Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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import numpy as np
history_keys = ['states', 'observations', 'actions', 'rewards', 'action_probs', 'epsilons',
'value_estimates', 'advantages', 'discounted_returns']
def discount_rewards(r, gamma=0.99, value_next=0.0):
Computes discounted sum of future rewards for use in updating value estimate.
:param r: List of rewards.
:param gamma: Discount factor.
:param value_next: T+1 value estimate for returns calculation.
:return: discounted sum of future rewards as list.
discounted_r = np.zeros_like(r)
running_add = value_next
for t in reversed(range(0, r.size)):
running_add = running_add * gamma + r[t]
discounted_r[t] = running_add
return discounted_r
def get_gae(rewards, value_estimates, value_next=0.0, gamma=0.99, lambd=0.95):
Computes generalized advantage estimate for use in updating policy.
:param rewards: list of rewards for time-steps t to T.
:param value_next: Value estimate for time-step T+1.
:param value_estimates: list of value estimates for time-steps t to T.
:param gamma: Discount factor.
:param lambd: GAE weighing factor.
:return: list of advantage estimates for time-steps t to T.
value_estimates = np.asarray(value_estimates.tolist() + [value_next])
delta_t = rewards + gamma * value_estimates[1:] - value_estimates[:-1]
advantage = discount_rewards(r=delta_t, gamma=gamma*lambd)
return advantage
def empty_local_history(agent_dict):
Empties the experience history for a single agent.
:param agent_dict: Dictionary of agent experience history.
:return: Emptied dictionary (except for cumulative_reward and episode_steps).
for key in history_keys:
agent_dict[key] = []
return agent_dict
def vectorize_history(agent_dict):
Converts dictionary of lists into dictionary of numpy arrays.
:param agent_dict: Dictionary of agent experience history.
:return: dictionary of numpy arrays.
for key in history_keys:
agent_dict[key] = np.array(agent_dict[key])
return agent_dict
def empty_all_history(agent_info):
Clears all agent histories and resets reward and episode length counters.
:param agent_info: a BrainInfo object.
:return: an emptied history dictionary.
history_dict = {}
for agent in agent_info.agents:
history_dict[agent] = {}
history_dict[agent] = empty_local_history(history_dict[agent])
history_dict[agent]['cumulative_reward'] = 0
history_dict[agent]['episode_steps'] = 0
return history_dict
def append_history(global_buffer, local_buffer=None):
Appends agent experience history to global history buffer.
:param global_buffer: Global buffer for all agents experiences.
:param local_buffer: Local history for individual agents experiences.
:return: Global buffer with new experiences added.
for key in history_keys:
global_buffer[key] = np.concatenate([global_buffer[key], local_buffer[key]], axis=0)
return global_buffer
def set_history(global_buffer, local_buffer=None):
Creates new global_buffer from existing local_buffer
:param global_buffer: Global buffer for all agents experiences.
:param local_buffer: Local history for individual agents experiences.
:return: Global buffer with new experiences.
for key in history_keys:
global_buffer[key] = np.copy(local_buffer[key])
return global_buffer
def shuffle_buffer(global_buffer):
Randomizes experiences in global_buffer
:param global_buffer: training_buffer to randomize.
:return: Randomized buffer
s = np.arange(global_buffer[history_keys[2]].shape[0])
for key in history_keys:
if len(global_buffer[key]) > 0:
global_buffer[key] = global_buffer[key][s]
return global_buffer