Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using Google.Protobuf;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using UnityEngine;
using MLAgents.CommunicatorObjects;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEditor;
namespace MLAgents
public class SocketCommunicator : ICommunicator
private const float k_TimeOut = 10f;
private const int k_MessageLength = 12000;
byte[] m_MessageHolder = new byte[k_MessageLength];
int m_ComPort;
Socket m_Sender;
byte[] m_LengthHolder = new byte[4];
CommunicatorParameters m_CommunicatorParameters;
public SocketCommunicator(CommunicatorParameters communicatorParameters)
m_CommunicatorParameters = communicatorParameters;
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the communicator by sending the first UnityOutput and receiving the
/// first UnityInput. The second UnityInput is stored in the unityInput argument.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The first Unity Input.</returns>
/// <param name="unityOutput">The first Unity Output.</param>
/// <param name="unityInput">The second Unity input.</param>
public UnityInput Initialize(UnityOutput unityOutput,
out UnityInput unityInput)
m_Sender = new Socket(
m_Sender.Connect("localhost", m_CommunicatorParameters.port);
var initializationInput =
Send(WrapMessage(unityOutput, 200).ToByteArray());
unityInput = UnityMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(Receive()).UnityInput;
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
EditorApplication.playModeStateChanged += HandleOnPlayModeChanged;
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += HandleOnPlayModeChanged;
return initializationInput.UnityInput;
/// <summary>
/// Uses the socke to receive a byte[] from External. Reassemble a message that was split
/// by External if it was too long.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The byte[] sent by External.</returns>
byte[] Receive()
var totalLength = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(m_LengthHolder, 0);
var location = 0;
var result = new byte[totalLength];
while (location != totalLength)
var fragment = m_Sender.Receive(m_MessageHolder);
m_MessageHolder, 0, result, location, fragment);
location += fragment;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Send the specified input via socket to External. Split the message into smaller
/// parts if it is too long.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">The byte[] to be sent.</param>
void Send(byte[] input)
var newArray = new byte[input.Length + 4];
input.CopyTo(newArray, 4);
System.BitConverter.GetBytes(input.Length).CopyTo(newArray, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Close the communicator gracefully on both sides of the communication.
/// </summary>
public void Close()
Send(WrapMessage(null, 400).ToByteArray());
/// <summary>
/// Send a UnityOutput and receives a UnityInput.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The next UnityInput.</returns>
/// <param name="unityOutput">The UnityOutput to be sent.</param>
public UnityInput Exchange(UnityOutput unityOutput)
Send(WrapMessage(unityOutput, 200).ToByteArray());
byte[] received = null;
var task = Task.Run(() => received = Receive());
if (!task.Wait(System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(k_TimeOut)))
throw new UnityAgentsException(
"The communicator took too long to respond.");
var message = UnityMessage.Parser.ParseFrom(received);
if (message.Header.Status != 200)
return null;
return message.UnityInput;
/// <summary>
/// Wraps the UnityOuptut into a message with the appropriate status.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The UnityMessage corresponding.</returns>
/// <param name="content">The UnityOutput to be wrapped.</param>
/// <param name="status">The status of the message.</param>
private static UnityMessage WrapMessage(UnityOutput content, int status)
return new UnityMessage
Header = new Header { Status = status },
UnityOutput = content
/// <summary>
/// When the Unity application quits, the communicator must be closed
/// </summary>
private void OnApplicationQuit()
#if UNITY_2017_2_OR_NEWER
/// <summary>
/// When the editor exits, the communicator must be closed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="state">State.</param>
private void HandleOnPlayModeChanged(PlayModeStateChange state)
// This method is run whenever the playmode state is changed.
if (state == PlayModeStateChange.ExitingPlayMode)
/// <summary>
/// When the editor exits, the communicator must be closed
/// </summary>
private void HandleOnPlayModeChanged()
// This method is run whenever the playmode state is changed.
if (!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)