Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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import attr
import cattr
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Any, DefaultDict, Mapping, Tuple, Union
from enum import Enum
import collections
import argparse
import abc
import numpy as np
import math
from mlagents.trainers.cli_utils import StoreConfigFile, DetectDefault, parser
from mlagents.trainers.cli_utils import load_config
from mlagents.trainers.exception import TrainerConfigError
from mlagents.trainers.models import ScheduleType, EncoderType
from mlagents_envs import logging_util
from mlagents_envs.side_channel.environment_parameters_channel import (
logger = logging_util.get_logger(__name__)
def check_and_structure(key: str, value: Any, class_type: type) -> Any:
attr_fields_dict = attr.fields_dict(class_type)
if key not in attr_fields_dict:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"The option {key} was specified in your YAML file for {class_type.__name__}, but is invalid."
# Apply cattr structure to the values
return cattr.structure(value, attr_fields_dict[key].type)
def strict_to_cls(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported config {d} for {t.__name__}.")
d_copy: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key, val in d_copy.items():
d_copy[key] = check_and_structure(key, val, t)
return t(**d_copy)
def defaultdict_to_dict(d: DefaultDict) -> Dict:
return {key: cattr.unstructure(val) for key, val in d.items()}
class ExportableSettings:
def as_dict(self):
return cattr.unstructure(self)
class NetworkSettings:
class MemorySettings:
sequence_length: int = attr.ib(default=64)
memory_size: int = attr.ib(default=128)
def _check_valid_memory_size(self, attribute, value):
if value <= 0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using a recurrent network, memory size must be greater than 0."
elif value % 2 != 0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using a recurrent network, memory size must be divisible by 2."
normalize: bool = False
hidden_units: int = 128
num_layers: int = 2
vis_encode_type: EncoderType = EncoderType.SIMPLE
memory: Optional[MemorySettings] = None
class BehavioralCloningSettings:
demo_path: str
steps: int = 0
strength: float = 1.0
samples_per_update: int = 0
# Setting either of these to None will allow the Optimizer
# to decide these parameters, based on Trainer hyperparams
num_epoch: Optional[int] = None
batch_size: Optional[int] = None
class HyperparamSettings:
batch_size: int = 1024
buffer_size: int = 10240
learning_rate: float = 3.0e-4
learning_rate_schedule: ScheduleType = ScheduleType.CONSTANT
class PPOSettings(HyperparamSettings):
beta: float = 5.0e-3
epsilon: float = 0.2
lambd: float = 0.95
num_epoch: int = 3
learning_rate_schedule: ScheduleType = ScheduleType.LINEAR
class SACSettings(HyperparamSettings):
batch_size: int = 128
buffer_size: int = 50000
buffer_init_steps: int = 0
tau: float = 0.005
steps_per_update: float = 1
save_replay_buffer: bool = False
init_entcoef: float = 1.0
reward_signal_steps_per_update: float = attr.ib()
def _reward_signal_steps_per_update_default(self):
return self.steps_per_update
# INTRINSIC REWARD SIGNALS #############################################################
class RewardSignalType(Enum):
EXTRINSIC: str = "extrinsic"
GAIL: str = "gail"
CURIOSITY: str = "curiosity"
def to_settings(self) -> type:
_mapping = {
RewardSignalType.EXTRINSIC: RewardSignalSettings,
RewardSignalType.GAIL: GAILSettings,
RewardSignalType.CURIOSITY: CuriositySettings,
return _mapping[self]
class RewardSignalSettings:
gamma: float = 0.99
strength: float = 1.0
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
Helper method to structure a Dict of RewardSignalSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of RewardSignalSettings classes.
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported reward signal configuration {d}.")
d_final: Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings] = {}
for key, val in d.items():
enum_key = RewardSignalType(key)
t = enum_key.to_settings()
d_final[enum_key] = strict_to_cls(val, t)
return d_final
class GAILSettings(RewardSignalSettings):
encoding_size: int = 64
learning_rate: float = 3e-4
use_actions: bool = False
use_vail: bool = False
demo_path: str = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
class CuriositySettings(RewardSignalSettings):
encoding_size: int = 64
learning_rate: float = 3e-4
# SAMPLERS #############################################################################
class ParameterRandomizationType(Enum):
UNIFORM: str = "uniform"
GAUSSIAN: str = "gaussian"
MULTIRANGEUNIFORM: str = "multirangeuniform"
CONSTANT: str = "constant"
def to_settings(self) -> type:
_mapping = {
ParameterRandomizationType.UNIFORM: UniformSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.GAUSSIAN: GaussianSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.MULTIRANGEUNIFORM: MultiRangeUniformSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.CONSTANT: ConstantSettings
# Constant type is handled if a float is provided instead of a config
return _mapping[self]
class ParameterRandomizationSettings(abc.ABC):
seed: int = parser.get_default("seed")
def structure(
d: Union[Mapping, float], t: type
) -> "ParameterRandomizationSettings":
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of ParameterRandomizationSettings classes.
if isinstance(d, (float, int)):
return ConstantSettings(value=d)
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Unsupported parameter randomization configuration {d}."
if "sampler_type" not in d:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Sampler configuration does not contain sampler_type : {d}."
if "sampler_parameters" not in d:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Sampler configuration does not contain sampler_parameters : {d}."
enum_key = ParameterRandomizationType(d["sampler_type"])
t = enum_key.to_settings()
return strict_to_cls(d["sampler_parameters"], t)
def unstructure(d: "ParameterRandomizationSettings") -> Mapping:
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_unstructure_hook() and called with cattr.unstructure().
_reversed_mapping = {
UniformSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.UNIFORM,
GaussianSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.GAUSSIAN,
MultiRangeUniformSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.MULTIRANGEUNIFORM,
ConstantSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.CONSTANT,
sampler_type: Optional[str] = None
for t, name in _reversed_mapping.items():
if isinstance(d, t):
sampler_type = name.value
sampler_parameters = attr.asdict(d)
return {"sampler_type": sampler_type, "sampler_parameters": sampler_parameters}
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the appropriate sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
class ConstantSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
value: float = 0.0
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the constant sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
env_channel.set_float_parameter(key, self.value)
class UniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
min_value: float = attr.ib()
max_value: float = 1.0
def _min_value_default(self):
return 0.0
def _check_min_value(self, attribute, value):
if self.min_value > self.max_value:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Minimum value is greater than maximum value in uniform sampler."
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the uniform sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.min_value, self.max_value, self.seed
class GaussianSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
mean: float = 1.0
st_dev: float = 1.0
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the gaussian sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.mean, self.st_dev, self.seed
class MultiRangeUniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
intervals: List[Tuple[float, float]] = attr.ib()
def _intervals_default(self):
return [[0.0, 1.0]]
def _check_intervals(self, attribute, value):
for interval in self.intervals:
if len(interval) != 2:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"The sampling interval {interval} must contain exactly two values."
min_value, max_value = interval
if min_value > max_value:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Minimum value is greater than maximum value in interval {interval}."
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the multirangeuniform sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.intervals, self.seed
# ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS ###############################################################
class CompletionCriteriaSettings:
CompletionCriteriaSettings contains the information needed to figure out if the next
lesson must start.
class MeasureType(Enum):
PROGRESS: str = "progress"
REWARD: str = "reward"
measure: MeasureType = attr.ib(default=MeasureType.REWARD)
behavior: str = attr.ib(default="")
min_lesson_length: int = 0
signal_smoothing: bool = True
threshold: float = attr.ib(default=0.0)
require_reset: bool = False
def _check_threshold_value(self, attribute, value):
Verify that the threshold has a value between 0 and 1 when the measure is
if self.measure == self.MeasureType.PROGRESS:
if self.threshold > 1.0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Threshold for next lesson cannot be greater than 1 when the measure is progress."
if self.threshold < 0.0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Threshold for next lesson cannot be negative when the measure is progress."
def need_increment(
self, progress: float, reward_buffer: List[float], smoothing: float
) -> Tuple[bool, float]:
Given measures, this method returns a boolean indicating if the lesson
needs to change now, and a float corresponding to the new smoothed value.
# Is the min number of episodes reached
if len(reward_buffer) < self.min_lesson_length:
return False, smoothing
if self.measure == CompletionCriteriaSettings.MeasureType.PROGRESS:
if progress > self.threshold:
return True, smoothing
if self.measure == CompletionCriteriaSettings.MeasureType.REWARD:
if len(reward_buffer) < 1:
return False, smoothing
measure = np.mean(reward_buffer)
if math.isnan(measure):
return False, smoothing
if self.signal_smoothing:
measure = 0.25 * smoothing + 0.75 * measure
smoothing = measure
if measure > self.threshold:
return True, smoothing
return False, smoothing
class Lesson:
Gathers the data of one lesson for one environment parameter including its name,
the condition that must be fullfiled for the lesson to be completed and a sampler
for the environment parameter. If the completion_criteria is None, then this is
the last lesson in the curriculum.
value: ParameterRandomizationSettings
name: str
completion_criteria: Optional[CompletionCriteriaSettings] = attr.ib(default=None)
class EnvironmentParameterSettings:
EnvironmentParameterSettings is an ordered list of lessons for one environment
curriculum: List[Lesson]
def _check_lesson_chain(lessons, parameter_name):
Ensures that when using curriculum, all non-terminal lessons have a valid
num_lessons = len(lessons)
for index, lesson in enumerate(lessons):
if index < num_lessons - 1 and lesson.completion_criteria is None:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"A non-terminal lesson does not have a completion_criteria for {parameter_name}."
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Dict[str, "EnvironmentParameterSettings"]:
Helper method to structure a Dict of EnvironmentParameterSettings class. Meant
to be registered with cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Unsupported parameter environment parameter settings {d}."
d_final: Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings] = {}
for environment_parameter, environment_parameter_config in d.items():
if (
isinstance(environment_parameter_config, Mapping)
and "curriculum" in environment_parameter_config
d_final[environment_parameter] = strict_to_cls(
environment_parameter_config, EnvironmentParameterSettings
d_final[environment_parameter].curriculum, environment_parameter
sampler = ParameterRandomizationSettings.structure(
environment_parameter_config, ParameterRandomizationSettings
d_final[environment_parameter] = EnvironmentParameterSettings(
return d_final
# TRAINERS #############################################################################
class SelfPlaySettings:
save_steps: int = 20000
team_change: int = attr.ib()
def _team_change_default(self):
# Assign team_change to about 4x save_steps
return self.save_steps * 5
swap_steps: int = 2000
window: int = 10
play_against_latest_model_ratio: float = 0.5
initial_elo: float = 1200.0
class TrainerType(Enum):
PPO: str = "ppo"
SAC: str = "sac"
def to_settings(self) -> type:
_mapping = {TrainerType.PPO: PPOSettings, TrainerType.SAC: SACSettings}
return _mapping[self]
class TrainerSettings(ExportableSettings):
trainer_type: TrainerType = TrainerType.PPO
hyperparameters: HyperparamSettings = attr.ib()
def _set_default_hyperparameters(self):
return self.trainer_type.to_settings()()
network_settings: NetworkSettings = attr.ib(factory=NetworkSettings)
reward_signals: Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings] = attr.ib(
factory=lambda: {RewardSignalType.EXTRINSIC: RewardSignalSettings()}
init_path: Optional[str] = None
keep_checkpoints: int = 5
checkpoint_interval: int = 500000
max_steps: int = 500000
time_horizon: int = 64
summary_freq: int = 50000
threaded: bool = True
self_play: Optional[SelfPlaySettings] = None
behavioral_cloning: Optional[BehavioralCloningSettings] = None
Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings], RewardSignalSettings.structure
def _check_batch_size_seq_length(self, attribute, value):
if self.network_settings.memory is not None:
if (
> self.hyperparameters.batch_size
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using memory, sequence length must be less than or equal to batch size. "
def dict_to_defaultdict(d: Dict, t: type) -> DefaultDict:
return collections.defaultdict(
TrainerSettings, cattr.structure(d, Dict[str, TrainerSettings])
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
Helper method to structure a TrainerSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure().
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported config {d} for {t.__name__}.")
d_copy: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key, val in d_copy.items():
if attr.has(type(val)):
# Don't convert already-converted attrs classes.
if key == "hyperparameters":
if "trainer_type" not in d_copy:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Hyperparameters were specified but no trainer_type was given."
d_copy[key] = strict_to_cls(
d_copy[key], TrainerType(d_copy["trainer_type"]).to_settings()
elif key == "max_steps":
d_copy[key] = int(float(val))
# In some legacy configs, max steps was specified as a float
d_copy[key] = check_and_structure(key, val, t)
return t(**d_copy)
# COMMAND LINE #########################################################################
class CheckpointSettings:
run_id: str = parser.get_default("run_id")
initialize_from: Optional[str] = parser.get_default("initialize_from")
load_model: bool = parser.get_default("load_model")
resume: bool = parser.get_default("resume")
force: bool = parser.get_default("force")
train_model: bool = parser.get_default("train_model")
inference: bool = parser.get_default("inference")
class EnvironmentSettings:
env_path: Optional[str] = parser.get_default("env_path")
env_args: Optional[List[str]] = parser.get_default("env_args")
base_port: int = parser.get_default("base_port")
num_envs: int = attr.ib(default=parser.get_default("num_envs"))
seed: int = parser.get_default("seed")
def validate_num_envs(self, attribute, value):
if value > 1 and self.env_path is None:
raise ValueError("num_envs must be 1 if env_path is not set.")
class EngineSettings:
width: int = parser.get_default("width")
height: int = parser.get_default("height")
quality_level: int = parser.get_default("quality_level")
time_scale: float = parser.get_default("time_scale")
target_frame_rate: int = parser.get_default("target_frame_rate")
capture_frame_rate: int = parser.get_default("capture_frame_rate")
no_graphics: bool = parser.get_default("no_graphics")
class RunOptions(ExportableSettings):
behaviors: DefaultDict[str, TrainerSettings] = attr.ib(
factory=lambda: collections.defaultdict(TrainerSettings)
env_settings: EnvironmentSettings = attr.ib(factory=EnvironmentSettings)
engine_settings: EngineSettings = attr.ib(factory=EngineSettings)
environment_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings]] = None
checkpoint_settings: CheckpointSettings = attr.ib(factory=CheckpointSettings)
# These are options that are relevant to the run itself, and not the engine or environment.
# They will be left here.
debug: bool = parser.get_default("debug")
# Strict conversion
cattr.register_structure_hook(EnvironmentSettings, strict_to_cls)
cattr.register_structure_hook(EngineSettings, strict_to_cls)
cattr.register_structure_hook(CheckpointSettings, strict_to_cls)
Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings], EnvironmentParameterSettings.structure
cattr.register_structure_hook(Lesson, strict_to_cls)
ParameterRandomizationSettings, ParameterRandomizationSettings.structure
ParameterRandomizationSettings, ParameterRandomizationSettings.unstructure
cattr.register_structure_hook(TrainerSettings, TrainerSettings.structure)
DefaultDict[str, TrainerSettings], TrainerSettings.dict_to_defaultdict
cattr.register_unstructure_hook(collections.defaultdict, defaultdict_to_dict)
def from_argparse(args: argparse.Namespace) -> "RunOptions":
Takes an argparse.Namespace as specified in `parse_command_line`, loads input configuration files
from file paths, and converts to a RunOptions instance.
:param args: collection of command-line parameters passed to mlagents-learn
:return: RunOptions representing the passed in arguments, with trainer config, curriculum and sampler
configs loaded from files.
argparse_args = vars(args)
config_path = StoreConfigFile.trainer_config_path
# Load YAML
configured_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {
"checkpoint_settings": {},
"env_settings": {},
"engine_settings": {},
if config_path is not None:
# Use the YAML file values for all values not specified in the CLI.
for key in configured_dict.keys():
# Detect bad config options
if key not in attr.fields_dict(RunOptions):
raise TrainerConfigError(
"The option {} was specified in your YAML file, but is invalid.".format(
# Override with CLI args
# Keep deprecated --load working, TODO: remove
argparse_args["resume"] = argparse_args["resume"] or argparse_args["load_model"]
for key, val in argparse_args.items():
if key in DetectDefault.non_default_args:
if key in attr.fields_dict(CheckpointSettings):
configured_dict["checkpoint_settings"][key] = val
elif key in attr.fields_dict(EnvironmentSettings):
configured_dict["env_settings"][key] = val
elif key in attr.fields_dict(EngineSettings):
configured_dict["engine_settings"][key] = val
else: # Base options
configured_dict[key] = val
return RunOptions.from_dict(configured_dict)
def from_dict(options_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> "RunOptions":
return cattr.structure(options_dict, RunOptions)