import os import sys import subprocess import shutil import xml.dom.minidom from typing import NamedTuple from .yamato_utils import get_base_path, get_unity_executable_path def clean_previous_results(base_path): """ Clean up old results and make the artifacts path. """ artifacts_path = os.path.join(base_path, "artifacts/") results_xml_path = os.path.join(base_path, "results.xml") if os.path.exists(results_xml_path): os.remove(results_xml_path) if os.path.exists(artifacts_path): os.rmdir(artifacts_path) os.mkdir(artifacts_path) class TestResults(NamedTuple): total: str passed: str failed: str duration: str def parse_results(results_xml): """ Extract the test results from the xml file. """ stats = {} dom_tree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(results_xml) collection = dom_tree.documentElement for attribute in ["total", "passed", "failed", "duration"]: stats[attribute] = collection.getAttribute(attribute) return TestResults(**stats) def main(): base_path = get_base_path() artifacts_path = os.path.join(base_path, "artifacts/") results_xml_path = os.path.join(base_path, "results.xml") print(f"Running in base path {base_path}") print("Cleaning previous results") clean_previous_results(base_path) unity_exe = get_unity_executable_path() print(f"Starting tests via {unity_exe}") test_args = [ unity_exe, "-batchmode", "-runTests", "-logfile", "-", "-projectPath", f"{base_path}/Project", "-testResults", f"{base_path}/results.xml", "-testPlatform", "editmode", ] print(f"{' '.join(test_args)} ...") timeout = 30 * 60 # 30 minutes, just in case res: subprocess.CompletedProcess =, timeout=timeout) stats = parse_results(results_xml_path) print( f"{} tests executed in {stats.duration}s: {stats.passed} passed, " f"{stats.failed} failed. More details in results.xml" ) try: # copy results to artifacts dir shutil.copy2(results_xml_path, artifacts_path) except Exception: pass if res.returncode == 0 and os.path.exists(results_xml_path): print("Test run SUCCEEDED!") else: print("Test run FAILED!") sys.exit(res.returncode) if __name__ == "__main__": main()