using UnityEngine;
namespace MLAgentsExamples
/// This class contains logic for common ragdoll operations & helper methods.
public static class RagdollHelpers
//Get Joint Rotation Relative to the Connected Rigidbody
//We want to collect this info because it is the actual rotation, not the "target rotation"
//..because when the joint is weak, the target rotation will be much different than the actual rotation
public static Quaternion GetJointRotation(ConfigurableJoint joint)
Quaternion rotDiff = Quaternion.Inverse(joint.connectedBody.transform.rotation) * joint.transform.rotation;
// return(Quaternion.FromToRotation(joint.axis, joint.connectedBody.transform.rotation.eulerAngles));
public static Quaternion GetRotationDelta(Quaternion r1, Quaternion r2)
Quaternion rotDiff = Quaternion.Inverse(r1) * r2;