Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, List
from mlagents.torch_utils import torch
import numpy as np
import math
from mlagents.trainers.buffer import AgentBuffer, AgentBufferField
from mlagents.trainers.trajectory import ObsUtil
from mlagents.trainers.torch.components.bc.module import BCModule
from mlagents.trainers.torch.components.reward_providers import create_reward_provider
from mlagents.trainers.policy.torch_policy import TorchPolicy
from mlagents.trainers.optimizer import Optimizer
from mlagents.trainers.settings import TrainerSettings
from mlagents.trainers.torch.utils import ModelUtils
class TorchOptimizer(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, policy: TorchPolicy, trainer_settings: TrainerSettings):
self.policy = policy
self.trainer_settings = trainer_settings
self.update_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
self.value_heads: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
self.memory_in: torch.Tensor = None
self.memory_out: torch.Tensor = None
self.m_size: int = 0
self.global_step = torch.tensor(0)
self.bc_module: Optional[BCModule] = None
self.critic_memory_dict: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
if trainer_settings.behavioral_cloning is not None:
self.bc_module = BCModule(
def critic(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def update(self, batch: AgentBuffer, num_sequences: int) -> Dict[str, float]:
def create_reward_signals(self, reward_signal_configs):
Create reward signals
:param reward_signal_configs: Reward signal config.
for reward_signal, settings in reward_signal_configs.items():
# Name reward signals by string in case we have duplicates later
self.reward_signals[reward_signal.value] = create_reward_provider(
reward_signal, self.policy.behavior_spec, settings
def _evaluate_by_sequence(
self, tensor_obs: List[torch.Tensor], initial_memory: np.ndarray
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, torch.Tensor], AgentBufferField, torch.Tensor]:
Evaluate a trajectory sequence-by-sequence, assembling the result. This enables us to get the
intermediate memories for the critic.
:param tensor_obs: A List of tensors of shape (trajectory_len, <obs_dim>) that are the agent's
observations for this trajectory.
:param initial_memory: The memory that preceeds this trajectory. Of shape (1,1,<mem_size>), i.e.
what is returned as the output of a MemoryModules.
:return: A Tuple of the value estimates as a Dict of [name, tensor], an AgentBufferField of the initial
memories to be used during value function update, and the final memory at the end of the trajectory.
num_experiences = tensor_obs[0].shape[0]
all_next_memories = AgentBufferField()
# In the buffer, the 1st sequence are the ones that are padded. So if seq_len = 3 and
# trajectory is of length 10, the 1st sequence is [pad,pad,obs].
# Compute the number of elements in this padded seq.
leftover = num_experiences % self.policy.sequence_length
# Compute values for the potentially truncated initial sequence
seq_obs = []
first_seq_len = self.policy.sequence_length
for _obs in tensor_obs:
if leftover > 0:
first_seq_len = leftover
first_seq_obs = _obs[0:first_seq_len]
# For the first sequence, the initial memory should be the one at the
# beginning of this trajectory.
for _ in range(first_seq_len):
init_values, _mem = self.critic.critic_pass(
seq_obs, initial_memory, sequence_length=first_seq_len
all_values = {
signal_name: [init_values[signal_name]]
for signal_name in init_values.keys()
# Evaluate other trajectories, carrying over _mem after each
# trajectory
for seq_num in range(
1, math.ceil((num_experiences) / (self.policy.sequence_length))
seq_obs = []
for _ in range(self.policy.sequence_length):
for _obs in tensor_obs:
start = seq_num * self.policy.sequence_length - (
self.policy.sequence_length - leftover
end = (seq_num + 1) * self.policy.sequence_length - (
self.policy.sequence_length - leftover
values, _mem = self.critic.critic_pass(
seq_obs, _mem, sequence_length=self.policy.sequence_length
for signal_name, _val in values.items():
# Create one tensor per reward signal
all_value_tensors = {
signal_name: torch.cat(value_list, dim=0)
for signal_name, value_list in all_values.items()
next_mem = _mem
return all_value_tensors, all_next_memories, next_mem
def get_trajectory_value_estimates(
batch: AgentBuffer,
next_obs: List[np.ndarray],
done: bool,
agent_id: str = "",
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, np.ndarray], Dict[str, float], Optional[AgentBufferField]]:
Get value estimates and memories for a trajectory, in batch form.
:param batch: An AgentBuffer that consists of a trajectory.
:param next_obs: the next observation (after the trajectory). Used for boostrapping
if this is not a termiinal trajectory.
:param done: Set true if this is a terminal trajectory.
:param agent_id: Agent ID of the agent that this trajectory belongs to.
:returns: A Tuple of the Value Estimates as a Dict of [name, np.ndarray(trajectory_len)],
the final value estimate as a Dict of [name, float], and optionally (if using memories)
an AgentBufferField of initial critic memories to be used during update.
n_obs = len(self.policy.behavior_spec.observation_specs)
if agent_id in self.critic_memory_dict:
memory = self.critic_memory_dict[agent_id]
memory = (
torch.zeros((1, 1, self.critic.memory_size))
if self.policy.use_recurrent
else None
# Convert to tensors
current_obs = [
ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in ObsUtil.from_buffer(batch, n_obs)
next_obs = [ModelUtils.list_to_tensor(obs) for obs in next_obs]
next_obs = [obs.unsqueeze(0) for obs in next_obs]
# If we're using LSTM, we want to get all the intermediate memories.
all_next_memories: Optional[AgentBufferField] = None
if self.policy.use_recurrent:
) = self._evaluate_by_sequence(current_obs, memory)
value_estimates, next_memory = self.critic.critic_pass(
current_obs, memory, sequence_length=batch.num_experiences
# Store the memory for the next trajectory
self.critic_memory_dict[agent_id] = next_memory
next_value_estimate, _ = self.critic.critic_pass(
next_obs, next_memory, sequence_length=1
for name, estimate in value_estimates.items():
value_estimates[name] = ModelUtils.to_numpy(estimate)
next_value_estimate[name] = ModelUtils.to_numpy(next_value_estimate[name])
if done:
for k in next_value_estimate:
if not self.reward_signals[k].ignore_done:
next_value_estimate[k] = 0.0
if agent_id in self.critic_memory_dict:
return value_estimates, next_value_estimate, all_next_memories