(layer));
mpb.SetInt(_layerNumber, layer);
internal List<float[,]> GetObservationChannels()
var channels = new List<float[,]>();
foreach (var pass in m_Passes)
var disableAntialiasing = pass.PassType != CameraSensorPassType.RGB;
var texture = ObservationToTexture(pass.Camera, m_Width, m_Height, disableAntialiasing);
var width = texture.width;
var height = texture.height;
var texturePixels = texture.GetPixels();
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.RGB || pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation)
var r = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
var g = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
var b = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
for (var h = height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
var currentPixel = texturePixels[(height - h - 1) * width + w];
if (m_Grayscale)
r[h, w] = (currentPixel.r + currentPixel.g + currentPixel.b) / 3f;
// For Color32, the r, g and b values are between 0 and 1.
r[h, w] = currentPixel.r;
g[h, w] = currentPixel.g;
b[h, w] = currentPixel.b;
if (m_Grayscale)
channels.Add(r); channels.Add(g); channels.Add(b);
else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Depth)
var depth = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
for (var h = height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
var currentPixel = texturePixels[(height - h - 1) * width + w];
depth[h, w] = (currentPixel.r + currentPixel.g + currentPixel.b) / 3f;
else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation)
var layerChannels = new List<float[,]>();
foreach (var layer in m_Settings.LayerMasks)
layerChannels.Add(new float[texture.width, texture.height]);
for (var h = height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
var currentPixel = texturePixels[(height - h - 1) * width + w];
// layer index is encoded in the red channel, divided by 100
var currentPixelIndex = (int)Math.Round((double) currentPixel.r * 100f);
// Try to decode the "r" channel as one of our layer IDs
var foundLayerIndex = Array.FindIndex(m_Settings.LayerMasks, i => i == currentPixelIndex);
if (foundLayerIndex >= 0)
// We found it, so set the value to 1
var layerChannel = layerChannels[foundLayerIndex];
layerChannel[h, w] = 1f;
foreach (var layerChannel in layerChannels) channels.Add(layerChannel);
// else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation)
// {
// var r = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
// var g = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
// var b = new float[texture.width, texture.height];
// for (var h = height - 1; h >= 0; h--)
// {
// for (var w = 0; w < width; w++)
// {
// var currentPixel = texturePixels[(height - h - 1) * width + w];
// // For Color32, the r, g and b values are between 0 and 1.
// r[h, w] = currentPixel.r;
// g[h, w] = currentPixel.g;
// b[h, w] = currentPixel.b;
// }
// }
// channels.Add(r);
// channels.Add(g);
// channels.Add(b);
// }
return channels;
// Texture2D MakeGrayscale (tex : Texture2D) {
// var texColors = tex.GetPixels();
// for (i = 0; i < texColors.Length; i++) {
// var grayValue = texColors[i].grayscale;
// texColors[i] = Color(grayValue, grayValue, grayValue, texColors[i].a);
// }
// tex.SetPixels(texColors);
// tex.Apply();
// }
internal List<Texture2D> GetObservationTextures()
var textures = new List<Texture2D>();
var singleChannels = new List<float[]>();
foreach (var pass in m_Passes)
var disableAntialiasing = pass.PassType != CameraSensorPassType.RGB;
var texture = ObservationToTexture(pass.Camera, m_Width, m_Height, disableAntialiasing);
var width = texture.width;
var height = texture.height;
var texturePixels = texture.GetPixels();
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.RGB)
if (m_Grayscale)
// turn to grayscale
for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; ++i)
var grayVal = texturePixels[i].grayscale;
texturePixels[i] = new Color(grayVal, grayVal, grayVal, texturePixels[i].a);
else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Depth)
// single channel -- convert to grayscale and add to single channels list
var channelVals = new float[texturePixels.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; ++i)
channelVals[i] = texturePixels[i].grayscale;
else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation)
var layerChannels = new List<float[]>();
foreach (var layer in m_Settings.LayerMasks)
layerChannels.Add(new float[texturePixels.Length]);
for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; ++i)
var currentPixel = texturePixels[i];
// layer index is encoded in the red channel, divided by 100
var currentPixelIndex = (int)Math.Round((double) currentPixel.r * 100f);
// Try to decode the "r" channel as one of our layer IDs
var foundLayerIndex = Array.FindIndex(m_Settings.LayerMasks, j => j == currentPixelIndex);
if (foundLayerIndex >= 0)
// We found it, so set the value to 1
var layerChannel = layerChannels[foundLayerIndex];
layerChannel[i] = 1f;
foreach (var layerChannel in layerChannels) singleChannels.Add(layerChannel);
// Since we captured these layers as a float array, we need to destroy the texture
else if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation)
if (m_Grayscale)
// turn to grayscale
for (var i = 0; i < texturePixels.Length; ++i)
var grayVal = texturePixels[i].grayscale;
texturePixels[i] = new Color(grayVal, grayVal, grayVal, texturePixels[i].a);
// Single channels need to be converted to colors and assigned to new textures.
// if we have 5 channels, we will need ceil(5/3) textures. Or, 2.
var numNewTextures = (int) Math.Ceiling(singleChannels.Count / 3f);
for (var i = 0; i < numNewTextures; ++i)
var tex = new Texture2D(m_Width, m_Height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
var colors = new Color[m_Width * m_Height];
var begin = i * 3;
for (var j = 0; j < m_Width * m_Height; ++j)
var firstChannelVal = singleChannels[begin][j];
var secondChannelVal = 0f;
if (singleChannels.Count > begin + 1)
secondChannelVal = singleChannels[begin + 1][j];
var thirdChannelVal = 0f;
if (singleChannels.Count > begin + 2)
thirdChannelVal = singleChannels[begin + 2][j];
colors[j] = new Color(firstChannelVal, secondChannelVal, thirdChannelVal);
return textures;
public void UpdateCameras()
foreach (var pass in m_Passes)
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.RGB)
// cleanup capturing camera
// copy all "main" camera parameters into capturing camera
// setup command buffers and replacement shaders
SetupCameraWithReplacementShader(pass.Camera, uberReplacementShader, pass.PassType);
// cache materials and setup material properties
// if (!opticalFlowMaterial || opticalFlowMaterial.shader != opticalFlowShader)
// opticalFlowMaterial = new Material(opticalFlowShader);
// opticalFlowMaterial.SetFloat("_Sensitivity", opticalFlowSensitivity);
static void SetupCameraWithReplacementShader(Camera cam, Shader shader, CameraSensorPassType passType)
var cb = new CommandBuffer();
Color clearColor = Color.black;
int mode = -1;
if (passType == CameraSensorPassType.Depth)
mode = 2;
clearColor = Color.white;
else if (passType == CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation)
//Debug.Log("Setting shader mode to 3");
mode = 3;
else if (passType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation)
mode = 1;
if (mode < 0)
throw new Exception("Error: unexpected pass type");
cb.SetGlobalInt("_OutputMode", mode);
cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardOpaque, cb);
cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeFinalPass, cb);
cam.SetReplacementShader(shader, "");
cam.backgroundColor = clearColor;
cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for the name of the sensor.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Sensor name.</returns>
public string GetName()
return m_Name;
/// <summary>
/// Accessor for the size of the sensor data. Will be h x w x 1 for grayscale and
/// h x w x 3 for color.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Size of each of the three dimensions.</returns>
public int[] GetObservationShape()
return m_Shape;
/// <summary>
/// Generates a compressed image. This can be valuable in speeding-up training.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Compressed image.</returns>
public byte[] GetCompressedObservation()
var allBytes = new List<byte>();
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("CameraSensor.GetCompressedObservation"))
var textures = GetObservationTextures();
// TODO support more types here, e.g. JPG
foreach (var tex in textures)
return allBytes.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Writes out the generated, uncompressed image to the provided <see cref="ObservationWriter"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="writer">Where the observation is written to.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int Write(ObservationWriter writer)
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("CameraSensor.WriteToTensor"))
var numWritten = 0;
var channels = GetObservationChannels();
for (var channelInd = 0; channelInd < channels.Count; ++channelInd)
for (var h = 0; h < m_Height; ++h)
for (var w = 0; w < m_Width; ++w)
writer[h, w, channelInd] = channels[channelInd][h, w];
return numWritten;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Update() {}
/// <inheritdoc/>
public void Reset() { }
/// <inheritdoc/>
public SensorCompressionType GetCompressionType()
return m_CompressionType;
/// <summary>
/// Renders a Camera instance to a 2D texture at the corresponding resolution.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The 2D texture.</returns>
/// <param name="obsCamera">Camera.</param>
/// <param name="width">Width of resulting 2D texture.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height of resulting 2D texture.</param>
/// <returns name="texture2D">Texture2D to render to.</returns>
public static Texture2D ObservationToTexture(Camera obsCamera, int width, int height, bool disableAntialiasing = false)
var texture2D = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
var oldRec = obsCamera.rect;
obsCamera.rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
var depth = 24;
var format = RenderTextureFormat.Default;
var readWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite.Default;
var antiAliasing = (disableAntialiasing) ? 1 : Mathf.Max(1, QualitySettings.antiAliasing);
var tempRt =
RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, depth, format, readWrite, antiAliasing);
var prevActiveRt = RenderTexture.active;
var prevCameraRt = obsCamera.targetTexture;
// render to offscreen texture (readonly from CPU side)
RenderTexture.active = tempRt;
obsCamera.targetTexture = tempRt;
texture2D.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, texture2D.width, texture2D.height), 0, 0);
obsCamera.targetTexture = prevCameraRt;
obsCamera.rect = oldRec;
RenderTexture.active = prevActiveRt;
return texture2D;
/// <summary>
/// Computes the observation shape for a camera sensor based on the height, width
/// and grayscale flag.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="width">Width of the image captures from the camera.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height of the image captures from the camera.</param>
/// <param name="grayscale">Whether or not to convert the image to grayscale.</param>
/// <returns>The observation shape.</returns>
internal int[] GenerateShape()
int channels = 0;
foreach (var pass in m_Passes)
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.RGB)
if (m_Grayscale) channels += 1;
else channels += 3;
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Depth)
channels += 1;
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.Segmentation)
channels += m_Settings.LayerMasks.Length;
if (pass.PassType == CameraSensorPassType.AutoSegmentation)
if (m_Grayscale) channels += 1;
else channels += 3;
return new[] { m_Height, m_Width, channels };
static void DestroyTexture(Texture2D texture)
if (Application.isEditor)
// Edit Mode tests complain if we use Destroy()
// TODO move to extension methods for UnityEngine.Object?