using System.Collections.Generic; using System; using System.Linq; using Barracuda; using MLAgents.InferenceBrain.Utils; namespace MLAgents.InferenceBrain { /// /// Reshapes a Tensor so that its first dimension becomes equal to the current batch size /// and initializes its content to be zeros. Will only work on 2-dimensional tensors. /// The second dimension of the Tensor will not be modified. /// public class BiDimensionalOutputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { var shapeSecondAxis = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; if (tensor.ValueType == Tensor.TensorType.FloatingPoint) { tensor.Data = new float[batchSize, shapeSecondAxis]; } else { tensor.Data = new int[batchSize, shapeSecondAxis]; } } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the BatchSize input : Will be a one dimensional /// integer array of size 1 containing the batch size. /// public class BatchSizeGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Data = new int[] {batchSize}; } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the SequenceLength input : Will be a one /// dimensional integer array of size 1 containing 1. /// Note : the sequence length is always one since recurrent networks only predict for /// one step at the time. /// public class SequenceLengthGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape = new long[0]; tensor.Data = new int[] {1}; } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the VectorObservation input : Will be a two /// dimensional float array of dimension [batchSize x vectorObservationSize]. /// It will use the Vector Observation data contained in the agentInfo to fill the data /// of the tensor. /// public class VectorObservationGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var vecObsSizeT = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; var floatArray = new float[batchSize, vecObsSizeT]; tensor.Data = floatArray; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var vectorObs = agentInfo[agent].stackedVectorObservation; for (var j = 0; j < vecObsSizeT; j++) { floatArray[agentIndex, j] = vectorObs[j]; } agentIndex++; } } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the Recurrent input : Will be a two /// dimensional float array of dimension [batchSize x memorySize]. /// It will use the Memory data contained in the agentInfo to fill the data /// of the tensor. /// public class RecurrentInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var memorySize = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; var floatArray = new float[batchSize, memorySize]; tensor.Data = floatArray; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var memory = agentInfo[agent].memories; if (memory == null) { agentIndex++; continue; } for (var j = 0; j < Math.Min(memorySize, memory.Count); j++) { if (j >= memory.Count) { break; } floatArray[agentIndex, j] = memory[j]; } agentIndex++; } } } public class BarracudaRecurrentInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { private int memoriesCount; private int memoryIndex; public BarracudaRecurrentInputGenerator(int memoryIndex) { this.memoryIndex = memoryIndex; } public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var memorySize = (int)tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; tensor.Data = new float[batchSize, memorySize]; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var memory = agentInfo[agent].memories; int offset = memorySize * memoryIndex; if (memory == null) { agentIndex++; continue; } for (var j = 0; j < memorySize; j++) { if (j >= memory.Count) { break; } tensor.Data.SetValue(memory[j + offset], new int[2] {agentIndex, j}); } agentIndex++; } } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the Previous Action input : Will be a two /// dimensional integer array of dimension [batchSize x actionSize]. /// It will use the previous action data contained in the agentInfo to fill the data /// of the tensor. /// public class PreviousActionInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var actionSize = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; var intArray = new int[batchSize, actionSize]; tensor.Data = intArray; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var pastAction = agentInfo[agent].storedVectorActions; for (var j = 0; j < actionSize; j++) { intArray[agentIndex, j] = (int) pastAction[j]; } agentIndex++; } } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the Action Mask input : Will be a two /// dimensional float array of dimension [batchSize x numActionLogits]. /// It will use the Action Mask data contained in the agentInfo to fill the data /// of the tensor. /// public class ActionMaskInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var maskSize = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; var floatArray = new float[batchSize, maskSize]; tensor.Data = floatArray; var agentIndex = 0; foreach (var agent in agentInfo.Keys) { var maskList = agentInfo[agent].actionMasks; for (var j = 0; j < maskSize; j++) { var isUnmasked = (maskList != null && maskList[j]) ? 0.0f : 1.0f; floatArray[agentIndex, j] = isUnmasked; } agentIndex++; } } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the Epsilon input : Will be a two /// dimensional float array of dimension [batchSize x actionSize]. /// It will use the generate random input data from a normal Distribution. /// public class RandomNormalInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { private RandomNormal _randomNormal; public RandomNormalInputGenerator(int seed) { _randomNormal = new RandomNormal(seed); } public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { tensor.Shape[0] = batchSize; var actionSize = tensor.Shape[tensor.Shape.Length - 1]; tensor.Data = new float[batchSize, actionSize]; _randomNormal.FillTensor(tensor); } } /// /// Generates the Tensor corresponding to the Visual Observation input : Will be a 4 /// dimensional float array of dimension [batchSize x width x heigth x numChannels]. /// It will use the Texture input data contained in the agentInfo to fill the data /// of the tensor. /// public class VisualObservationInputGenerator : TensorGenerator.Generator { private int _index; private bool _grayScale; public VisualObservationInputGenerator(int index, bool grayScale) { _index = index; _grayScale = grayScale; } public void Generate(Tensor tensor, int batchSize, Dictionary agentInfo) { var textures = agentInfo.Keys.Select( agent => agentInfo[agent].visualObservations[_index]).ToList(); tensor.Data = Utilities.TextureToFloatArray(textures, _grayScale); tensor.Shape[0] = textures.Count; } } }