Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAgents.Sensor
public class RayPerceptionSensor : ISensor
public enum CastType
float[] m_Observations;
int[] m_Shape;
string m_Name;
float m_RayDistance;
List<string> m_DetectableObjects;
float[] m_Angles;
float m_StartOffset;
float m_EndOffset;
float m_CastRadius;
CastType m_CastType;
Transform m_Transform;
int m_LayerMask;
/// <summary>
/// Debug information for the raycast hits. This is used by the RayPerceptionSensorComponent.
/// </summary>
public class DebugDisplayInfo
public struct RayInfo
public Vector3 localStart;
public Vector3 localEnd;
public Vector3 worldStart;
public Vector3 worldEnd;
public bool castHit;
public float hitFraction;
public float castRadius;
public void Reset()
m_Frame = Time.frameCount;
/// <summary>
/// "Age" of the results in number of frames. This is used to adjust the alpha when drawing.
/// </summary>
public int age
get { return Time.frameCount - m_Frame; }
public RayInfo[] rayInfos;
int m_Frame;
DebugDisplayInfo m_DebugDisplayInfo;
public DebugDisplayInfo debugDisplayInfo
get { return m_DebugDisplayInfo; }
public RayPerceptionSensor(string name, float rayDistance, List<string> detectableObjects, float[] angles,
Transform transform, float startOffset, float endOffset, float castRadius, CastType castType,
int rayLayerMask)
var numObservations = (detectableObjects.Count + 2) * angles.Length;
m_Shape = new[] { numObservations };
m_Name = name;
m_Observations = new float[numObservations];
m_RayDistance = rayDistance;
m_DetectableObjects = detectableObjects;
// TODO - preprocess angles, save ray directions instead?
m_Angles = angles;
m_Transform = transform;
m_StartOffset = startOffset;
m_EndOffset = endOffset;
m_CastRadius = castRadius;
m_CastType = castType;
m_LayerMask = rayLayerMask;
if (Application.isEditor)
m_DebugDisplayInfo = new DebugDisplayInfo();
public int Write(WriteAdapter adapter)
using (TimerStack.Instance.Scoped("RayPerceptionSensor.Perceive"))
m_RayDistance, m_Angles, m_DetectableObjects, m_StartOffset, m_EndOffset,
m_CastRadius, m_Transform, m_CastType, m_Observations, m_LayerMask,
return m_Observations.Length;
public void Update()
public int[] GetObservationShape()
return m_Shape;
public string GetName()
return m_Name;
public virtual byte[] GetCompressedObservation()
return null;
public virtual SensorCompressionType GetCompressionType()
return SensorCompressionType.None;
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates a perception vector to be used as part of an observation of an agent.
/// Each element in the rayAngles array determines a sublist of data to the observation.
/// The sublist contains the observation data for a single cast. The list is composed of the following:
/// 1. A one-hot encoding for detectable objects. For example, if detectableObjects.Length = n, the
/// first n elements of the sublist will be a one-hot encoding of the detectableObject that was hit, or
/// all zeroes otherwise.
/// 2. The 'length' element of the sublist will be 1 if the ray missed everything, or 0 if it hit
/// something (detectable or not).
/// 3. The 'length+1' element of the sublist will contain the normalised distance to the object hit, or 1 if
/// nothing was hit.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unscaledRayLength"></param>
/// <param name="rayAngles">List of angles (in degrees) used to define the rays. 90 degrees is considered
/// "forward" relative to the game object</param>
/// <param name="detectableObjects">List of tags which correspond to object types agent can see</param>
/// <param name="startOffset">Starting height offset of ray from center of agent.</param>
/// <param name="endOffset">Ending height offset of ray from center of agent.</param>
/// <param name="unscaledCastRadius">Radius of the sphere to use for spherecasting. If 0 or less, rays are used
/// instead - this may be faster, especially for complex environments.</param>
/// <param name="transform">Transform of the GameObject</param>
/// <param name="castType">Whether to perform the casts in 2D or 3D.</param>
/// <param name="perceptionBuffer">Output array of floats. Must be (num rays) * (num tags + 2) in size.</param>
/// <param name="layerMask">Filtering options for the casts</param>
/// <param name="debugInfo">Optional debug information output, only used by RayPerceptionSensor.</param>
public static void PerceiveStatic(float unscaledRayLength,
IReadOnlyList<float> rayAngles, IReadOnlyList<string> detectableObjects,
float startOffset, float endOffset, float unscaledCastRadius,
Transform transform, CastType castType, float[] perceptionBuffer,
int layerMask = Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers,
DebugDisplayInfo debugInfo = null)
Array.Clear(perceptionBuffer, 0, perceptionBuffer.Length);
if (debugInfo != null)
if (debugInfo.rayInfos == null || debugInfo.rayInfos.Length != rayAngles.Count)
debugInfo.rayInfos = new DebugDisplayInfo.RayInfo[rayAngles.Count];
// For each ray sublist stores categorical information on detected object
// along with object distance.
int bufferOffset = 0;
for (var rayIndex = 0; rayIndex < rayAngles.Count; rayIndex++)
var angle = rayAngles[rayIndex];
Vector3 startPositionLocal, endPositionLocal;
if (castType == CastType.Cast3D)
startPositionLocal = new Vector3(0, startOffset, 0);
endPositionLocal = PolarToCartesian3D(unscaledRayLength, angle);
endPositionLocal.y += endOffset;
// Vector2s here get converted to Vector3s (and back to Vector2s for casting)
startPositionLocal = new Vector2();
endPositionLocal = PolarToCartesian2D(unscaledRayLength, angle);
var startPositionWorld = transform.TransformPoint(startPositionLocal);
var endPositionWorld = transform.TransformPoint(endPositionLocal);
var rayDirection = endPositionWorld - startPositionWorld;
// If there is non-unity scale, |rayDirection| will be different from rayLength.
// We want to use this transformed ray length for determining cast length, hit fraction etc.
// We also it to scale up or down the sphere or circle radii
var scaledRayLength = rayDirection.magnitude;
// Avoid 0/0 if unscaledRayLength is 0
var scaledCastRadius = unscaledRayLength > 0 ? unscaledCastRadius * scaledRayLength / unscaledRayLength : unscaledCastRadius;
// Do the cast and assign the hit information for each detectable object.
// sublist[0 ] <- did hit detectableObjects[0]
// ...
// sublist[numObjects-1] <- did hit detectableObjects[numObjects-1]
// sublist[numObjects ] <- 1 if missed else 0
// sublist[numObjects+1] <- hit fraction (or 1 if no hit)
bool castHit;
float hitFraction;
GameObject hitObject;
if (castType == CastType.Cast3D)
RaycastHit rayHit;
if (scaledCastRadius > 0f)
castHit = Physics.SphereCast(startPositionWorld, scaledCastRadius, rayDirection, out rayHit,
scaledRayLength, layerMask);
castHit = Physics.Raycast(startPositionWorld, rayDirection, out rayHit,
scaledRayLength, layerMask);
// If scaledRayLength is 0, we still could have a hit with sphere casts (maybe?).
// To avoid 0/0, set the fraction to 0.
hitFraction = castHit ? (scaledRayLength > 0 ? rayHit.distance / scaledRayLength : 0.0f) : 1.0f;
hitObject = castHit ? rayHit.collider.gameObject : null;
RaycastHit2D rayHit;
if (scaledCastRadius > 0f)
rayHit = Physics2D.CircleCast(startPositionWorld, scaledCastRadius, rayDirection,
scaledRayLength, layerMask);
rayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(startPositionWorld, rayDirection, scaledRayLength, layerMask);
castHit = rayHit;
hitFraction = castHit ? rayHit.fraction : 1.0f;
hitObject = castHit ? rayHit.collider.gameObject : null;
if (debugInfo != null)
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].localStart = startPositionLocal;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].localEnd = endPositionLocal;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].worldStart = startPositionWorld;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].worldEnd = endPositionWorld;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].castHit = castHit;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].hitFraction = hitFraction;
debugInfo.rayInfos[rayIndex].castRadius = scaledCastRadius;
else if (Application.isEditor)
// Legacy drawing
Debug.DrawRay(startPositionWorld, rayDirection, Color.black, 0.01f, true);
if (castHit)
bool hitTaggedObject = false;
for (var i = 0; i < detectableObjects.Count; i++)
if (hitObject.CompareTag(detectableObjects[i]))
perceptionBuffer[bufferOffset + i] = 1;
perceptionBuffer[bufferOffset + detectableObjects.Count + 1] = hitFraction;
hitTaggedObject = true;
if (!hitTaggedObject)
// Something was hit but not on the list. Still set the hit fraction.
perceptionBuffer[bufferOffset + detectableObjects.Count + 1] = hitFraction;
perceptionBuffer[bufferOffset + detectableObjects.Count] = 1f;
// Nothing was hit, so there's full clearance in front of the agent.
perceptionBuffer[bufferOffset + detectableObjects.Count + 1] = 1.0f;
bufferOffset += detectableObjects.Count + 2;
/// <summary>
/// Converts polar coordinate to cartesian coordinate.
/// </summary>
static Vector3 PolarToCartesian3D(float radius, float angleDegrees)
var x = radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegrees);
var z = radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegrees);
return new Vector3(x, 0f, z);
/// <summary>
/// Converts polar coordinate to cartesian coordinate.
/// </summary>
static Vector2 PolarToCartesian2D(float radius, float angleDegrees)
var x = radius * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegrees);
var y = radius * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angleDegrees);
return new Vector2(x, y);