using UnityEngine; using MLAgents; public class AgentSoccer : Agent { // Note that that the detectable tags are different for the blue and purple teams. The order is // * ball // * own goal // * opposing goal // * wall // * own teammate // * opposing player public enum Team { Purple, Blue } public enum AgentRole { Striker, Goalie } public Team team; public AgentRole agentRole; float m_KickPower; int m_PlayerIndex; public SoccerFieldArea area; [HideInInspector] public Rigidbody agentRb; SoccerAcademy m_Academy; Renderer m_AgentRenderer; public void ChooseRandomTeam() { team = (Team)Random.Range(0, 2); if (team == Team.Purple) { JoinPurpleTeam(agentRole); } else { JoinBlueTeam(agentRole); } } public void JoinPurpleTeam(AgentRole role) { agentRole = role; team = Team.Purple; m_AgentRenderer.material = m_Academy.purpleMaterial; tag = "purpleAgent"; } public void JoinBlueTeam(AgentRole role) { agentRole = role; team = Team.Blue; m_AgentRenderer.material = m_Academy.blueMaterial; tag = "blueAgent"; } public override void InitializeAgent() { base.InitializeAgent(); m_AgentRenderer = GetComponentInChildren(); m_Academy = FindObjectOfType(); agentRb = GetComponent(); agentRb.maxAngularVelocity = 500; var playerState = new PlayerState { agentRb = agentRb, startingPos = transform.position, agentScript = this, }; area.playerStates.Add(playerState); m_PlayerIndex = area.playerStates.IndexOf(playerState); playerState.playerIndex = m_PlayerIndex; } public void MoveAgent(float[] act) { var dirToGo =; var rotateDir =; var action = Mathf.FloorToInt(act[0]); // Goalies and Strikers have slightly different action spaces. if (agentRole == AgentRole.Goalie) { m_KickPower = 0f; switch (action) { case 1: dirToGo = transform.forward * 1f; m_KickPower = 1f; break; case 2: dirToGo = transform.forward * -1f; break; case 4: dirToGo = transform.right * -1f; break; case 3: dirToGo = transform.right * 1f; break; } } else { m_KickPower = 0f; switch (action) { case 1: dirToGo = transform.forward * 1f; m_KickPower = 1f; break; case 2: dirToGo = transform.forward * -1f; break; case 3: rotateDir = transform.up * 1f; break; case 4: rotateDir = transform.up * -1f; break; case 5: dirToGo = transform.right * -0.75f; break; case 6: dirToGo = transform.right * 0.75f; break; } } transform.Rotate(rotateDir, Time.deltaTime * 100f); agentRb.AddForce(dirToGo * m_Academy.agentRunSpeed, ForceMode.VelocityChange); } public override void AgentAction(float[] vectorAction) { // Existential penalty for strikers. if (agentRole == AgentRole.Striker) { AddReward(-1f / 3000f); } // Existential bonus for goalies. if (agentRole == AgentRole.Goalie) { AddReward(1f / 3000f); } MoveAgent(vectorAction); } /// /// Used to provide a "kick" to the ball. /// void OnCollisionEnter(Collision c) { var force = 2000f * m_KickPower; if (c.gameObject.CompareTag("ball")) { var dir = c.contacts[0].point - transform.position; dir = dir.normalized; c.gameObject.GetComponent().AddForce(dir * force); } } public override void AgentReset() { if (m_Academy.randomizePlayersTeamForTraining) { ChooseRandomTeam(); } if (team == Team.Purple) { JoinPurpleTeam(agentRole); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, -90f, 0f); } else { JoinBlueTeam(agentRole); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 0f); } transform.position = area.GetRandomSpawnPos(agentRole, team); agentRb.velocity =; agentRb.angularVelocity =; SetResetParameters(); } public void SetResetParameters() { area.ResetBall(); } }