[MASTER] # Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not # paths. ignore=CVS [MESSAGES CONTROL] #enable= disable = # C0301: Line too long # C0330: Wrong hanging indentation before block # disabled because black handles this C0301,C0330, # C0115: Missing class docstring # C0114: Missing module docstring C0115,C0114, # All convention and refactor for now C,R, # W1201: Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters # W1202: Use % formatting in logging functions and pass the % parameters as arguments W1201,W1202, # W0612: Unused variable # W0613: Unused argument W0612, W0613, # W0107: Unnecessary pass statement W0107, # W0511 TODO W0511, # W0703: Catching too general exception Exception W0703, # W0201: Attribute '...' defined outside __init__ W0201, # We should fix these up ASAP # W0221: Parameters differ from overridden W0221, # E0401: Unable to import... # E0611: No name '...' in module '...' # need to look into these, probably namespace packages E0401, E0611