# Agents An agent is an actor that can observe its environment and decide on the best course of action using those observations. Create Agents in Unity by extending the Agent class. The most important aspects of creating agents that can successfully learn are the observations the agent collects for reinforcement learning and the reward you assign to estimate the value of the agent's current state toward accomplishing its tasks. An Agent passes its observations to its Policy. The Policy, then, makes a decision and passes the chosen action back to the agent. Your agent code must execute the action, for example, move the agent in one direction or another. In order to [train an agent using reinforcement learning](Learning-Environment-Design.md), your agent must calculate a reward value at each action. The reward is used to discover the optimal decision-making policy. The Policy class abstracts out the decision making logic from the Agent itself so that you can use the same Policy in multiple Agents. How a Policy makes its decisions depends on the kind of Policy it is. You can change the Policy of an Agent by changing its `Behavior Parameters`. If you check `Use Heuristic`, the Agent will use its `Heuristic()` method to make decisions which can allow you to control the Agent manually or write your own Policy. If the Agent has a `Model` file, it Policy will use the neural network `Model` to take decisions. ## Decisions The observation-decision-action-reward cycle repeats after a configurable number of simulation steps (the frequency defaults to once-per-step). You can also set up an Agent to request decisions on demand. Making decisions at regular step intervals is generally most appropriate for physics-based simulations. Making decisions on demand is generally appropriate for situations where Agents only respond to specific events or take actions of variable duration. For example, an agent in a robotic simulator that must provide fine-control of joint torques should make its decisions every step of the simulation. On the other hand, an agent that only needs to make decisions when certain game or simulation events occur, should use on-demand decision making. To control the frequency of step-based decision making, set the **Decision Frequency** value for the Agent object in the Unity Inspector window. Agents using the same Model can use a different frequency. During simulation steps in which no decision is requested, the Agent receives the same action chosen by the previous decision. ### On Demand Decision Making On demand decision making allows Agents to request decisions from their Policies only when needed instead of receiving decisions at a fixed frequency. This is useful when the agents commit to an action for a variable number of steps or when the agents cannot make decisions at the same time. This typically the case for turn based games, games where agents must react to events or games where agents can take actions of variable duration. When you turn on **On Demand Decisions** for an Agent, your agent code must call the `Agent.RequestDecision()` function. This function call starts one iteration of the observation-decision-action-reward cycle. The Agent's `CollectObservations()` method is called, the Policy makes a decision and returns it by calling the `AgentAction()` method. The Policy waits for the Agent to request the next decision before starting another iteration. ## Observations To make decisions, an agent must observe its environment in order to infer the state of the world. A state observation can take the following forms: * **Vector Observation** — a feature vector consisting of an array of floating point numbers. * **Visual Observations** — one or more camera images and/or render textures. When you use vector observations for an Agent, implement the `Agent.CollectObservations()` method to create the feature vector. When you use **Visual Observations**, you only need to identify which Unity Camera objects or RenderTextures will provide images and the base Agent class handles the rest. You do not need to implement the `CollectObservations()` method when your Agent uses visual observations (unless it also uses vector observations). ### Vector Observation Space: Feature Vectors For agents using a continuous state space, you create a feature vector to represent the agent's observation at each step of the simulation. The Policy class calls the `CollectObservations()` method of each Agent. Your implementation of this function must call `AddVectorObs` to add vector observations. The observation must include all the information an agents needs to accomplish its task. Without sufficient and relevant information, an agent may learn poorly or may not learn at all. A reasonable approach for determining what information should be included is to consider what you would need to calculate an analytical solution to the problem. For examples of various state observation functions, you can look at the [example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md) included in the ML-Agents SDK. For instance, the 3DBall example uses the rotation of the platform, the relative position of the ball, and the velocity of the ball as its state observation. As an experiment, you can remove the velocity components from the observation and retrain the 3DBall agent. While it will learn to balance the ball reasonably well, the performance of the agent without using velocity is noticeably worse. ```csharp public GameObject ball; private List state = new List(); public override void CollectObservations() { AddVectorObs(gameObject.transform.rotation.z); AddVectorObs(gameObject.transform.rotation.x); AddVectorObs((ball.transform.position.x - gameObject.transform.position.x)); AddVectorObs((ball.transform.position.y - gameObject.transform.position.y)); AddVectorObs((ball.transform.position.z - gameObject.transform.position.z)); AddVectorObs(ball.transform.GetComponent().velocity.x); AddVectorObs(ball.transform.GetComponent().velocity.y); AddVectorObs(ball.transform.GetComponent().velocity.z); } ``` The feature vector must always contain the same number of elements and observations must always be in the same position within the list. If the number of observed entities in an environment can vary you can pad the feature vector with zeros for any missing entities in a specific observation or you can limit an agent's observations to a fixed subset. For example, instead of observing every enemy agent in an environment, you could only observe the closest five. When you set up an Agent's `Behavior Parameters` in the Unity Editor, set the following properties to use a continuous vector observation: * **Space Size** — The state size must match the length of your feature vector. The observation feature vector is a list of floating point numbers, which means you must convert any other data types to a float or a list of floats. The `AddVectorObs` method provides a number of overloads for adding common types of data to your observation vector. You can add Integers and booleans directly to the observation vector, as well as some common Unity data types such as `Vector2`, `Vector3`, and `Quaternion`. Type enumerations should be encoded in the _one-hot_ style. That is, add an element to the feature vector for each element of enumeration, setting the element representing the observed member to one and set the rest to zero. For example, if your enumeration contains \[Sword, Shield, Bow\] and the agent observes that the current item is a Bow, you would add the elements: 0, 0, 1 to the feature vector. The following code example illustrates how to add. ```csharp enum CarriedItems { Sword, Shield, Bow, LastItem } private List state = new List(); public override void CollectObservations() { for (int ci = 0; ci < (int)CarriedItems.LastItem; ci++) { AddVectorObs((int)currentItem == ci ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } } ``` `AddVectorObs` also provides a two-argument version as a shortcut for _one-hot_ style observations. The following example is identical to the previous one. ```csharp enum CarriedItems { Sword, Shield, Bow, LastItem } const int NUM_ITEM_TYPES = (int)CarriedItems.LastItem; public override void CollectObservations() { // The first argument is the selection index; the second is the // number of possibilities AddVectorObs((int)currentItem, NUM_ITEM_TYPES); } ``` #### Normalization For the best results when training, you should normalize the components of your feature vector to the range [-1, +1] or [0, 1]. When you normalize the values, the PPO neural network can often converge to a solution faster. Note that it isn't always necessary to normalize to these recommended ranges, but it is considered a best practice when using neural networks. The greater the variation in ranges between the components of your observation, the more likely that training will be affected. To normalize a value to [0, 1], you can use the following formula: ```csharp normalizedValue = (currentValue - minValue)/(maxValue - minValue) ``` Rotations and angles should also be normalized. For angles between 0 and 360 degrees, you can use the following formulas: ```csharp Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation; Vector3 normalized = rotation.eulerAngles / 180.0f - Vector3.one; // [-1,1] Vector3 normalized = rotation.eulerAngles / 360.0f; // [0,1] ``` For angles that can be outside the range [0,360], you can either reduce the angle, or, if the number of turns is significant, increase the maximum value used in your normalization formula. ### Multiple Visual Observations Visual observations use rendered textures directly or from one or more cameras in a scene. The Policy vectorizes the textures into a 3D Tensor which can be fed into a convolutional neural network (CNN). For more information on CNNs, see [this guide](http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/). You can use visual observations along side vector observations. Agents using visual observations can capture state of arbitrary complexity and are useful when the state is difficult to describe numerically. However, they are also typically less efficient and slower to train, and sometimes don't succeed at all. Visual observations can be derived from Cameras or RenderTextures within your scene. To add a visual observation to an Agent, add either a Camera Sensor Component or RenderTextures Sensor Component to the Agent. Then drag the camera or render texture you want to add to the `Camera` or `RenderTexture` field. You can have more than one camera or render texture and even use a combination of both attached to an Agent. For each visual observation, set the width and height of the image (in pixels) and whether or not the observation is color or grayscale. ![Agent Camera](images/visual-observation.png) or ![Agent RenderTexture](images/visual-observation-rendertexture.png) Each Agent that uses the same Policy must have the same number of visual observations, and they must all have the same resolutions (including whether or not they are grayscale). Additionally, each Sensor Component on an Agent must have a unique name so that they can be sorted deterministically (the name must be unique for that Agent, but multiple Agents can have a Sensor Component with the same name). When using `RenderTexture` visual observations, a handy feature for debugging is adding a `Canvas`, then adding a `Raw Image` with it's texture set to the Agent's `RenderTexture`. This will render the agent observation on the game screen. ![RenderTexture with Raw Image](images/visual-observation-rawimage.png) The [GridWorld environment](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#gridworld) is an example on how to use a RenderTexture for both debugging and observation. Note that in this example, a Camera is rendered to a RenderTexture, which is then used for observations and debugging. To update the RenderTexture, the Camera must be asked to render every time a decision is requested within the game code. When using Cameras as observations directly, this is done automatically by the Agent. ![Agent RenderTexture Debug](images/gridworld.png) ## Vector Actions An action is an instruction from the Policy that the agent carries out. The action is passed to the Agent as a parameter when the Academy invokes the agent's `AgentAction()` function. When you specify that the vector action space is **Continuous**, the action parameter passed to the Agent is an array of control signals with length equal to the `Vector Action Space Size` property. When you specify a **Discrete** vector action space type, the action parameter is an array containing integers. Each integer is an index into a list or table of commands. In the **Discrete** vector action space type, the action parameter is an array of indices. The number of indices in the array is determined by the number of branches defined in the `Branches Size` property. Each branch corresponds to an action table, you can specify the size of each table by modifying the `Branches` property. Neither the Policy nor the training algorithm know anything about what the action values themselves mean. The training algorithm simply tries different values for the action list and observes the affect on the accumulated rewards over time and many training episodes. Thus, the only place actions are defined for an Agent is in the `AgentAction()` function. You simply specify the type of vector action space, and, for the continuous vector action space, the number of values, and then apply the received values appropriately (and consistently) in `ActionAct()`. For example, if you designed an agent to move in two dimensions, you could use either continuous or the discrete vector actions. In the continuous case, you would set the vector action size to two (one for each dimension), and the agent's Policy would create an action with two floating point values. In the discrete case, you would use one Branch with a size of four (one for each direction), and the Policy would create an action array containing a single element with a value ranging from zero to three. Alternatively, you could create two branches of size two (one for horizontal movement and one for vertical movement), and the Policy would create an action array containing two elements with values ranging from zero to one. Note that when you are programming actions for an agent, it is often helpful to test your action logic using the `Heuristic()` method of the Agent, which lets you map keyboard commands to actions. The [3DBall](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#3dball-3d-balance-ball) and [Area](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#push-block) example environments are set up to use either the continuous or the discrete vector action spaces. ### Continuous Action Space When an Agent uses a Policy set to the **Continuous** vector action space, the action parameter passed to the Agent's `AgentAction()` function is an array with length equal to the `Vector Action Space Size` property value. The individual values in the array have whatever meanings that you ascribe to them. If you assign an element in the array as the speed of an Agent, for example, the training process learns to control the speed of the Agent through this parameter. The [Reacher example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#reacher) defines a continuous action space with four control values. ![reacher](images/reacher.png) These control values are applied as torques to the bodies making up the arm: ```csharp public override void AgentAction(float[] act) { float torque_x = Mathf.Clamp(act[0], -1, 1) * 100f; float torque_z = Mathf.Clamp(act[1], -1, 1) * 100f; rbA.AddTorque(new Vector3(torque_x, 0f, torque_z)); torque_x = Mathf.Clamp(act[2], -1, 1) * 100f; torque_z = Mathf.Clamp(act[3], -1, 1) * 100f; rbB.AddTorque(new Vector3(torque_x, 0f, torque_z)); } ``` By default the output from our provided PPO algorithm pre-clamps the values of `vectorAction` into the [-1, 1] range. It is a best practice to manually clip these as well, if you plan to use a 3rd party algorithm with your environment. As shown above, you can scale the control values as needed after clamping them. ### Discrete Action Space When an Agent uses a **Discrete** vector action space, the action parameter passed to the Agent's `AgentAction()` function is an array containing indices. With the discrete vector action space, `Branches` is an array of integers, each value corresponds to the number of possibilities for each branch. For example, if we wanted an Agent that can move in an plane and jump, we could define two branches (one for motion and one for jumping) because we want our agent be able to move __and__ jump concurrently. We define the first branch to have 5 possible actions (don't move, go left, go right, go backward, go forward) and the second one to have 2 possible actions (don't jump, jump). The AgentAction method would look something like: ```csharp // Get the action index for movement int movement = Mathf.FloorToInt(act[0]); // Get the action index for jumping int jump = Mathf.FloorToInt(act[1]); // Look up the index in the movement action list: if (movement == 1) { directionX = -1; } if (movement == 2) { directionX = 1; } if (movement == 3) { directionZ = -1; } if (movement == 4) { directionZ = 1; } // Look up the index in the jump action list: if (jump == 1 && IsGrounded()) { directionY = 1; } // Apply the action results to move the Agent gameObject.GetComponent().AddForce( new Vector3( directionX * 40f, directionY * 300f, directionZ * 40f)); ``` Note that the above code example is a simplified extract from the AreaAgent class, which provides alternate implementations for both the discrete and the continuous action spaces. #### Masking Discrete Actions When using Discrete Actions, it is possible to specify that some actions are impossible for the next decision. When the Agent is controlled by a neural network, the Agent will be unable to perform the specified action. Note that when the Agent is controlled by its Heuristic, the Agent will still be able to decide to perform the masked action. In order to mask an action, call the method `SetActionMask` within the `CollectObservation` method : ```csharp SetActionMask(branch, actionIndices) ``` Where: * `branch` is the index (starting at 0) of the branch on which you want to mask the action * `actionIndices` is a list of `int` or a single `int` corresponding to the index of the action that the Agent cannot perform. For example, if you have an Agent with 2 branches and on the first branch (branch 0) there are 4 possible actions : _"do nothing"_, _"jump"_, _"shoot"_ and _"change weapon"_. Then with the code bellow, the Agent will either _"do nothing"_ or _"change weapon"_ for his next decision (since action index 1 and 2 are masked) ```csharp SetActionMask(0, new int[2]{1,2}) ``` Notes: * You can call `SetActionMask` multiple times if you want to put masks on multiple branches. * You cannot mask all the actions of a branch. * You cannot mask actions in continuous control. ## Rewards In reinforcement learning, the reward is a signal that the agent has done something right. The PPO reinforcement learning algorithm works by optimizing the choices an agent makes such that the agent earns the highest cumulative reward over time. The better your reward mechanism, the better your agent will learn. **Note:** Rewards are not used during inference by an Agent using a trained model and is also not used during imitation learning. Perhaps the best advice is to start simple and only add complexity as needed. In general, you should reward results rather than actions you think will lead to the desired results. To help develop your rewards, you can use the Monitor class to display the cumulative reward received by an Agent. You can even use the Agent's Heuristic to control the Agent while watching how it accumulates rewards. Allocate rewards to an Agent by calling the `AddReward()` method in the `AgentAction()` function. The reward assigned between each decision should be in the range [-1,1]. Values outside this range can lead to unstable training. The `reward` value is reset to zero when the agent receives a new decision. If there are multiple calls to `AddReward()` for a single agent decision, the rewards will be summed together to evaluate how good the previous decision was. There is a method called `SetReward()` that will override all previous rewards given to an agent since the previous decision. ### Examples You can examine the `AgentAction()` functions defined in the [example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md) to see how those projects allocate rewards. The `GridAgent` class in the [GridWorld example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#gridworld) uses a very simple reward system: ```csharp Collider[] hitObjects = Physics.OverlapBox(trueAgent.transform.position, new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f)); if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "goal").ToArray().Length == 1) { AddReward(1.0f); Done(); } if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "pit").ToArray().Length == 1) { AddReward(-1f); Done(); } ``` The agent receives a positive reward when it reaches the goal and a negative reward when it falls into the pit. Otherwise, it gets no rewards. This is an example of a _sparse_ reward system. The agent must explore a lot to find the infrequent reward. In contrast, the `AreaAgent` in the [Area example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#push-block) gets a small negative reward every step. In order to get the maximum reward, the agent must finish its task of reaching the goal square as quickly as possible: ```csharp AddReward( -0.005f); MoveAgent(act); if (gameObject.transform.position.y < 0.0f || Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.x - area.transform.position.x) > 8f || Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.z + 5 - area.transform.position.z) > 8) { Done(); AddReward(-1f); } ``` The agent also gets a larger negative penalty if it falls off the playing surface. The `Ball3DAgent` in the [3DBall](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#3dball-3d-balance-ball) takes a similar approach, but allocates a small positive reward as long as the agent balances the ball. The agent can maximize its rewards by keeping the ball on the platform: ```csharp if (IsDone() == false) { SetReward(0.1f); } // When ball falls mark Agent as done and give a negative penalty if ((ball.transform.position.y - gameObject.transform.position.y) < -2f || Mathf.Abs(ball.transform.position.x - gameObject.transform.position.x) > 3f || Mathf.Abs(ball.transform.position.z - gameObject.transform.position.z) > 3f) { Done(); SetReward(-1f); } ``` The `Ball3DAgent` also assigns a negative penalty when the ball falls off the platform. Note that all of these environments make use of the `Done()` method, which manually terminates an episode when a termination condition is reached. This can be called independently of the `Max Step` property. ## Agent Properties ![Agent Inspector](images/3dball_learning_brain.png) * `Behavior Parameters` - The parameters dictating what Policy the Agent will receive. * `Vector Observation` * `Space Size` - Length of vector observation for the Agent. * `Stacked Vectors` - The number of previous vector observations that will be stacked and used collectively for decision making. This results in the effective size of the vector observation being passed to the Policy being: _Space Size_ x _Stacked Vectors_. * `Vector Action` * `Space Type` - Corresponds to whether action vector contains a single integer (Discrete) or a series of real-valued floats (Continuous). * `Space Size` (Continuous) - Length of action vector. * `Branches` (Discrete) - An array of integers, defines multiple concurrent discrete actions. The values in the `Branches` array correspond to the number of possible discrete values for each action branch. * `Model` - The neural network model used for inference (obtained after training) * `Inference Device` - Whether to use CPU or GPU to run the model during inference * `Use Heuristic` - If checked, the Agent will use its 'Heuristic()' method for decisions. * `Max Step` - The per-agent maximum number of steps. Once this number is reached, the Agent will be reset if `Reset On Done` is checked. * `Reset On Done` - Whether the Agent's `AgentReset()` function should be called when the Agent reaches its `Max Step` count or is marked as done in code. * `On Demand Decision` - Whether the Agent requests decisions at a fixed step interval or explicitly requests decisions by calling `RequestDecision()`. * If not checked, the Agent will request a new decision every `Decision Frequency` steps and perform an action every step. In the example above, `CollectObservations()` will be called every 5 steps and `AgentAction()` will be called at every step. This means that the Agent will reuse the decision the Policy has given it. * If checked, the Agent controls when to receive decisions, and take actions. To do so, the Agent may leverage one or two methods: * `RequestDecision()` Signals that the Agent is requesting a decision. This causes the Agent to collect its observations and ask the Policy for a decision at the next step of the simulation. Note that when an Agent requests a decision, it also request an action. This is to ensure that all decisions lead to an action during training. * `RequestAction()` Signals that the Agent is requesting an action. The action provided to the Agent in this case is the same action that was provided the last time it requested a decision. * `Decision Interval` - The number of steps between decision requests. Not used if `On Demand Decision`, is true. ## Monitoring Agents We created a helpful `Monitor` class that enables visualizing variables within a Unity environment. While this was built for monitoring an agent's value function throughout the training process, we imagine it can be more broadly useful. You can learn more [here](Feature-Monitor.md). ## Destroying an Agent Before destroying an Agent GameObject, you must mark it as done (and wait for the next step in the simulation) so that the Policy knows that this Agent is no longer active. Thus, the best place to destroy an Agent is in the `Agent.AgentOnDone()` function: ```csharp public override void AgentOnDone() { Destroy(gameObject); } ``` Note that in order for `AgentOnDone()` to be called, the Agent's `ResetOnDone` property must be false. You can set `ResetOnDone` on the Agent's Inspector or in code.