主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
183 行
6.1 KiB
183 行
6.1 KiB
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
* Attach this component to a game object with an Agent component in order to
* visulaize relevant information about your agent.
public class AgentMonitor : MonoBehaviour
public bool fixedPosition;
/**< \brief If true, the monitor will be fixed in the top left corner of
* the screen. If false, it will move with the position of the agent*/
public float verticalOffset = 10f;
/**< \brief If fixedPosition is false, defines how high above the agent
* the monitor is */
[Header("Displayed Values")]
public bool DisplayBrainName = true;
/**< \brief If true, the name of the brain will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayBrainType = true;
/**< \brief If true, the type of the brain will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayFrameCount = true;
/**< \brief If true, the number of steps since the agent was reset will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayCurrentReward = true;
/**< \brief If true, the current reward of the agent will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayMaxReward = true;
/**< \brief If true, the maximum reward accros episodes will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayState = false;
/**< \brief If true, the current state of the agetn will be displayed in the monitor */
public bool DisplayAction = false;
/**< \brief If true, the current action of the agetn will be displayed in the monitor */
private Agent agent;
private Text texts;
private GameObject monitor;
private Slider slider;
private Image fill;
private float maxReward;
void Start()
agent = gameObject.GetComponent<Agent>();
GameObject canvas = GameObject.Find("AgentMonitorCanvas");
if (canvas == null)
canvas = new GameObject();
canvas.name = "AgentMonitorCanvas";
if (canvas.GetComponent<Canvas>() == null)
Canvas c = canvas.AddComponent<Canvas>();
c.renderMode = RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay;
c.pixelPerfect = true;
if (canvas.GetComponent<CanvasScaler>() == null)
CanvasScaler cs = canvas.AddComponent<CanvasScaler>() as CanvasScaler;
cs.uiScaleMode = CanvasScaler.ScaleMode.ScaleWithScreenSize;
if (canvas.GetComponent<GraphicRaycaster>() == null)
monitor = Instantiate(Resources.Load("AgentMonitor") as GameObject);
monitor.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false);
slider = monitor.GetComponentInChildren<Slider>();
fill = slider.GetComponentInChildren<Image>();
texts = monitor.GetComponent<Text>();
if (fixedPosition)
monitor.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0, 1);
monitor.GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(0, 1);
monitor.GetComponent<RectTransform>().pivot = new Vector2(0, 1);
monitor.GetComponent<RectTransform>().position = new Vector3(0, monitor.GetComponent<RectTransform>().position.y, 0);
void Update()
if (maxReward < agent.CummulativeReward)
maxReward = agent.CummulativeReward;
texts.text = "";
if (DisplayBrainName)
texts.text += "Brain name : " + agent.brain.gameObject.name + "\n";
if (DisplayBrainType)
texts.text += "Mode : " + agent.brain.brainType + "\n";
if (DisplayFrameCount)
texts.text += "Frame Count :" + agent.stepCounter + "\n";
if (DisplayCurrentReward)
texts.text += "Reward : " + agent.CummulativeReward.ToString("F2") + "\n";
if (DisplayMaxReward)
texts.text += "Maximum Reward : " + maxReward.ToString("F2") + "\n";
if (DisplayState)
if (agent.brain.brainParameters.stateSpaceType == StateType.continuous)
texts.text += "State : ";
foreach (float f in agent.CollectState())
texts.text += f.ToString("F2") + " ";
texts.text += "\n";
texts.text += "State : " + ((int)agent.CollectState()[0]).ToString() + "\n";
if (DisplayAction)
if (agent.brain.brainParameters.actionSpaceType == StateType.continuous)
texts.text += "Action : ";
foreach (float f in agent.agentStoredAction)
texts.text += f.ToString("F2") + " ";
texts.text += "\n";
texts.text += "Action : " + ((int)agent.agentStoredAction[0]).ToString() + "\n";
if (Mathf.Abs(agent.value) > slider.maxValue)
slider.maxValue = Mathf.Abs(agent.value);
slider.value = Mathf.Abs(agent.value);
if (agent.value > 0)
fill.color = Color.green;
fill.color = Color.red;
if (!fixedPosition)
Vector3 cam2obj = gameObject.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position;
if (Vector3.Dot(cam2obj, Camera.main.transform.forward) < 0)
monitor.transform.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(agent.transform.position + new Vector3(0, verticalOffset, 0));
monitor.transform.localScale = 20f * Mathf.Min(1, 1f / (Vector3.Dot(cam2obj, Camera.main.transform.forward))) * new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
void OnDestroy()