Unity 机器学习代理工具包 (ML-Agents) 是一个开源项目,它使游戏和模拟能够作为训练智能代理的环境。
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// ModelRunner for C# training.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Barracuda;
using Unity.MLAgents;
using Unity.MLAgents.Actuators;
using Unity.MLAgents.Inference;
using Unity.MLAgents.Policies;
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.MLAgents.Inference.Utils;
namespace Unity.MLAgents
internal class TrainingModelRunner
List<AgentInfoSensorsPair> m_Infos = new List<AgentInfoSensorsPair>();
Dictionary<int, ActionBuffers> m_LastActionsReceived = new Dictionary<int, ActionBuffers>();
List<int> m_OrderedAgentsRequestingDecisions = new List<int>();
TensorProxy m_TrainingState;
ITensorAllocator m_TensorAllocator;
TensorGenerator m_TensorGenerator;
TrainingTensorGenerator m_TrainingTensorGenerator;
TrainingForwardTensorApplier m_TensorApplier;
Model m_Model;
IWorker m_Engine;
bool m_Verbose = false;
string[] m_OutputNames;
IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> m_TrainingInputs;
List<TensorProxy> m_TrainingOutputs;
Dictionary<string, Tensor> m_InputsByName;
Dictionary<int, List<float>> m_Memories = new Dictionary<int, List<float>>();
bool m_ObservationsInitialized;
bool m_TrainingObservationsInitialized;
ReplayBuffer m_Buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the Brain with the Model that it will use when selecting actions for
/// the agents
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model"> The Barracuda model to load </param>
/// <param name="actionSpec"> Description of the actions for the Agent.</param>
/// <param name="inferenceDevice"> Inference execution device. CPU is the fastest
/// option for most of ML Agents models. </param>
/// <param name="seed"> The seed that will be used to initialize the RandomNormal
/// and Multinomial objects used when running inference.</param>
/// <exception cref="UnityAgentsException">Throws an error when the model is null
/// </exception>
public TrainingModelRunner(
ActionSpec actionSpec,
NNModel model,
ReplayBuffer buffer,
TrainerConfig config,
int seed = 0)
Model barracudaModel;
m_TensorAllocator = new TensorCachingAllocator();
// barracudaModel = Barracuda.SomeModelBuilder.CreateModel();
barracudaModel = ModelLoader.Load(model);
m_Model = barracudaModel;
WorkerFactory.Type executionDevice = WorkerFactory.Type.CSharpBurst;
m_Engine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(executionDevice, barracudaModel, m_Verbose);
m_TrainingInputs = barracudaModel.GetTrainingInputTensors();
m_OutputNames = barracudaModel.GetOutputNames();
m_TensorGenerator = new TensorGenerator(
seed, m_TensorAllocator, m_Memories, barracudaModel);
m_TrainingTensorGenerator = new TrainingTensorGenerator(
seed, m_TensorAllocator, config.learningRate, config.gamma, barracudaModel);
m_TensorApplier = new TrainingForwardTensorApplier(
actionSpec, seed, m_TensorAllocator, barracudaModel);
m_InputsByName = new Dictionary<string, Tensor>();
m_TrainingOutputs = new List<TensorProxy>();
m_Buffer = buffer;
void InitializeTrainingState(Model barracudaModel)
m_TrainingState = new TensorProxy
data = barracudaModel.GetTensorByName(TensorNames.InitialTrainingState)
void PrepareBarracudaInputs(IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> infInputs)
for (var i = 0; i < infInputs.Count; i++)
var inp = infInputs[i];
m_InputsByName[inp.name] = inp.data;
public void Dispose()
if (m_Engine != null)
void FetchBarracudaOutputs(string[] names)
foreach (var n in names)
var output = m_Engine.PeekOutput(n);
m_TrainingOutputs.Add(TensorUtils.TensorProxyFromBarracuda(output, n));
public void PutObservations(AgentInfo info, List<ISensor> sensors)
m_Infos.Add(new AgentInfoSensorsPair
agentInfo = info,
sensors = sensors
// We add the episodeId to this list to maintain the order in which the decisions were requested
if (!m_LastActionsReceived.ContainsKey(info.episodeId))
m_LastActionsReceived[info.episodeId] = ActionBuffers.Empty;
if (info.done)
// If the agent is done, we remove the key from the last action dictionary since no action
// should be taken.
public void GetObservationTensors(IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> tensors, AgentInfo info, List<ISensor> sensors)
if (!m_ObservationsInitialized)
// Just grab the first agent in the collection (any will suffice, really).
// We check for an empty Collection above, so this will always return successfully.
m_TensorGenerator.InitializeObservations(sensors, m_TensorAllocator);
m_ObservationsInitialized = true;
var infoSensorPair = new AgentInfoSensorsPair
agentInfo = info,
sensors = sensors
m_TensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(tensors, 1, new List<AgentInfoSensorsPair> { infoSensorPair });
public IReadOnlyList<TensorProxy> GetInputTensors()
return m_Model.GetInputTensors();
public void DecideBatch()
var currentBatchSize = m_Infos.Count;
if (currentBatchSize == 0)
if (!m_ObservationsInitialized)
// Just grab the first agent in the collection (any will suffice, really).
// We check for an empty Collection above, so this will always return successfully.
var firstInfo = m_Infos[0];
m_TensorGenerator.InitializeObservations(firstInfo.sensors, m_TensorAllocator);
m_ObservationsInitialized = true;
// Prepare the input tensors to be feed into the engine
m_TensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, m_Infos);
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, m_Buffer.SampleDummyBatch(currentBatchSize), m_TrainingState);
// Execute the Model
// Update the outputs
m_TensorApplier.ApplyTensors(m_TrainingOutputs, m_OrderedAgentsRequestingDecisions, m_LastActionsReceived);
public void UpdateModel(List<Transition> transitions)
var currentBatchSize = transitions.Count;
if (currentBatchSize == 0)
m_TrainingTensorGenerator.GenerateTensors(m_TrainingInputs, currentBatchSize, transitions, m_TrainingState, true);
// Execute the Model
// Update the model
FetchBarracudaOutputs(new string[] { TensorNames.TrainingStateOut });
m_TrainingState = m_TrainingOutputs[0];
public ActionBuffers GetAction(int agentId)
if (m_LastActionsReceived.ContainsKey(agentId))
return m_LastActionsReceived[agentId];
return ActionBuffers.Empty;
// void PrintTensor(TensorProxy tensor)
// {
// Debug.Log($"Print tensor {tensor.name}");
// for (var b = 0; b < tensor.data.batch; b++)
// {
// var message = new List<float>();
// for (var i = 0; i < tensor.data.height; i++)
// {
// for (var j = 0; j < tensor.data.width; j++)
// {
// for(var k = 0; k < tensor.data.channels; k++)
// {
// message.Add(tensor.data[b, i, j, k]);
// }
// }
// }
// Debug.Log(string.Join(", ", message));
// }
// }